History after the Fall of Rome

  • 100

    Germanic Tribes: Tacitus' Germania

    A piece of literature that describes the German tribes, used to reflect on Roman morals.
  • 313

    Early Christian: Edict of Milan

    Toleration for Christianity in Roman Empire
  • 325

    Early Christian: Nicaean

    Statement of the orthodox faith of early Christian church
  • 410

    Germanic Tribes: The Sacking of Rome by Alaric

    Rome was sacked by Visigoths led by King Alaric
  • 410

    England: Legions Depart

    Roman legions departed England resulted in mass invasions from foreigners.
  • 413

    Byzantine: Theodosius II builds a great wall around Constantinople

    A great wall around Constantinople built by Theodosius II during his reign.
  • 450

    England: Anglo-Saxon Invasion

    The first Anglo Saxons traveled to England because they were looking for places to settle down and farm.
  • Period: 476 to Dec 25, 750

    France: The Merovingian Dynasty

    A dynasty that rule the Franks in territories of Gaul and Germania.
  • 507

    France: The Salic Law

    The main goal of Germanic Legal Codes was to stop feuding. Blood money would be paid to the family for compensation of crimes.
  • 527

    Byzantine: Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Emperor

    Justinian aimed to revive the empire's greatness and reconquer the western Roman Empire.
  • 532

    Byzantine: Nika Revolt

    The destruction of the revolts allowed for the Haga Sophia to be built. The structure is unique because of its mix of Christian and Islam iconography.
  • 591

    France: Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks

    Gregory was also a bishop, meaning he favored Clovis who was fighting for the Church. This resulted in his bias in his History of the Franks.
  • Dec 24, 622

    Islam: Muhammed leaves Mecca for Medina

    Muhammed left Mecca for Medina after he was warned about a plot to assassinate him.
  • Dec 24, 624

    Islam: Muhammed conquers Mecca

    Rallying his outnumbered forces, Muhammed called out, "If you die in battle, you go to heaven." This resulted in the intense warfare of the Muslims.
  • Period: Dec 24, 661 to Dec 25, 750

    Islam: Umayyad Empire

    The first great Muslim dynasty to rule the empire of the Caliphate.
  • Dec 24, 673

    England: The Venerable Bead's Writing

    Earliest English historian whose work shed light on a period of English history that would have been unknown.
  • Dec 24, 680

    Islam: Ali is murdered creating Shunni/Shia split

    The outcry for revenge for the killing of Ali divided the early Islamic community.
  • Dec 24, 691

    Islam: Dome of the Rock built in Jerusalem

    Religious traditions associated with the shrine.
  • Period: Dec 24, 750 to Dec 25, 887

    France: The Carolingian Dynasty

    Dynasty established to rule Western Europe.
  • Period: Dec 24, 750 to Dec 25, 1258

    Islam: The Abbasid Empire

    The authority over the Muslim empire after the Umayyads.
  • Dec 24, 800

    France: Charlemange is crowned by Pope

    To acknowledge his power and reinforce his relation with the church he was crowned Emperor by the Pope.
  • Dec 24, 849

    England: Alfred the Great

    Alfred the Great was known for being king of the Anglo Saxons and also for encouraging education.
  • Dec 24, 871

    England: The House of Wessex

    Rulers of a unified English nation
  • Dec 24, 950

    Middle Ages: Population Growth

    The weather became warmer so there was better agriculture resulting in a population growth.
  • Dec 24, 1000

    Germanic Tribes: Beowulf

    Beowulf was a reflection of Germanic Culture and showed the clash with Christianity
  • Period: Dec 24, 1037 to Dec 25, 1194

    Islam: The Seljuk Dynasty

    The Seljuk Dynasty played a major role in defending Islamic territories against the crusaders and taking parts of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Dec 24, 1054

    Byzantine: Schism between Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic

    The removal of all relations between the Greek Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church.
  • Dec 24, 1066

    England: Norman Invasion of England

    The tapestry was a long embroidered cloth describing the events that took in place in the conquest.
  • Dec 24, 1095

    Middle Ages: Pope Urban's Speech

    The five reasons he gave for French to go on a crusade: serfs could leave land, no taxes, interest freeze, prisoners freed, and death sentences revoked.
  • Dec 24, 1099

    Middle Ages: Christians take Jerusalem in first crusade

    After conquering Jerusalem, the Christians killed many of the Muslims.
  • Period: Dec 24, 1189 to Dec 25, 1192

    Middle Ages: Third Crusade

    An attempt by European leaders to reconquer the Holy Land.
  • Dec 24, 1200

    Germanic Tribes: Prose Edda

    Man did not recognize God. Thor was a short tempered and violent God who reflected Germanic tribal values through his personality
  • Period: Dec 24, 1202 to Dec 25, 1204

    Middle Ages: Fourth Crusade

    A European armed expedition to conquer Muslim controlled Jerusalem.
  • Dec 24, 1212

    Middle Ages: Children's Crusade

    A disastrous attempt by thousands of children to march out and regain Jerusalem.
  • Period: Dec 24, 1213 to Dec 25, 1221

    Middle Ages: Fifth Crusade

    A western attempt to reconquer the Holy Land by first conquering the Ayyubid state of Egypt.
  • Period: Dec 24, 1228 to Dec 25, 1229

    Middle Ages: Sixth Crusade

    An attempt to regain Jerusalem with very little fighting.
  • Dec 24, 1270

    Middle Ages: Eighth Crusade

    A crusade launched against the city of Tunis.
  • Period: Dec 24, 1271 to Dec 25, 1272

    Middle Ages: Ninth Crusade

    The last major medieval crusade to the Holy Land.
  • Dec 24, 1326

    Islam: Ibn Battuta left on pilgrimmage to Mecca

    A Muslim scholar and traveler who visited most of the Islamic world over 30 years.
  • Dec 24, 1453

    Middle Ages: Ottoman Empire Takes Constantinople

    The Ottoman Empire captures Jerusalem and ends the Middle Ages.