
French Revolution

  • Louis XVI crowned King of France

    Louis XVI crowned King of France
    Louis’s father died on December 20th, 1765 which caused him to become the Dauphin when he was 11. His mother died March 13th, 1767. Louis became King after his grandfather’s, Louis XV’s, death on May 10th, 1774.
  • American Revolution Begins

    American Revolution Begins
    France allied with the American’s during the American Revolution, which was influenced by enlightenment ideas, and helped them fund. The American’s wanted freedom from Britain and Britain was a rival of France. Eventually, the revolution was contributing to France going bankrupt and the third estate wanting to overthrow their government.
  • Calling of the Estates General

    Calling of the Estates General
    The Estates General was a general assembly who represented each estate. They had their first and last meeting at the beginning of the French Revolution. The king called the Estates General to resolve the financial crisis in France, but each estate got one vote and the problem was not resolved.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    The national assembly was formed by representatives in the third estate at the beginning of the French Revolution. The assembly took the Tennis Court Oath on June 20th, that pledged to create a new constitution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The national assembly met at an indoor tennis court after being locked out of their meeting at Versailles. The nationally assembly consisted of people from the Third Estate. At the tennis court, they made an oath to never separate until a written constitution was established for France.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    The Bastille was a fortress, on East-side in Paris, that became a French state prison and a detention for those who had various offenses. The Bastille was stormed by an armed mob of Parisians who were angry with the ancien régime. This event symbolizes the end of the ancien régime.
  • French Women Force Louis XVI to leave Versailles

    French Women Force Louis XVI to leave Versailles
    The event where French women forced Louis XVI to leave Versailles is known as the October March on Versailles. Thousands of Parisians, that were mostly women, marched 12 miles to Versailles. After a day of some violence and tension the king and the assembly went back to Paris with the mob.
  • Declaration of War against Austria

    Declaration of War against Austria
    France declared war on Austria for supporting King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. The Girondins’ were against monarchies, so they helped start the war with Austria to keep the revolution strong.
  • National Convention is Formed

    National Convention is Formed
    The National convention was formed out of those who wanted liberty and equality during the French Resolution. As the Revolution continued, the Nation Convention split up into the moderate Girondins and the radical Jacobins. After the overthrow of the monarchy, the National Convention was elected to form a new constitution for France.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    Louis resisted to be a constitutional monarch and was later imprisoned in August. In September, the monarchy was abolished by the National convention and in November, Louis was put on trial for treason. The next January, he was convicted and condemned to death by a guillotine.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a period of time in which the Revolutionary government made “terror” the order of day and harming those who were against the revolution ideas. The Committee of Public safety dictated control over the French government. Many were executed during the Reign of Terror by The Committee of Public Safety.
  • The Thermidorian Reaction

    The Thermidorian Reaction
    People in France were getting tired of executions during the “Reign of Terror” and many were plotting against Robespierre. Robespierre gave a speech on July 26, full of appeals and threats. The next day the national convention arrested him and he was executed.
  • The Directory is Formed

    The Directory is Formed
    The Directory was a new government that the French Revolutionary government set up by the Constitution of the Year III. The Directory was created after the dictatorship that was during the Reign of Terror and included the Crops Législatif. The Directory would lead to Napoleon Bonaparte taking over and having a more disciplined dictatorship.
  • Napoleon Takes Power

    Napoleon Takes Power
    Napoleon took power in a 1799 coup d’état. Napoleon surrounded the Royal palace at Saint-Cloud with troops and the next day the Directory was dead.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    The biggest mistake Napoleon made was invading Russia with his Grande Armée (680,000 men). Napoleon’s army won battles there, but most of the army died off within 6 months of cold weather, lack of food and diseases (120,000 returned).
  • Napoleons defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleons defeat at Waterloo
    Napoleon wanted to take down allied forces one by one. The Prussians at Waterloo defeated Napoleon’s army and made them retreat. On June 22, Napoleon went back to Paris, but he got sent to Saint Helena on July 15, after he surrendered to British protection.