England became a Constitutional Monarchy

By mattieb
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to

    Death of Elizabeth 1

    She was only the third queen to rule England in her own right. She became queen. She was only 25. She survive scandal, and danger. She ruled alone for almost half a century. She died. But before she died she made a Parliament. These events led people to adore her.
  • Period: Jun 19, 1566 to

    James 1

    Became king of Scotland at age 1. When he became older he wanted to succeed Queen Elizabeth, and became the king of England, Scotland. Finally after Queen Elizabeth died he became king. He had some problems though. He had problems with the parliament because of royal fiances, royal favorites, and James belief that he could never be wrong.
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    Olivar Cromwell

    Hid actions, ambitions, motives, led him to the investigation, intense, and often vitriolic debate. His importance was one of the most troubled periods of British history. Many churches were caught up in the English Civil War. It also played a role in fighting.
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    Olivar Rules England

    He became a military and political leader and he later became a Lord Protector and commonwealth of England.
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    Charles 1 dissolves Parliament

    He dissolved the Parliament three times. He resolved to rule alone, and dismissed the Parliament. It forced him to raise revenue by non Parliamentary means which made him unpopular.
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    Petition of Rights

    A statement of civil liberties sent by the English Parliament to Charles 1.
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    Charles 1 calls Parliament into session

    The Parliament the became the Long Parliament. He needed money for the renewal of war.
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    Autumn of 1641 laws

    The Parliament passed laws to limit royal power. Charles was furious so he tried to arrest the leaders of Parliament, but they escaped and then people were cheering outside of the palace. Then people were loyal to him so this is how it led to to the English civil war.
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    English Civil War

    Started when Charles 1 raised his loyal standard in Nottingham. The split between Charles and the Parliament was that neither side was willing to back down over the principles that they held war. They split it to who those supported the King andthose ho supported the Parliament.
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    Charles 1

    He succeeded as the second Stuart King of Great Britain. He was reserved, He was self righteous and had a high concept of royalty. He believed in the divine rights of kings. Most of his time he spent his time doing arts in England. He promised the Parliament that there would be no advantages for recusants. With his four years of his rule he had to deal with policies questioning by Parliaments.
  • Habeas Corpus Passed

    The death left an incredible mark on the history of England. To that the English thought about themselves. It was also a climatic moment.
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    Charles 1 executed

    Charles 1 was executed by treason
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    Used to describe both the events by which the monarchy was restored, along with the years afterwards in which a new establishment was established.
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    Charles 2

    King of Britain and Ireland. His knowledge of men enabled him to steer his country through convoltons.
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    James 2

    Led the English Parliament to introduce a new test act. Re issued the Declaration of indulgence to read in their churches.
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    Glorious Revolution

    Replace the reigning king. James 2. The events of he revolution were mostly bloody, and revolutionary settlement. It established the Parliament.
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    William and Mary

    Their names became known around the United States.
  • Parliament

    Highest legislature, consisting the sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons