
  • Fench Estates

    Fench Estates
    The Fench Society was separated into three different estates. The 1st Estate was the clergy who paid little to no taxes and lived in luxury. The 2nd Estate was Nobility who also paid no taxes. Finally, the 3rd Estate was everybody. This year was the year of Deficit Spending, or debt.
  • Bastille

    Paris went after the Bastille, taking the spotlight from the National Assembly and the revolutionary era was then divided into parts: Moderate Phase, Radical Phase, Directory, Age of Napoleon and Political Crisis.
  • French Catholic Church

    French Catholic Church
    Churches were put under control of the state by the National Assembly. It was called he Civil Constitution Act of the Clergy.
  • Constitution

    The National Assembly created a new Constitution that set up a limited monarchy instead of having an absolute monarchy. The Legislative assembly had the power to make laws, collect taxes and make the diecisions about issues over war and peace. This new Constitution refelcted enlightenement goals.
  • The Rights of Man and Citizens

    The Rights of Man and Citizens
    A Declaration was made that stated all men were born with certain rights and everyone had them. Their ideas were based off of the Enlightendment people,
  • Period: to

    The Threats

    French vs EuropeanThe King of Prussia and the emperor of Austria made the Declartation of Pilnitz and wanted to protect the French Monarchy. French Revolutionries took this Declartion very seriously and started to prepare for war. Finally, the war between the French Revolutionaires and the European Monarchs started. The Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria, Prussia, Britain and other states, first. The war was on and off for a long time.
  • Women's March

    A mod of thousands of women marched 13 miles from Paris to Versailles to demand to see the King and wanted him to come to Paris.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Battles started to arise when the King's people began to think that he was working with the enemy. Citizens gathered and invaded the royal palace of Tuileries. The King got away with his family, for now. The citizens though, got into prisions and killed all of the nobles and priests that were associated with political offenses.
  • Abolish Monarchy

    Abolish Monarchy
    Radicals took over the Assembly and voted to abolish monarchy and establish a French Republic. A new Constitution was made for France and the Jacobins set out to get rid of all of the evidence of the old order. Louis XVI was then put on trial and sentenced to death.
  • Nationalism Spreads

    Nationalism Spreads
    The governement wanted the sons and daughters of the Revolution to defend the nation. Nationalism was soon spread all over France and people celebrated and had festivals the nation and the revolution. Port City Marseilles troops marched to a new song, "La Marseillaise", that will eventuallly become the French National Anthem.
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    Robespierres Reign of Terror

    Robespierre being executedRobespierre was the leader of the Committe of Public Safety, which was created for the threats from France. They prepared for an all out war and that resulted in taxes on citizens. Robespierre was know as the Incorruptable. He embraced Rousseau's idea of general will. He became a chief of the Reign of Terror that was just for the purpose of scaring away the enemies. 300,000 people were arrested and 17,000 were executed for resisting the Revolution. Robespierre was then arrested and killed.
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    3rd State of Revolution

    NapoleonModerates made another Constitution and the Directory held the power. A majority of the seats of the 1997 election was of the Legislative. Politicians wanted Napoleon Bonaparte to advance their goals and he would soon become the ruler of France.