World History timeline

  • Queen Elizabeth Death

    Queen Elizabeth Death
    In 1603, Elizabeth died. This is significant because she was one of the faces of France at the moment, some say she died from food poisoning .
  • Arranged marriage

    Arranged marriage
    James the first decided to arranged the marriage of his son (Charles) to a catholic princess. Some found this concerning and a bad idea because they believed the Catholics may take over the thrown .
  • James 1 Death

    James 1 Death
    James the First died in 1625, meaning Charles 1 became the king. Many people considered Charles to be “worse” than his father. Parliament refused to give Charles money unless he signed the Petition of Rights in 1625, which limits the Kings powers. Charles ignored it.
  • King Vs Parliament (WAR) 1642-1651

    King Vs Parliament (WAR) 1642-1651
    People on Kings side
    - Church of England People on Parliament’s side
    - Roundheads
    - Puritan Roundheads find a leader named Oliver Cromwell. Roundheads and Cromwell win and behead the king(1st public execution of the king)
  • Palace of Versailles

    Palace of Versailles
    The palace was commissioned by King Louis XIV. It was the first official residence of court and government on May 6, 1682. It was used to keep eye on the nobility so there was no plotting against the King. King Louis XIV called himself the "Sun King" because the sun was associated with Apollo, god of peace and arts.
  • Enlightment Thinkers

    Enlightment Thinkers
    The thinkers beloved human reason could be used to combat ignorance, superstition, and tyranny. The main people part of this were Thomas Hobbes, John Jocke, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • Age of Reason

    Age of Reason
    • Desire for rationality, logic, consistency
    • Rejection of emotionalism
    • Preference for evidence not faith
    • Increased interest in science, mathematics, geometry
    • Admiration for Greece/Rome, and abhorrence for everything medieval
    • Preference for artificial over natural
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica, and he fought thought the French Rev. He started young and earned his respect very quick. He governed Northern Italy for France. He fought many wars and won lots of them.
  • Three Estates

    Three Estates
    France was divided into 3 estates for a period of time. The first estate was the higher ranking members of the church, and they were a privileged class. The second estate was the nobility, they are also a privileged class. The third and last estate was everyone else, such as peasants to wealthy merchants. They had no privileges and they were about 90-97% of population.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    The first was the formal abolition of the monarchy on September 22, 1792. It rejected King Louis I and William Lauds attempt to force the Scottish church to conform to English liturgical practice and church governance.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was first started on September 1, 1814 and ended around June 5, 1815. The "host" of the event was Prince Klemens von Metternich, who was from Austria. The purpose for Congress of Vienna was to undo everything Napoleon had done. It also changed a lot of things, such as Norway and Sweden joining together etc.
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Queen Victoria took the thrown when she 19. Her reign lasted 63 years, which was the longest British monarch (until current Queen Elizabeth II). She was the first to take residence in Buckingham palace. She was a well educated person and a very popular queen.
  • Napoleons three mistakes.

    Napoleons three mistakes.
    The first one the continental system, which was an attempt to isolate Britain from Europe trade system. The second one was the Peninsular war, Portugal didn't follow the continental system, this made Napoleon mad, which led to a fight between France v Spain/Portugal. The third event was the invasion of Russia. Russia still trading w/Britain, Napoleon decided to attack them. Many soldiers died to the winter weather. All of these mistakes led to Napoleons exile to the Island of Elba
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    British wanted tea because they were obsessed with it but they didn't have it in large amounts. They began to trade opium to China for tea even thought China didn't really want it. Britain had a large amount of opium from India, where it was grown. Later, China realized opium was a bad thing for their economy so they made it illegal. It was also illegal in Britain. Britain continued to trade but in secret this time. China governor sent Lin-Tse-Hsu to stop trade and catch anyone who was involved.
  • Treaty of Kanawaga

    Treaty of Kanawaga
    This was the first treaty signed between Japan and the United States. The purpose of this treaty was to open the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to American trade and permitting the establishment of a U.S. consulate in Japan.
  • Victorias husband Albert death

    Victorias husband Albert death
    Victorias husband was named Albert. They were 16 when and he was a German prince and they were cousins. Four years later they got married and had 9 children. He died in 1861 and she dressed only in black after that. She had them put a fresh new pair of his clothes on his bed daily.
  • Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone
    He invented the telephone in 1876. He used electricity to transmit sounds over distance. He was 29 when he invented it.
  • The Automobile

    The Automobile
    In 1885, Karl Benz (German mechanical engineer) designed and built three of the worlds first practical automobile powered by an internal-combustion engine. He called the car the Benz Patent-motorwagon ("personal motorcar").
  • Britain claims Australia

    Britain claims Australia
    In 1901 Britain granted self-rule to the commonwealth of Australia. It was established in its own parliament but it remained part of the British empire. The natives were forced and kicked off their land.
  • The Model 'T' ford

    The Model 'T' ford
    In the 1880s Germans developed the automobile. It was a slow, ugly, and difficult car to drive. "Tin Lizele" was the name it was given by the American people. It was purposely made cheap so that it was affordable for people. Henry Ford is the main guy. The date below is the date when it was first released.
  • Death of Franz Ferdinand

    Death of Franz Ferdinand
    In the city of Sarajevo a young Serbian patriot shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This is considered the start to WW1. He was killed because they thought he was a threat to Serbian independence.
  • Armenian Genocide

    Armenian Genocide
    Armenians tended to be wealthier than Turkish and they had better education. They were suspected of being more loyal to surrounding Christian countries. On April 24, 1915, the Turkish government arrested and executed several hundred Armenian intellectuals. They were marched through the Mesopotamian desert without food or water. They were stripped naked, shot dead and possibly crucified. Around 1.5 million Armenians were killed.
  • Revolutions of 1917

    Revolutions of 1917
    The February and March revolution. On March, 8, 1917, citizens protested. Police and soldiers refused to shoot rioters. The government was helpless. The Czar was forced to leave on March 15, 1918.
  • The Red Baron

    The Red Baron
    His real name was Manfred von Richtafen. He was a German pilot in war for about 18 months. He officially shot down 80 enemy planes making him the "Ace" of war. April 21, 1918, while going after an enemy plane, flown by Lt. May, a Canadian captain. Brown caught up and started firing the red baron, and Australian troops on the ground were also firing at him. He was shot in the chest and went down. They realized who he was and they took the plane pieces as souvenirs. Later gave him military funeral
  • Armistice is signed

    Armistice is signed
    At 11. am on November 11, 1918, an armistice was signed to end WW1. The allies won. Over 37 million casualties happened over the whole war. Only 116, 546 Americans died.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This was a treaty signed to punish German, for "starting" the war. What happened? German lost ALL her overseas colonies, no air force, no submarine, no large battle ships. The area of Rhineland was de-militarized. A large amount of land was taken from the Germans. Lastly, they had to pay 6,600 British pounds, which is around 400 million today.
  • Reform Act of 1928 and 1918 (Representation of the people act)

    Reform Act of 1928 and 1918 (Representation of the people act)
    Women over 21 years of age gained the right to vote was the reform act of 1928. And in 1918 all women over the age of 30 got the right to vote and all men gained suffrage.