Julie and Cristina European Timeline

  • Apr 5, 1502

    Ivan III (Russia)

    Ivan III (Russia)
    End: 11/6/1505 (death)
    1. Tripled the lands of Russia during his reign.
    2. Ended Golden Horde dominance over Russia.
    3. Renovation of Kremlin.
    4. Laid foundations for Russian state.
    Ivan III was part of the Rurik Dynasty. Overall grade: A because he expanded Russia and brought them to a powerful state.
  • Apr 21, 1509

    Henry VIII (England)

    Henry VIII (England)
    End: 1/28/1547 (death)
    1. Tudor Dynasty.
    2. Created the Church of England.
    3. 1534 Act of Supremacy (King is head of Church)
    4. many wives-controversy over heir.
    Henry VIII was married to Catherine of Aragon. Overall grade: B because most of his actions were for the good of the people, besides the act of supremacy which was a solely selfish act.
  • Mar 14, 1516

    Charles I (Spain)

    Charles I (Spain)
    End: 1/16/1556 (Retired)
    1. Italian Wars vs France.
    2. Fought Protestantism.
    3. Colonization of Americas.
    4. 5 Shipes to Megellan.
    Charles I was part of the Hapsburg Valois-Burgundy. Overall grade: C because while he did help to expand his country, he still fought against things that would make his country better.
  • Dec 12, 1533

    Ivan IV (Russia)

    Ivan IV (Russia)
    End: 1/26/1547 due to his death after a period of mental illness
    Rurik Dynasty
    1. Claimed title of Czar
    2. Created a general council of merchants and lower level nobles
    3. Created policies with violent actions
    4. killed his supporters and was convinced his wife was murdered Overall Grade: D because at the begining he made good decisions but after the death of his wife he descended into mental instability and became untrustworthy of everyone.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Edward VI (England)

    Edward VI (England)
    End: 7/6/1553 (short reign, death)
    1. Crowned at age nine.
    2. Realm governed by a Regency Council during his reign.
    3. Transformation of Angelican Church.
    4. War with Scotland.
    Edward VI was a part of the Tudor Dynasty. Overall grade: C because he had a reign and wasn't actually the real ruler.
    Edward VI was part of the Tudor Dynasty.
  • Jul 19, 1553

    Mary I (England)

    Mary I (England)
    End: 11/17/1558 (died during influenza epidemic)
    1. Persecution of Protestants in England.
    2. Made England Catholic again for the duration of her rule.
    3. Desposed of Lady Jane Grey.
    4. Marriage to Prince Phillip of Spain.
    Mary I was part of the Tudor Dynasty, as well as the Hapsburg family. Overall grade: D because she killed a lot of her people in order to switch back to the Catholic church.
  • Jan 16, 1556

    Philip II (Spain)

    Philip II (Spain)
    End: 9/13/1598 (Cancer)
    1. Colonize Philippines.
    2. He helped form the Dutch Republic.
    3. Spanish Armanda/Invade England.
    4. Defeated Catholic Church.
    Philip II was part of the House of Hapsburgs. Overall grade: B because he was into the expansion of colonies and was determined to defend the religion of his country.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I (England)

    Elizabeth I (England)
    End: 3/24/1603 (death)
    1. Refused knowing marriage would limit her freedom.
    2. Willingness to let members speak minds without fear of punishment.
    3. She was called to Parliament into session 10 times in 45-years reign.
    4. Clearly in charge but subject questions her action.
    Elizabeth I was part of the Tudor Dynasty. Overall grade: B because she gave the people their voices.
  • Henry IV (France)

    Henry IV (France)
    End: 5/14/1610 (stabbed by a radical Catholic)
    1. He changed his relgion from Protestant to Catholic in order to become King.
    2. Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre
    3. Created the Edict of Nantes
    4. Created new industries to promote agriculture and trade
    Henry IV's wife was the daughter of Catherine de Medici. Overall grade: A because all of the events that occured during his reign were were in the best interest of France. He provided religious toleration for Protestants and improved trade.
  • Philip III (Spain)

    Philip III (Spain)
    End: 3/31/1621 (Death)
    1. Put government in the hand of Duke of Lerma.
    2. Put a lot of money into corupting festivities.
    3. Cause ecomony to go down hill.
    4. Brought Spain into the Thiry Year's War.
    Philip III was in the House of Hapsburgs, and his wife was Margaret of Austria. Overall grade: F because he didn't do anything for the good of his country. He led them into numerous wars.
  • James I (England)

    James I (England)
    End: 3/27/1625 (death)
    1. First of Stuart Dynasty.
    2. Puritans threaten James's power.
    3. Published King James Bible.
    4. Witch Hunts.
    James I was part of the Stuart Dynasty. Overall grade: B because he was very religious which created religious unity.
  • Louis XIII (France)

