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History of Spain

  • 1500 BCE


    The Ancient Age is the historical period that coincides with the emergence and development of the first civilizations or ancient civilizations. Traditionally, the invention of writing has been considered the starting point of ancient history.
  • 218 BCE

    Landing of the Romans in Ampurias

    Landing of the Romans in Ampurias
  • 202 BCE

    Expulsion of the Carthaginians

    Expulsion of the Carthaginians
    Hispania or Carthaginian Iberia was a period in the ancient history of the Iberian Peninsula that began with the passage of the direction of the Phoenician colonies to Carthage (coinciding with the fall of the ancient Phoenician metropolises of the eastern Mediterranean, particularly Tire, before Nebuchadnezzar II -572 BC -) and remained in time until its defeat against the Romans in the Second Punic War (206 BC)
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle Ages

    Historical period of Western civilization between the 5th and 15th centuries. Conventionally, its beginning is located in the year 476 with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and its end in 1492 with the discovery of America, 1 or in 1453 with the fall of the Byzantine Empire, a date that has the singularity of coinciding with the invention of the printing press - publication of Gutenberg's Bible - and with the end of the Hundred Years War.
  • Period: 711 to 726

    Muslim Conquest

    Complex political and military process that throughout the beginning of the 8th century explains the formation and consolidation of al-Andalus, as well as the genesis of the main medieval peninsular Christian kingdoms.
  • Period: 722 to 1492

    Christian reconquest of Spain and Portugal

  • 785

    Mosque of Cordoba

    Mosque of Cordoba
    The mosque-cathedral of Cordoba, 12 before "Santa María Madre de Dios" or "Great Mosque of Córdoba", currently known as the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady in an ecclesiastical way or simply Mosque of Cordoba or Cathedral of Córdoba in general, it is a building in the city of Cordoba, Spain.
  • 1000

    Rise of the bourgeoisie

    Rise of the bourgeoisie
    The term bourgeoisie (from the French bourgeoisie) 1 is used in political economy and also widely in political philosophy, sociology and history to designate the wealthy middle class, 2 although its initial and specific use in the social sciences o in the ideological (especially in Marxist phraseology) 3 it has various variations and nuances.
  • Period: 1453 to

    Modern Age

    It houses a period whose beginning can be set in the fall of Constantinople (1453) or the discovery of America (1492), and whose end can be placed in the French Revolution (1789).
  • 1469

    Dynastic Union

    Dynastic Union
    The marriage between Isabel de Castilla and Fernando de Aragón (1469) supposed the union of two Hispanic crowns: Castilla and Aragón. However, this union was exclusively dynastic, not political, since neither Isabel nor Fernando considered creating a unitary and centralized monarchy. In the Concord of Segovia, the conditions are stipulated by which the kings will rule on an equal basis in all their territories, although each kingdom maintained its own laws and borders.
  • 1480


    Established in Castilla. The term Inquisition or Holy Inquisition refers to various institutions dedicated to the suppression of heresy, mainly within the Catholic Church. Heresy in the European medieval era was often punishable by the death penalty, and all the others derive from this.
  • 1492

    First Grammar of the Spanish Language

    First Grammar of the Spanish Language
    In 1492, Antonio de Nebrija published his Grammar of the Castilian Language, the first written grammar of a common European language. In this way, he made Spanish the first cultured language in Europe after Greek and Latin, setting a precedent for the others.
  • 1492


    The discovery of America is called the historical event that began, on October 12, 1492, with the arrival in America of an expedition led by Christopher Columbus by order of the kings Isabel and Fernando de Castilla, which had departed from Puerto de Palos dos months and nine days before and that, after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, he reached an island on the American continent, Guanahaní, in what he believed to be India.
  • 1492

    Expulsion of the Jews

    Expulsion of the Jews
    It was ordered in 1492 by the Catholic Monarchs through the Edict of Granada in order, according to the decree, to prevent them from continuing to influence the New Christians so that they could Judaize. The decision to expel the Jews - or to ban Judaism - is related to the establishment of the Inquisition 14 years earlier in the Crown of Castile and 9 in the Crown of Aragon, because it was precisely created to persecute the Judaeoconverts who followed practicing their old faith.
  • Catalonia uprising

    Catalonia uprising
    The uprising of Catalonia, revolt of the Catalans, war of Catalonia or war of the Reapers affected much of Catalonia between the years 1640 and 1652. The signing of the Peace of the Pyrenees between the Hispanic monarchy and the King of France, passing the county of Roussillon and half of the county of Cerdanya, until that moment integral parts of the principality of Catalonia, one of the territories of the Hispanic monarchy, to French sovereignty.
  • Independence of Portugal

    Independence of Portugal
    In 1668 the Lisbon Treaty of 1668 was signed by which Spain recognized the sovereignty of the neighboring country. The victory of the Portuguese restorers was largely due to the Uprising of Catalonia, as all the best Castilian soldiers were there, as well as the diplomatic efforts of England, France, Holland and Rome to limit the power of the Spanish Empire.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Felipe V

