English Civil War-James I Stuarts

By mhdz
  • James I

    Strong Anglican and anti-puritan. Wanted the separatists to leave England. In charge of the creation of Jamestown, VA. However he was anti-tobacco.
  • Charles I jr

    Son of James I. Was anti-parliament. Introduced the "Petition of Right" in an effort to remove quartering of troops and imprisonment without just cause.
  • Parliament Dismissed

    Buckingham led a failed mission to Cadiz Parliament moved to have Buckingham removed from office. Charles backfired by dismissing parliament.
  • Thirty Nine Articles

    Charles re-issued the articles into the Church of England. It was seen as a move towards Rome and the Catholic church.
  • Nineteen Propositions

    Created by Parliament in the hopes of reaching a settlement with the King. They called for a new constitution recognizing their own supremacy. Demanded that ministers and judges should be appointed by parliament and also that the church and military be handled by them.
  • Interregnum Period

    Round heads prevail in Civil War. This inspired Thomas Hobbes, "Leviathan."
  • 2nd Anglo Dutch War

    Uses Louis XIV as ideal ally against the Dutch. Shows pro-Catholic sympathies and there is money to be made.
  • Treaty of Dover

    English and French come together against the Dutch.
  • Test Act

    Parliament excluded non Anglicans from civilian and military positions. Called "Puritan Radicals" or "Catholic Traitors"
  • Habeas Corpus Act

    Any unjustly imprisoned person could obtain a writ of habeas corpus which is an explanation of why they are being imprisoned.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    English Protestants support this cause. Whig and Tory leaders offer the throne jointly to James 2's daughter Mary and her husband, William of Orange.
  • King James II Jr

    Bigoted convert to Catholicism. Lacked shrewdness or ability to compromise. Alienated even the Tories and provoked revolution by his attitude.
  • English Bill of Rights

    Constitutional Monarchy. Settled all major issues between King and Parliament. Served as a model for the U.S. Bill of Rights. Basis for the steady expansion of civil liberties of 18th century and early 19th century England.
  • Stuart Monarchy

    Mary Q, of Scots Son. James I speech to the House of Commons reflected that he was not humble and had a mindset in favor for the Divine Right of Kings, He was arrogant.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Cromwell became known as the Lord Protector. He established strict puritan rule, prohibited theater, dance, alcohol, limited rights, and relied on religious conformity.