Global Integration/Industrialization: Caribbean

  • Period: Mar 4, 1493 to Mar 4, 1530

    Spanish Imperialsim

    In this time period, Spain took over much of the Carribean. Though they did claim to rule all the Caribbean, they only lived on some of them. Some of the Carribean islands included Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Trinidad.
  • British Takes Over

    British Takes Over
    Up until this point, Jamaica was under Spanish ruling. In 1655, the last Spanish fort was taken over by Britain. The take-over of Spanish rule in Jamiaca was led by William Pen and Robert Venables. There were many times in Jamaica where new Nation-States were formed and reforms were put in place, such as this change in leadership.
  • African Slave Trade

    African Slave Trade
    Because of the development of agriculture in the late 1600s to early 1700s, there was a new demand for cheap labor in the Caribbean. European plantation owners were looing for cheap, and sadly easily replacible work that would endure the harsh work for them. By 1701 it was typical for slaves to be imported into the Caribbean.
  • Haiti Gains Independence

    Haiti Gains Independence
    Haiti officailly gains its independence from France. This is revolutionary because it's the first slave revolt in history to actually gain independence. This gave other places the drive to do the same. From this point, the Caribbean gains hope to one day be independent, and drives them to start more revolutions.
  • Bolivar's Jamacia Letter

    Bolivar's Jamacia Letter
    This letter was from a Jamacian citizen, Simon Bolivar, to the English governer of Jamacia. In the letter, he expressed many concerns about the country and also ideas for reform. The main reason he wrote the letter was to share his views on the idependence movement in Venezuala. Suprisingly, the governer took Bolivar's ideas to heart and put some of them into action in an effort to reform.
  • Haiti Conquers Hispanolia

    Haiti Conquers Hispanolia
    In 1821, Haiti makes one of its first imperialistic moves, conquering Hispanolia. Throughout the 22 year period Haiti ruled it, things in Hispanolia were full of warfare and fighting. It was not a peaceful time for this country. Though it may not have been a good thing, it drove many other countries in the Caribbean to become imperialistic.
  • Cheap Labor In China and India

    Cheap Labor In China and India
    After slaves became free in the United Kingdom and slaves left their owners, British plantation owners in the Caribbean looked for cheap labor elsewhere. They were desperate for cheap labor that could endure the grueling conditions on a sugar cane plantation. They soon found indentured servants in China and India and began importing them to the Caribbean. Until this point, migrants and slaves had only come from Europe and Africa.
  • Dominican Republic Gains Independence

    Dominican Republic Gains Independence
    After many efforts from the secret society created by Juan Pablo Duarte in 1838 to gain independence from Haiti, their goal is finally accomplished. This society was called La Trinitaria, which endured many hardships in the efforts of gaining independence, such as the execution of the societies' leaders. Finally, a revolt lead by the Trinitarios gave them to push they needed to get their independence.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish American War caused Spain to lose control of multiple territories in the Carribean such as the Phillipines, Guam, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, among others. As a result, Puerto Rico became and official U.S. territory. Ultimately, Cuba became completely independent. The Spanish American war caused many revolutionary things in the Caribbean such as the formation of new nation-states.
  • United Fruit Company

    United Fruit Company
    Though the United Fruit Company was typically rooted in South American countries, it also had a large impact on the Caribbean. The company was one of the first signs of industrialization in the Carribean coasts of Columbia, Equador, and the West Indies. Despite the great things that industrialization can bring, the United Fruit Comany was infamous for the brutallity that they brought to their workers, among other things.