    Louis XIII (France)
    End: 5/14/1643 (death)
    1. Took the throne at age nine, he had the help of Cardinal Richelieu
    2. Cardinal Richelieu became the Chief Minister and Advisor to him
    3. Racially reduce power of Huguenots
    4. Strengthen Monarachy
    Louis XIII was a Bourbon, and his mother was a de Medici. Overall grade: C because he himself didn't do much during his reign, rather other people decided things for him.
  • Michael I (Russia)

    Michael I (Russia)
    End: 7/12/1645 due to his death caused by stress and leg industry
    1. First of Romanov Dynasty
    2. Peace of Stolbovo
    3. Truce of Deulino
    4. Married to Eudoxia Streshneva (had 10 kids together) Overall Grade: B because he brought peace to Russia and did not harm their power.
  • Ferdinand II (HRE)

    Ferdinand II (HRE)
    End: 2/15/1637 due to his death
    member of the Hapsburg Dynasty
    1. Edict of Restitution
    2. Thirty Year's War
    3. Second Defenestration of Prague
    4. Counter Reformation Overall Grade: C because he brought the HRE into many wars and conflict with other countries, but did not lose much power.
  • Philip IV (Spain)

    Philip IV (Spain)
    End: 9/17/1665 (Death)
    1. Interested in artist Diego Velazquez.
    2. Thirty Years War.
    3. Spanish treasure fleet.
    4. Spanish-French War.
    Philip IV was in the House of Hapsburg. Overall grade: C because he didn't do anything amazing, he just continued what previous rulers had started.
  • Charles I (England)

    Charles I (England)
    End: 1/30/1649 (sentenced to death for treason, beheaded)
    1. Was refused money from Parliament.
    2. Petition of Right.
    3. Taxed people without the support of Parliament.
    4. Battled Parliament to try to dismiss it.
    Charles I was part of the church, as well as the House of Stuart. Overall grade: F because he didn't agree with Parliament, and overused his power without thinking of the people.
  • Frederick William (The Great Elector) (Prussia)

    Frederick William (The Great Elector) (Prussia)
    End: 4/29/1688 due to his death
    Member of Hohenzollern Dynasty
    1. 30 Year's War
    2. Second Northern War
    3. Battle of Warsaw
    4. Edict of Potsdam Overall Grade: B because he brought great political and military success to Prussia and won military battles.
  • Louis XIV (France)

    Louis XIV (France)
    End: 9/1/1715 (death)
    1. Son King, the epitome of absolute monarchs
    2. War of Spanish Succession
    3. Built Palace of Versailles
    4. Revoked Edict of Nantes
    Louis XIV was from the House of Bourbon.
    Overall grade: B because he promoted France to a world power status.
  • Oliver Cromwell (England)

    Oliver Cromwell (England)
    End: 9/3/1658 (death)
    1. Lead Roundhouse forces.
    2. Victory, 4,000 of king's troops killed, got king to surrender.
    3. Dismissed members of Parliament who disagreed.
    4. Started House of Commons
    Oliver Cromwell was part of Parliament.
    Overall grade: B because he led the Revolution of the people.
  • Charles II (England)

    Charles II (England)
    End: 2/6/1685 (death)
    1. Reopened theatres.
    2. Habeas Corpus Act.
    3. Supported toleration of Catholics.
    4. Clarenden Code: Re-established Church of England.
    Charles II was part of the House of Stuart.
    Overall grade: B because he brought religion and religious tolerance back to England.
  • Charles II (Spain)

    Charles II (Spain)
    End: 11/1/1700 (death)
    1. Unfit to rule due to mental illness (did not attend school due to this).
    2. Poor economy and hunger throughout Spain during rule.
    3. Presided over the Auto-de-fe of the Spainsh Inquisition.
    4. Created Junta Magna (a Great Council to examine and investigate the Spanish Inquisition).
    Charles II was married to Marie Louise d'Orleans and Maria Anna of Neuburg.
    Overall grade: D because he was unfit to rule and left Spain to fend for itself.
  • Peter I (Russia)

    Peter I (Russia)
    End: 2/8/1725 due to his death
    member of the house of romanov
    1. Removed his sister from the throne
    2. Built new navy in Azov, capital in St. Petersburg
    3. Westernization (brought new culture to Russia)
    4. Built up industry and started a newspaper and created a new calander for Russia
    Overall Grade: A because he modernized Russia and made them more westernized, as well as improved the Navy and founded a new capital.
  • James II (England)

    James II (England)
    End: 12/23/1689 (death)
    1. Crowned as King.
    2. Believed in right to rule as absolute monarch.
    3. English tolerate.
    4. Catholic son outrank Protestant daughters-1st marriage.
    James II was part of Parliament as well as the House of Stuart.
    Overall grade: C because he did some good things, and some bad things.
  • Frederick I (Prussia)

