Europe 1815 s

Europe 1848-1871

  • Period: to

    American Revolutionary War

    The 13 colonies of England fought bravely for their freedom, lead by George Washington. They overthrew the crown and made their own government.
  • Haiti revolution

    Haiti revolution
    Late in the seventeen hundreds, the slaves in Haiti revolted against their French rulers. By 1804, Haiti had won freedom from France. And by 1820, they had a Haitian republic.
  • Mexico battles for independance

    Mexico battles for independance
    After Haiti won freedom, the Mexicans wanted freedom from Spain, and they were going to fight for it. In 1820, the liberals forced the ruler to conform to a constitution. With this in action, the republics of Central America were built.
  • Revolutions in South America

    Revolutions in South America
    When Napoleon conquered Spain in 1810, the people in Venezuela fought against the conservatives for freedom. By August in 1819, they had won their freedom. Soon after Bolivar and Jose de San Martin freed most of South America.
  • Austrian revolts

    Austrian revolts
    In 1848, shortly after France's revolution, Austrian citizens started a revolt against the government. For a short while, the government was forced to agree to the reforms. But soon after the military troops regained control over the populous.
  • Rebellion in Italy

    Rebellion in Italy
    Near around the same time as Austria, Italy rebelled against their government. The nationalist citizens wanted to put an end to Hapsburg domination. Soon, though, the military from France, Austria, and Italy put a quick end to it.
  • German revolts

    German revolts
    University students heard of the Liberalist ideas, and started to demand a united Germany, among other things. Frederik William IV was chosen to accept the crown, but he declined because it was offered to him from the people instead of the princes. "From the gutter" he called it.
  • France's "February Days"

    France's "February Days"
    The government tried to silence the new revolution, but failed. The citizens overturned carts and made barricades in the streets as they sang "La Marseillaise." Eventually, Louis Philippe abdicated and socialist leaders started the "Second Republic."
  • France's "June Days"

    France's "June Days"
    By June of 1848 middle and upper class interests gained control over the government. The national workshops were seen as a waste of money and were shut down. At the same time the liberals made a violent turn and attacked the peasants.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    The southern states of the new United States of America wanted to separate from the north, because the north wanted to rid slavery, but the south did not. It was put to an end by president Abraham Lincoln.