
Defining Modern Canada

By iandg
  • Referendum

    Some of quebec wanted to seperate with the no side winnign 60% of the votes while the yes side got 40% of the votes.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    An attempt by the federal government so the quebec would fail to acept the patriation package
  • Constitution

    Constitution was brought home from Europe. it consitsted of the basic rights for Canadian people. Every one but Quebec signed the document
  • Indian act

    The idan act was updated becasue of oka
  • Free trade

    After the conservatives won the election they wanted to get a free trade agreement with US and Mexico. Before canadas biggest exporter was britian but with this agreement canadas economy was changed some good and some bad with america.
  • Charlottetown accord

    after the Meech lake accord there was another attempt to convince quebec to sign confederation
  • Refernendum cont

    Some of quebec wanted to leve canada. this time with the Yes side gaining powere with 51% of the votes No to seperate while 49% of the votes were yes to seperation.