Frise Histoire Britannique Camille Culan

  • Period: 1485 to

    The Tudor

  • 1509

    Henry VIII became The King

    Henry VIII became The King
  • 1517

    Martin Luther wrote The Ninety-Fives Theses

    Martin Luther wrote The Ninety-Fives Theses
    Where he criticised indulgences (reduce the amount of time in the Purgatory)
  • 1526

    The Tyndale Bible (The New Testament) by William Tyndale

    The Bible has been translated in common English
  • 1534

    Act of Supremarcy

    created the Anglicane church and made Henry VIII became the Supreme Head of the Church. Schism happend and Henry divorced Catherine of Aragon which led to the separation of England with the Roman Catholic Church
  • 1536

    Pilgrimage of Grace

    Pilgrimage of Grace
    Rebellion provoked by the decision to dissolve the monasteries. Took place in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
  • 1537

    Permission was given for an English Bible

  • 1547

    Edward VI became King

    Edward VI became King
    Continued the Protestantism that his father began to set up
  • 1549

    Publication of The Book of Prayer

  • 1553

    Mary I became the first Queen of England

    Mary I became the first Queen of England
    After the death of her brother at 15 years old. She restored Catholicism in 18 months.
  • 1555

    Bloody Mary

    Beginning of the time where Protestants was confined to secrecy as heretics were burned (over 200 protestants were burned). End in 1558 because of the death of Mary I
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I became the Queen

    Elizabeth I became the Queen
    After the death of Mary I
  • 1558

    Compromise between the two religion

    Elizabeth had to make a middle way between the Catholic and the Protestants. Indeed she kept some catholic features like the priestly clothes and also Protestant like The bible in English. Created 2 unsatisfied groups on both sides: The Puritans and the Catholic
  • 1559

    Act of Supremarcy (Elizabeth I)

    Abolished the authority of the Pope, restored the authority of the Queen over the Church Supreme Governor, every parish used the Book of Common Prayer, people who don’t attend an Anglican service were Fined
  • Period: 1559 to 1561

    Love Affair

    Elizabeth I has an affair with Robert Dudley who was married. His wife was sick and on her death a rumor has emerged that Robert poisoned her. Huge scandal led to Elizabeth deciding never to marry
  • 1568

    Mary Stuart's arrival in England

    Had to leave because of the civil War in Scotland. Elizabeth couldn't kill her or sent her in France or some where else so she imprisoned her for 19 years
  • 1570

    Pope Pius V issued the Papal Bull Regnans in Excelsis

    In this text, it’s called Elizabeth “The so-called queen” and at the same time the Pope excommunicated Elizabeth I. Also The Pope nearly give the license to kill Elizabeth and it will not be see as a crime by Rome
  • 1570

    The Catholic get persecuted

    After 1570 the catholic started to get persecuted because now protestantism is associated with patriotism, they tried many plots against Elizabeth and The Northern rebellion which was a revolt but it was crushed
  • 1581

    The 1581 Act

    Provided for the death penalty for any person converting or already Catholicism, forbidden to participate, celebrate the Catholic Mess, Anglican service were compulsory F20 per months (nearly 163 people get killed in 26 years)
  • Period: to

    War between England and The Spanish Armada

    The spanish armada tried to invade England but fail. England is victorious which led to ideological effect like national cohesion
  • The Babington Plot (1586)

    Young Chatolic sworn to kill Elizabeth I to remplace her with Mary Stuart. Find out that Mary Stuart was appart of this plot which led her to get executed
  • The death of Elizabeth

  • James I became King of England

    James I became King of England
    James VI of Scotland who became James I of England
  • Union of Crown

    England and Scotland shared the same monarch
  • Period: to

    The Stuart

    Ruled on England, Ireland and the Walls during this time but between 1371 and 1714 on Scotland
  • Gunpowder Plot

    Conspiracy in small group of Catholic to blow up Parliament, kill James I
  • Virginia settlement

    Virginia become the first permanent English settlement in North America. Nammed after the Virgin Queen
  • Establishment of Jamestown in Virginia

    Establishment of Jamestown in Virginia
  • King James' Bible

    New English translation of the Bible under King James I
  • Period: to

    The Thirty Years War

    start under James I because of The Elector Palatine was invited to take the throne of protestant Bohemia in place of the Emperor Ferdinand Habsburg.The Emperor sent his army; he was supported by Catholic Spain. James wanted to help as a protestant country and to help his daughter / son in law
  • Charles I became king

    Charles I became king
  • Death of James I

  • Petition of rights

    They requested the King to recognise the illegality of extra-parliamentary taxation, billeting, martial law, imprisonment without trial. Wanted to get Charles to recognise that there were limits to his powers. Charles signed it but was furious
  • Three Resolutions

