• 1468

    The Traty Of Toros Of Guisando- 1468.

    The Traty Of Toros Of Guisando- 1468.
    Enrique IV proclaimed to his sister hair of Asturias if she get married with Alfonso V , but she finally got married with Fernando II and Enrique proclaimed to his son,Juana la Beltraneja,hair of Asturias.Enrique IV died and it was unleashed the succession war.
  • 1478

    Conquist of Canarias

    Conquist of Canarias
    This served as pratise to the later conquest of America
  • 1479

    The Traty Of Alcaçovas

    The Traty Of Alcaçovas
    . It gives peace of Sucesion War, Isabel and Fernando are
    proclamed Kings of Castilla.
  • 1479

    Dinastic Union

    Dinastic Union
    A Union between two bigs kingdoms that they was independent in
  • 1492

    Conquist of Granada´s Kingdom

    Conquist of Granada´s Kingdom
    Boabdil was the last king of Granada`s Kingdom.
    He was in bad situation, so he lost him Kingdom in 1492 at Castilla.
  • 1492

    Conquist of America

    Conquist of America
    Cristóbal Colon traveled to new territory and America was
    discovered in 1492-1493.
  • 1493

    Bulas Alejandrinas

    Bulas Alejandrinas
    It used to divide America between Spain and Portugal. It had
    created by Papa. He gave the territories at Spain, the rest of territories not discovered were
    divided between they.
  • 1497

    Conquist of Africa

    Conquist of Africa
    Africa was reconquisted by Spain. Between 1508-1510, it was the
    best years, but Castilla lost Africa another time by the war in Italy.
  • 1506

    Colon`s dead

    Colon`s dead
    He died in Valladolid in his house.
  • 1512

    Surrender of Pamplona

    Surrender of Pamplona
    For war between Spain and France
  • 1516

    Carlos I

    Carlos I
    He arrived in Spain in 1517. In this moment, he is king.
  • 1521

    Spain vs France

    Spain vs France
    They was fighting but France lose in Pavia 1525, and France gave
    Spain Milanesado. The war end with The Peace Of Crepy in 1544.
  • 1556

    Felipe II

    Felipe II
    He was raised to rule. He liked to run affairs by his own hand.
  • 1568

    Death of Prince Carlos

    Death of Prince Carlos
    He dead in a rooms of him palace.
  • 1571


    The Holy League is created, by Felipe II, Venice and Pope Pius V. Don
    Juan de Austrias defeats the Turks in that war in 1571.
  • Felipe III

    Felipe III
    The reign begins in 1598 and ends in 1621.
  • The 30 years war

    The 30 years war
    From 1618 to 1648, constant wars rage between England, France,
    and Spain.
  • Felipe IV

    Felipe IV
    The reign begins 1621 and ends in 1665.
  • Carlos II

    Carlos II
    The reign begins in 1665 and ends in 1670.
  • War of succession

    War of succession
    Here ends the Borbone`s Kingdom in Spain at 1714.
  • Decrets of New Plant

    Decrets of New Plant
    The king take as example the Navarra´s kingdom to do the same with Castilla.The charters of Navarra, and the valids were eliminated and Castilla was a only kingdom where the power was of the general captain.
  • The Traty of Utrecht

    The Traty of Utrecht
    The war of succession is concluyed with this treaty
  • Isabel of Farnesio

    Isabel of Farnesio
    Widowed, he married Isabel de Farnesio. As the children of this second marriage could not be kings
    of Spain, tried by all means to place them in Italian territories
  • The allianzes of family

    The allianzes of family
    In 1733 the War of the Polish Succession broke out. Spain and France fought together against Austria,
    signing the First Family Pact.
    In 1740 the War of the Austrian Succession broke out, in which France and Spain were once again united, signing the Second
    Family Pact (1743).
  • Cadastre of Ensenada

    Cadastre of Ensenada
    where the wealth of each taxpayer figured
  • Peace of Basilea

    Peace of Basilea
    Peace after the war between France and Spain where Spain lost
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    Battle between France and Sapin vs England where france and spain lost
  • Riot of Aranjuez

    Riot of Aranjuez
    Riot that they want the dismissal of Godoy and the abdication of Carlos IV in his son
  • Abdications of Bayona

    Abdications of Bayona
    Carlos IV and Ferdinand VII was called by Napoleon to Bayona where Ferdinand gave the power to Carlos and Carlos gave it to Napoleon and he gave it to his brother Jose
  • Battle of Bailen

    Battle of Bailen
    War where France was derroted by Spain
  • Confiscation of Godoy

    Confiscation of Godoy
    Godoy disentails a quarter of the ecclesiastical property motivated
    mainly because of the need for income to pay for wars.
  • First Carlist War