    Frederick I (Prussia)
    End: 2/25/1713 due to his death
    member of Hohenzollern Dynasty
    1. First King of Prussia
    2. Married three times
    3. Elevated Prussia to a Kingdom
    4. Founded Friedrichstadt
    Overall Grade: B because he elevated Prussia to a kingdom, brought unity to the state, but did not do much else in terms of military or power.
  • Mary II (England)

    Mary II (England)
    End: 12/28/1694 (death)
    1. Product of Glorious Revolution.
    2. Signed English Bill of Rights.
    3. Prevented levying taxes without Parliament.
    4. Joined rulers.
    Mary II was part of Parliament, as well as the House of Stuart.
    Overall grade: B because she worked with Parliament, signed the Bill of Rights, and was for the people.
  • William II (England)

    William II (England)
    End: 3/8/1702 (death)
    1. Product of Glorious Revolution.
    2. Signed English Bill of Rights.
    3. Prevented levying taxes without Parliament.
    4. Protestant wars agaisnt Louis XIV.
    William II was part of Parliament, as well as the House of Stuart.
    Overall grade: B because he brought Parliament and the Monarchy together, and was for the people.
  • Philip V (Spain)

    Philip V (Spain)
    End: 1/14/1724 (death)
    1. Abdicated the throne in favor of his son.
    2. Took over the throne again after the death of his son Louis I in 1724.
    3. First member of the House of Bourbon to rule in Spain.
    4. War of Spanish Succession in which there was conflict over whether or not France had a right to "take claim" over Spain.
    Philip V was part of the House of Bourbon. Overall grade: C because he was family oriented, but was mentally unstable and almost lost Spain to France.
  • Charles VI (HRE)

    Charles VI (HRE)
    End: 10/20/1740 due to his death
    member of Hapsburg dynasty
    1. War of Austrian Succession
    2. Pragmatic Sanction
    3. War of Quadrouple Alliance
    4. No male heir
    Overall Grade: C because the main points of his reign were at the end when it came time for him to find an heir to his throne. He is not known for any great ideas but he did not bring my harm to Prussia.
  • Frederick William I (Prussia)

    Frederick William I (Prussia)
    End: 5/31/1740 due to his natural death.
    Memeber of the Hohenzollern Dynasty
    1. Potsdam Giants (hired the tallest men to be a part of his military)
    2. Known as "soldier king"
    3. established primary schools in Russia
    4. brief intervening in the Great Northern War
    Overall Grade: B because he built up a large army and made Prussia a great military power, as well as building up the schools.
  • Louis XV (France)

    Louis XV (France)
    End: 5/10/1714 (death)
    1. Assended to the throne at the age of 5.
    2. The Seven Years War
    3. War of Austrian Succession
    4. Cardinal de Flury, acted as his Chief Minister and helped with economy
    Louis XV was from the House of Bourbon. Overall grade: C because he wasn't in charge for most of the time during his reign.
  • Frederick II (Prussia)

    Frederick II (Prussia)
    End: 8/17/1786 due to his death
    Member of Hohenzollern Dynasty
    1. War of Austrian Succession
    2. Seven Year's War
    3. Silesian War
    4. Influenced by Voltaire (close relationship)
    Overall Grade: B because while he brought great military power to Prussia and attempted to create peace due to the Pragmatic Sanction. His people named him "The Great" and he had much success in bringing power to Prussia.
  • Maria Theresa (HRE)

    Maria Theresa (HRE)
    End: 11/29/1780 due to her death
    Memeber of Hapsburg Dynasty
    1. War of Austrian Succession
    2. Pragmatic Sanction
    3. Rejected alliance with Frederick
    4. Seven Year's War
    Overall Grade: C because she didn't do much, over the conflict of succession and started wars within Europe. However, she did not ruin her country or decrease their power.
  • Catherine II (Russia)

    Catherine II (Russia)
    End: 11/6/1796 due to her death
    member of the romanov family
    1. War in Poland (people wanted freedom from Russia)
    2. Coup d'Etat of her husband Peter III
    3. Russian Enlightenment
    4. Education Reform (included women)
    Overall Grade: B because she continued westernization and improved education within Russia, and was a fair and powerful ruler.
  • Louis XVI (France)

    Louis XVI (France)
    End: 9/21/1792 (Executed during French Revolution)
    1. The beginning of his reign was marked with attempts to fit in with Enlightenment ideas of France but met with hostility from the nobles.
    2. The French Revolution
    3. Storming of the Bastille
    4. Under house arrest for attempting to flee France. Later imprisioned.
    Louis XVI was in the House of Bourbon and the HRE through Marie Antoinette. Overall grade: D because he overused his power and did not do what was best for his people.