English-French Civil War/Revolution

  • Daemonologie is written

    Daemonologie was a book that condemned witches and started the Witch Hunt Ferver
  • King James I rises to power

    King James was a strong believer in the Diving Right of Kings and also believed in the Witch Hunts. However, he was also more leniant to the Catholics in the country.
  • Gunpowder Plot

    Guy Fawkes attempts to blow up the Parliament Building with James inside. He is found however and the plot is foiled.
  • Charles I rises to the throne

    Married Henrietta Maria- a French Catholic, this caused the Puritan parliament to question his intentions.
  • Petition of Right Created

    Charles attempted to rule the country without parliament for 11 years. He called parliament to get more money and when he did they propsed the Bill of Rights. This diminished Charles' power as it restricted him from using Martial Law.
  • King Charles summons the short parliament

    He called them for money to fight the Scots. When they did not pay him however, he dissolved it and would lose to the Scots.
  • Dissolvement of short parliament

  • Long Parliament begins

    Charles calls Parliament for money. However, parliament did not support the king and forced him to sign the Great Remonstrance.
  • Triennial Act

    An act that force the king to call parliament once every 3 years
  • Abloishment of Court of Star Chamber

    The Court of Star Chamber was a tool that Charles used to persucute his enemies. In the Court the people being persecuted had no rights
  • Grand Remonstrance

    Forced Charles to call parliament regualarly, not impose new or illegal taxes, gave the parliament control over army and navy, and would uphold the privilage of parliament.
  • New Model Army formed

    An army to combat the Royalist Supporters. Lead by Oliver Cromwell. Commonly known as the Roundheads. Won Civil War in the Battle of Naseby
  • King Charles Surrenders

  • Pride's Purge

    Colonal Pride went into the Long Parliament to remove any supporters of the king. This left only Puritans whom wanted to execute the king. This left the Rump Parliament
  • King Charles Beheaded

  • Charles II proclaimed

  • Council of State Formed

  • Cromwell defeats Charles II

    Charles escapes to France after trying to reclaim the throne
  • Rump Parliament Dissolved

  • Cromwell becomes Lord Protector

    By dissolving the Rump Parliament he effectively becames the ruler of England. Tries to make a Puritan country by using Blue Laws which makes anything amusing illegal
  • Cromwell names Lord Protector

  • Union of Scotland and England

  • Cromwell dies

    Son Richard accepted as his successor
  • Richard steps down

  • General Monk brings back Long Parliament

    Monk allows the members who were in the Long Parliament to come back in order for it to properly dissolve.
  • Test Act Passed

    This made it so that any Catholics could not hold any high ranking positions.
  • Charles II passes away

  • James II ascends to throne

    Although parliament dislikes him as he is Catholic, they believe he will die soon and leave the throne open. However, once he has a heir, parliament decides to go against him.
  • William and Mary of Orange given throne

    Parliament chooses the the monarchy for the first time.
  • James II runs away from England

    With many of his officers defecting to join William of Orange James runs to France. There is no fighting.
  • Bill of RIghts

    In order to get to the throne William and Mary had to sign this. Made the monarchy a constitutional monarchy instead of an absolute.
  • Enclosurs begin to be used

    instead of having small strips of land spread apart, large fields are created. These fields are more effective when growing crops.
  • Seed Drill invented

    Invented by Jethro Tull, the seed drill cultivated land quicker than the traditional methods. This began the agricultural revolution
  • Steam Engine invented

    Beginning of Industrial Revolution. Using compressed steam, pistons could be moved without human labour.
  • Cast Iron in mass use

    Cast iron products could be made easier and quicker than the traditional methods. As iron mines began growing so did the coal mines.
  • Royal Proclamation

    King George of England announces that the settlers in America cannot spectulate west of the Appalaichans. Natives receive this land
  • Spinning Jenny invented

    Instead of using looms a spinning jenny could be used. This device allowed multiple threads to be spun at once.
  • Boston Massacre

    Fight in Boston in which settlers and Redcoats fight. Americans use this a anti-british propaganda.
  • Marriage of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

    Uniting Austria and France in this political marriage
  • Boston Tea Party

    In defiance of the taxes that Britian put on the Americans the Sons of Liberty poured the contents of British Trade Ships into to Boston harbour. This lead to the Intolerable acts being created.
  • Intolerable Acts put into place

  • Coronation of Louis XVI

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    First battle of American Revolution. Hearing about an arms depot in Concord the British march there. Shots are fired in Lexington to slow them down. Americans warned ahead of time by Paul Revere's Midnight Ride
  • George Washington become Commander in Chief

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    When British try to storm a hill under American control the Americans do not fire until they are extremely close. This is due to a lack of ammunition. Although British take the hill they suffer heavy loses.
  • Crossing of the Delawware

    Washington attacks Princeton which is under control by German mercanaries. Took 900 prisoneers
  • Lafayette arrives in Philadelphia

    French envoy arrives. Beginnning of American-French alliance.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    3 pronged attack by British go wrong. American defeat Burgoyne using guirilla tactics. Convinced French to help Americans.
  • America-France Alliance formed

  • Battle of Yorktown

    Final battle of American Revolution. Cornwallis trapped in Yorktown. Americans all the ground and French in the sea.
  • US constitution signed

  • Estates General

    Louis XVI calls estates to Versailles in order to create taxes to support debt.
  • Declaration of the National Assembly

    Third Estate was locked out of the Estates General and declared itself as the National Assembly. There they swore the tennis court oath
  • Tennis Court Oath

  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille was a French prison in Paris the signaified the king's power. There the people literally rip the building down. They also take guns from there. When the governor of the Bastille tried to surrender the poeple cut his head off and put it on a pike.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen written

    A document that declared all men equal
  • L'ami de Peuple first published

    Newspaper by Marat. It induced people to attack the king and wanted the rise of the lower classes.
  • Woman's March on Versaille

    Women from Paris march to Versaille in order to take the Royal Family back to Paris.
  • King and Queen try to flee

    Stopped at Varennes
  • Guillitine is Offical means of execution

    Created to make an equal death fror everyone. Meant to also be painless.
  • France declares war on Austria

    Austria wanted to reinstate Louis as King of France
  • Louis XVI brought to trial

    Had charges against the country and its people.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Died by guillotine
  • Robespierre elected into Committee of Public Safety

    The committee was a group that imprisoned and executed anyone whom may have wanted the king back in power or spoke against the bloodshed in the revoltuion
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Over 17000 people are killed from being prosecuted by Committee of Public Safety
  • Marie Antoinette executed

  • Robespierre executed

    Charged with treason against France and its people. With his dath the Terror ends.
  • Napolean becomes First Consul

    His Coup D'etat left a rump parliament whom assigned him as a First Consul
  • Napolean becomes Emperor of France

    Napolean has full control over France with few people openly critizing him
  • Napolean exiled to Elba

    Napolean was forced to Abdicate the Throne as his generals has mutinied and pressure from other countries.
  • Napolean leaves Elba

    When arriving in France the army decides to follow him. He rules for 100 days and then loses to British General Wellington.
  • Napolean exiled to Saint Helena

    He would later die there in 1821.