Modern Spain

  • French Revolution

    There was king called Louis XVI ,ruled as an absolute monarch.On 14 July 1789 the people of Paris attacked the Bastille prison. As a result of the revolution. France became a republic. The military commander of the French Revolution was Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • War of Independence

    In the past of Spain there was two governments called Joseph I and the other was Fernando VII. In the Spanish governments decide the Constitution of Cadiz. Government was separated into the legislative, executive and judicial branches.
  • The Carlist War

    The question of the succession cause a series of conflicts called the Carlist Wars. The Liberals supported Maria Cristina and Isabel II. The French Revolution and the Constitution of Cadiz wanted to limit the monarchy and the Catholic Church.
  • Restoration started

    At the start of the 19th century, Spain controlled most of Central and South America, as well as the Philippines in Asia. But by the end of the century, Spain had lost its last colonies.Between 1810 and 1825 most of Spain is colonies in America became independent.
  • Spanish American war

    In 1898 Spain fought a war against the USA over its remaining colonies,Cuba,Puerto Rico,Philippines.The USA defeated Spain in the war.As a result ,Spain lost control of its last colonies to the USA.This event is known as the Disaster of 98.It marked the end of the Spanish Empire.