Mexican Independence

  • Napoleon

    On this date, Napoleon gained control of Spanish territory and placed his brother as ruler of Spain. Here was when the "Literaryclub" started and poeple started planning the Independence movement. This is a proximate cause of the Independence of Meixco, this does not fall into any of the the four stages. It was indeed because of which that the initiation stage started.
  • Discovered

    During this time, the spanish army was reported of treason and they went on to the accused to search the house, where they found a massive amount of weapons and ceased them. This forced the conspiradores to act quicker. This event was part of the Initiation of the Independence in which everyone was planning on how to proceed with the independence yet they were caught which leads to the next event.
  • Grito de Dolores

    Grito de Dolores
    Aldama went on to tell Miguel Hidalgo about the conspiracy being detcted and here was when Hidalgo gave the famous Grito de Dolores. On this date the independence of mexico started. This event was also part of the Initiation of the Independence as this event marks the start of the war.
  • First Encounter

    First Encounter
    Here Hidalgo moved all his troops to Guanajuato were he faced the first real major opposition by the spanish. The first fight with spanish troops is still part of the initiation stage as they are bearly starting to fight and make the movement popular.
  • Attack the Spanish

    Attack the Spanish
    A month had passed since the beginning of the independence. The movement had gained a significant amount of followers. On this day HIdalgo chose to attack some spanish troops which resulted in a mayor win for the movement.
  • Unfinished Battle

    Unfinished Battle
    Battle between Feliz Calleja and the Spanish military. The battle was said to have never finished yet some conculded that it resulted in a Spanish win. This falls still into the initiation stage of the independence as it is finally gaining the popularity it deserves and more and more people are joining the fight.
  • Hidalgo is Down

    Hidalgo is Down
    Miguel Hidalgo was trapped and excecuted. His head was shown in public display so that people stopped following the independence movement. Yet this only fueled the movement. This mark the end of the Initiation stage and the beginning of the consolidation stage as their initial leader had fallen and Morelos takes the charge.
  • Morelos is Down

    Morelos is Down
    The battle of Temalca was fought and the Spanish were able to win and capture Morelos. Morelos proved to be crucial to the Independence movement. This is the end of the consolidation stage as Morelos was the one that really empowered this stage, he gave the speech sentimientos de la nacion and did other things.
  • Plan de Iguala

    Vicente Guerrero and Iturbide created the Plan de Iguala. Criollos finally achieved their goal as being seen as important as the peninsulares, and all the plan de iguala was to be overseen by the army of the tres garantias. The Plan de Iguala marks the start of the consumation as the war already ends and this is the result of the fight they had.
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    The war ended and peace was restored in america. Finally they were able to govern without foreign intrusion. This is also a part of the consumation stage as they are also having the effects on the fight for independence.