History Timeline: The Constitution

By nav597
  • Act of Settlement

    Provision of Bill of Rights. No catholic or person with a catholic spouse could sit on the throne.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    Was issued by King George III to establish a basis of government administration in the North America Territories. It established the constitiutional framework for the negotiation of treaties with the Aboriginal inhabitants of large sections of Canada.
  • The Québec Act

    The Québec Act
    Guaranteed the use of French language and civil law. Lord Guy Carelton was largely responsible for The Québec Act
  • The Constitutional Act

    The Constitutional Act
    Was an act of the British Parliament creating Upper and Lower Canada. Created elected assemblies in Ontario and Québec.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    United colonies of Upper and Lower Canada under one government. Created the province of Canada. Union was a reccomendation of Lord Durham in 1839.
  • The Constitution Act

    The Constitution Act
    Dominon of \Canada making federal nation.
  • The British North America Act

    The British North America Act
    Created basis of federal government for Canada. Decision of the supreme court was made. Renamed "The Counstitution Act - 1867" in 1982
  • The Statue of Westminister

    Recognized Canada's full independence within common wealth. No law enacted in UK would extend to Canada unless at request.
  • The Canada Act

    Act was approved March 29th, 1982. Last act passed by Great Britan that affected Canada. "No act of parliament of Great Britan shall extend to Canada as part of it's law."
  • The Constitution Act

    The Constitution Act
    Made number of changes in original British North America Act.