    Member of Parliament Declared that whoever tried to bring in “Popery or Arminianism” or to alter the protestant forms of the Church of England was an enemy of the Kingdom as well as anyone advising the King to collect custom duties without Parliament’s consent
  • Period: to

    The personnal rule

    Charles I governed without calling parliament => "The Eleven Years Tyranny"
  • Attempted to Draw in line the two churches

    King Charles I attempted to draw the Church of Scotland (Calvinist) into line with the Church of England (Anglican). which led to Widespread public discontent
  • Riot in St Giles’s Cathedral, Edinburgh

    Scottish opposition came to the boil when Charles I attempted to impose a New Prayer Book which led to a riot and after a widespread rebellion know as Bishop's War
  • Period: to

    The Scottish Crisis

  • The short Parliament

    Charles I needed to call a parliament since he needed money to fight the Scott. Called a parliament for the first time since eleven years. Charles I dissolved it 3 weeks after
  • Treaty of Ripon (peace treaty)

    Charles I had to pay the cost of Scottish army. Had to call a parliament again=> The Long Parliament (not dissolved until 1660)
  • Irish Rebellion

    James I had implemented a plantation policy = sending English and Scottish protestant colonists to Ireland, taking the lands of Irish Catholics which led In Oct 1641 of Irish Catholic rebels rose up against Protestant settlers=>Massacre of 3 000/4 000 protestants
  • The Grand Remonstrance

    Document voted by Parliament after heated debates.
    It summarized all the wrong doing of Charles I and concluded on “revolutionary” demands:
    the right of the House of commons to choose the King’s ministers, the right for Parliament to control any army sent to Ireland, the right for Parliament to reform the Church
    Divided the Parliament into 2 sides; Parliament and Royalists
  • Catalyst for the English Civil War

    Charles declared the war to the Parliament because of some events which are that The King believed that John Pym and 4 other MPs were plotting against the Queen. He wanted to impeach them, but Parliament refused. Charles I marched into the House of Commons with troops and attempted to arrest the 5 MPs. The member of parliament presented the 19 propositions to the King
  • Period: to

    The First Civil War

    The Royalist who supported the king against The Parliamentarians.
    The Parliamentarians won
  • The New model army

    the New Model Army seized the King after not being pay by the House of Common
  • Release of the King

    the King escaped from army custody and allied himself with the Scots. The Scottish would invade England if Charles I introduced Presbyterianism/Calvinism into England. Horrified the Parliament, led to the Second World War
  • Pride Purge

    Colonel Pride entered the House of Common and arrest 45 conservative leader. The other member parliament put the king on trial for high treason
  • England became a republic

    Monarchy and House of Lords abolished,
  • England was declared a Commonwealth

    England was declared a Commonwealth
    governed by its people without a King but failure to reach stability and creation of a military protectorate ruled by Cromwell.
  • Period: to

    The Interregnum

    between 2 reigns, between 2 kings
  • The execution

    The execution
    Charles I got executed
  • The Instrument of Government, 1653.

    The Instrument of Government, 1653.
    England’s first and only written constitution
  • End of the Commonwealth

    Start of the Protectorate
  • Cromwell died

    His son Richard became Lord Protector but resigned after 6 months, this led to a period of Anarchy. ! People longed for a return to order, increasing support for monarchy
  • Declaration of Breda

    Issued by Charles II. It promised A general amnesty (pardon), To continue religious toleration, to share power with Parliament …in return for the restoration of monarchy.
  • The Restoration

    The Restoration
    King restored. Charles II became the King of England, Scotland and Ireland
  • The Popish Plot

    Rumour of a plot organised by the French to murder Charles II and replace him by his Catholic brother James II
  • Charles II died

    succeeded by his brother James II
  • Parliament invited the King’s son in law (William of Orange) to invade England and seize the crown

    after the unexpected birth of the son of James II, who thus became a Catholic heir. William became King William II. This event is also know as the Glorious revolution
  • The Bill of Rights

    Fixed limitations on the sovereign’s powers, Set out the rights of Parliament, Set out basic civil rights and is a A key political text
  • The Act of Settlement

    Settled the order of succession and ensured a Protestant succession
  • William died

    Succeeded by Anne (last Stuart monarch), then by George I (in 1714)
  • Act of Union between England and Scotland

    Creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain: England (and Wales) and Scotland
  • Period: to

    The Georgian era

  • Period: to

    Seven Year's war

    Britain gained Florida over the Spanish and (most of) Canada over the French
  • Period: to

    American War of Independence

    The nation lost a huge part of its empire. It would be a turning point in British History
  • Britain had established an empire

    Comprised of colonies in North America including the West Indies, and the Pacific including New Zealand
  • Treaty of Paris

    Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States
  • Acts of Union

    Created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

    Merged the Parliament of Ireland into the Parliament of the UK
  • Reform Act

    Gave the right to vote to 5% of the population in Britain