French Revolution Timeline

By Rachel6
  • Revolution

    King Louis XVI was awakened by an official. The king was told that the Bastille prison had fallen to rioters. A revolution had begun.
  • No More Fuedalism

    No More Fuedalism
    The national assembly outlawed the tithe, canceled all feudal dues and services owed by peasants, and removed the privileges that the First and Second estates had previously enjoyed by August the assembly had formally done away with Fuedalism.
  • Women's March of 1789

    Women's March of 1789
    Woman Marched to versailles to demand relief from King Louis XVI for food shortages.
  • Constitution

    The National Assembly issued the Civil Constitution of Clergy.This law stated that people in parishes and dioceses would elect their own clergy
  • King Beheaded

    King Beheaded
    King Louis XVI was beheaded by the quillotine, for plotting against the security of the nation.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror began. During this period thousands of people judged to be enemies of the revolution, including the French king and queen, were executed. Many were beheaded the guillotine
  • Delegates elected to Convention.

    Delegates elected to Convention.
    Using universal manhood suffrage, on this day delegates were elected to the National Convention. Universal Manhood Suffrage- A form of voting rights in which all adult males within a nation are allowed to vote
  • Robspierre Beheaded.

    Robspierre Beheaded.
    On this day Robspierre was arrested and guillotined because he believed that only he could protect the revolution from its enemies.
  • Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars
    The Napoleonic Wars began. They were a series of conflicts fought between France under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte and a number of European nations.
  • 4 out of 5, Gone

    4 out of 5, Gone
    In this year, legislature did away with four out of the five directors. Armed troops surrounded the legislature and forced most of its members to leave. Those who stayed turned the government over to Napoléon and his fellow plotters.