Chile and Argentina - Jose de San Martin

By lbriggs
  • San Martin's Turning Point in his career

    San Martin's Turning Point in his career
    Promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel for his conduct in the Battle of Bailen.
  • Organizer Corps

    Organizer Corps
    San Martin was given the task of organizing a corps of grenadiers against the Spanish royalists centered in Peru who threatened the revolutionary government in Argentina.
  • Reversal of Venezuelan Indepedence

    Reversal of Venezuelan Indepedence
    Spanish authorities rally regain control of entire province only after one year that Venezuela was announced independent.
  • San Martin is Recognized as a Leader of Military.

    San Martin is Recognized as a Leader of Military.
    In the service of the Buenos Aires government, San Martín distinguished himself as a trainer and leader of soldiers, and, after winning a skirmish against loyalist forces at San Lorenzo, on the right bank of the Paraná River. He was sent to Tucumán to reinforce, and ultimately replace, General Manuel Belgrano, who was being hard pressed by forces of the viceroy of Peru.
  • Loyalists Recapture Chile

    Loyalists Recapture Chile
    Necessary for San Martin to fight his way westward across the formidable barrirer of the Andes. Accomplished between Jan 18. and Feb 8 1817. Defeat
  • Battle of Maipu

    Battle of Maipu
    The Battle of Maipu was fought between San Martin and his men, against the Spanish that were in South America. The Battle took place near Santiago Chile. The battle left 2,000 Spanish dead and 3,000 captured. San Martin only lost 1,000 men. This marked the end of the fight for Chile’s independence.
  • San Martin influences the Chileans and the Argentines

    San Martin influences the Chileans and the Argentines
    San Martin influenced the Chileans and the Argentines to see the benefits of liberating Peru. He left to go to Valparaiso with 4,000 men and 25 cannons. He decided that to convince the Peruvians was to make them accept independence.
  • Independence of Peru

    Independence of Peru
    The Peruvians were more worried about their slaves uprising against them, so they invited San Martin into Peru. The Peruvians cheered when he entered the city. On July 28th, 1821, Peru declared independence.
  • The Guayaquil Conference

    The Guayaquil Conference
    The conversation about proper government for an independent Peru, 4 hour discussion failed. San martin slipped out history’s limelight. he also resigns as his post as Protector and retires to a private life in Europe.
  • The Central American Federation is Divided into 5 Independent States

    The Central American Federation is Divided into 5 Independent States
    Only two enclaves in Latin America remain under European colonial control.