    Felipe V of Spain, called "el Animoso" (Versailles, December 19, 1683-Madrid, July 9, 1746), was King of Spain from November 16, 1700 until his death in 1746, with a brief interruption ( between January 16 and September 5, 1724) due to the abdication of his son Luis I, who died prematurely on August 31, 1724.
  • Period: to

    War of the Spanish Succession

    The War of the Spanish Succession was an international conflict that lasted from 1701 until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, which had as its fundamental cause the death without descendants of Charles II of Spain, the last representative of the House of Habsburg, and which left as The main consequence is the establishment of the House of Bourbon on the throne of Spain
  • Taking of Barcelona

    Taking of Barcelona
    The siege of Barcelona was one of the last military operations of the War of the Spanish Succession. It took place between July 25, 1713 and September 11, 1714. The combat faced the defenders of Barcelona, ​​formed by the coronel, the army mobilized by the Generalitat of Catalonia and supporters of Archduke Carlos; with the troops of Felipe V of Spain and his French allies.
  • Period: to


    Contemporary Age is the name that designates the historical period between the Declaration of Independence of the United States or the French Revolution, and today.
  • Suppression of privileges

    Suppression of privileges
    Because the Constitution of 1812
  • Constitution of 1812

    Constitution of 1812
    The Political Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy, better known as the Spanish Constitution of 1812 or the Constitution of Cádiz, popularly known as La Pepa, 3 note 1 was promulgated by the Spanish General Courts meeting extraordinarily in Cádiz on March 19, 1812. It has been given great historical importance as it is the first Constitution promulgated in Spain, note 2 in addition to being one of the most liberal of its time.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Elizabeth II

    Period in the history of Spain between the death of Ferdinand VII in 1833 and the triumph of the Revolution of 1868, which forced the queen to go into exile. His reign is divided into two major stages: the minority (1833-1843) during which they assumed the regency, first, his mother María Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias and, later, General Baldomero Espartero; and the effective reign that begins with the declaration by the Courts in 1843 of his advanced age of majority.
  • Constitution of 1869

    Constitution of 1869
    The Spanish Constitution of 1869 was the Constitution approved under the Provisional Government of 1868-1871, after the triumph of the Revolution of 1868 that ended the reign of Isabel II. It was the Constitution that was in force during the reign of Amadeo I.
  • Abdication of Elizabeth II

    Abdication of Elizabeth II
    She had to face the Revolution of 1868 (as La Gloriosa), 18 which forced her to leave Spain by train from San Sebastián where she spent the summer. Isabel II went into exile in France, where she received the protection of Napoleon III and Eugenia de Montijo; on June 25, 1870, he abdicated in Paris in favor of his son, the future Alfonso XII. Meanwhile, thanks to the support of various groups in the government, Prince Amadeo of Savoy, was chosen to replace her on the throne as Amadeo I of Spain.
  • Putsch of Martínez Campos

    Putsch of Martínez Campos
    Martínez Campos was a supporter of the Restoration of the Bourbons on the throne, but unlike Cánovas del Castillo, he was not willing to wait for the peaceful political campaign to end up converting Spain into a monarchy. Martínez Campos, photographed in the summer of 1891 by Zenón Quintana. On December 29, 1874, the government, which was suspicious of Martínez Campos, had decided to exile him.
  • Disaster of 98

    Disaster of 98
    The Spanish-American War, commonly known in Spain as the Cuban War or Disaster of 98, in Cuba as the Spanish-Cuban-American War, and in Puerto Rico as the Spanish-American War, was a military conflict that confronted Spain and the United States in 1898, the result of the US intervention in the Cuban War of Independence.
  • Putsch of Primo de Rivera

    Putsch of Primo de Rivera
    It took place in Spain between September 13 and 15, 1923 and was headed by the then Captain General of Catalonia Miguel Primo de Rivera. It resulted in the establishment of the Primo de Rivera dictatorship, thanks above all to the fact that King Alfonso XIII did not oppose the coup and appointed the rebel general as Head of Government at the head of a military Directory.
  • 29th Crack

    29th Crack
    Although it did not affect Spain much, it was a very important event worldwide and increased opposition to the Primo de Rivera regime.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    It was a social, political and warlike conflict - which later would also have repercussions in an economic crisis - that was unleashed in Spain after the partial failure of the coup d'état of July 17 and 18, 1936 carried out by a part of the Army against the government of the Second Republic.
  • Period: to

    Franco Regimen

    Francoism is the term used to refer to the historical period of dictatorship that emerged in Spain after the Civil War between 1936 and 19391 that as a result of the coup led by Emilio Mola
  • Franco´S Death

    Franco´S Death
    November 20, 1975 is an important date in the history of Spain: it was the day General Franco died. Thus ended a 36-year dictatorship that followed another three of bloody civil war. Carlos Arias Navarro, then President of the Government, announced on television to all Spaniards the death of the dictator.
  • Approval of the Constitution

    Approval of the Constitution
    It was ratified in a referendum on December 6, 1978, being subsequently sanctioned by King Juan Carlos I on December 27 and published in the Official State Gazette on December 29 of the same year. The promulgation of the Constitution implied the culmination of the so-called transition to democracy, which took place as a result of the death, on November 20, 1975, of the former head of state.