    First Carlist War
    This war have 2 band,the isabeline party and carlos party
  • Death of Ferdinand VII

    Death of Ferdinand VII
    Ferdinand VII was dead after of pot on the law the manifest of abrantes and
    pragmatic sanction that it autorized to womans ascend the throne
  • Liberal Revolution

    Liberal Revolution
    Revolution where starts the end of the reign of Isabel II
  • Confiscation of Mendizabal

    Confiscation of Mendizabal
    The causes that precipitated the process were:
    The Carlist war that made it necessary to obtain resources in order to maintain the
    liberal state.
    The need to reduce public debt, to support future loan requests
    to foreign entities with which to finance liberal projects.
    Attract the mass of buyers to liberalism.
    The anticlerical climate, because of the clergy's support for the Carlist side.
  • Agreement of Vergara

    Agreement of Vergara
    The end of the first carlist war
  • Confiscation of Madoz

    Confiscation of Madoz
    There is talk of "general confiscation", and now they will be put up for sale in a forced way,
    albeit with compensation, the assets of the Church that are still unsold, but also
    assets and lands of the municipalities: common and own
    , the state and other institutions
  • Revolution of "La Gloriosa"

    Revolution of "La Gloriosa"
    Revolution that eliminated to Isabel II of the power
  • Provisional goberment of Serrano

    Provisional goberment of Serrano
    To prevent the rise of republican ideas, Prim promotes the formation of a Provisional Government formed
    by progressives and unionists, which will be chaired by Serrano and in which there will be no democrats.
  • Cuban Problems

    Cuban Problems
    There were various problems in Cuba, such as an uprising led by Cespedes
  • Regency of Serrano

    Regency of Serrano
    There was a new Constitution, but Spain was a monarchy without a king. Serrano will be regent and Prim the head of
  • The first republic

    The first republic
    This republic had 4 presidencies:Estanislao Figueras,Salmeron,Emilio Castelar,Pi I Margall

    At this juncture, Cánovas del Castillo prepared the Bourbon restoration. Obtain the abdication of Isabel II
    in his son Alfonso, and unveils the Sandhurst Manifesto, in which Alfonso promises a constitutional regime
    for Spain.
  • Centralization

    In the name of the centralization of the State, both the civil governors and the mayors were
    appointed directly by the central government, which facilitated the constant distortion of the
  • Constitution of 1876

    Constitution of 1876
    The legal formulation of the Canovas system was the Constitution of 1876, inspired by the Constitution
    from 1845
  • Military pacification

     Military pacification
    Is the first point to a new regime of Canovas where the third carlist war was finished and arrived the peace to Cuba with the Alcoleas treaty
  • Bipartisanship

    The power was divided in 2 bands:conservatives and liberals

    Cuba wants the independence and Spain was not going to give it to him so easily

    When Sain and Cuba was in peace,the americans arrived to defeat Spain
  • The traty of Paris

    The traty of Paris
    This treaty was a consecuence of lose the war,Spain was defeat by USA,and Spain remain under American interests
  • Tragic week in Barcelona

    The risk attacked a railway line near Melilla. The population reacted by erecting barricades
  • Agreement with France

    They had converted the areas of influence in Morocco by a shared protectorate
  • Gunfighting

    There where numerous attacks
  • The disaster of Annual

    General Fernández Silvestre made a military error whose tragic outcome caused unforeseen consequences
  • Primo de Rivera

    Primo de Rivera solves Morocco problems
  • Second Republic

    It must be contextualized with in the crisis of the restoration
  • Caretaker government

    The provisional government was formed
  • Law of bases of the agrarian reform

    The reform sought the redistribution of land that was poorly exploited
  • Revolution

    Gol Robles demanded and obtained the entry of three CEDA ministers into the government
  • Political evolution

  • Coup

    The coup d'eta began to take shape on the same night in February that the popular front won
  • Military and civil uprising

    An uprising occurs
  • Revolution

    The political crisis was precipitated by the revolt of the POUM and the CNT in Barcelona
  • Unification Decree

    Creation of the Spanish Falange
  • Republican Coup

    March, 5,1939 Republican General Casado staged a coup
  • Succession Law of the state

    Franco can choose a successor
  • Franco's sucessor

    In 1967, the young Juan Carlos (son of don Juan) was named Franco's successor, and in 1969, he swore compliance of the "Fundamental Principles of the Movement".
  • Organic Law of the State

    The government wants cuntinuate the franquista system without Franco
  • Carrero Blanco's death

    Carrero Blanco fly in the sky by the ETA
  • Franco's death

    Franco died with Juan Carlos I as Spain King
  • Demicratic Elections

    The first democratic elections was celebrated after the franquismo
  • The constitution of 1978

    The 1978 Constitution has its sources in the Spanish historical Constitutionalism (Constitución de
    1931) and, above all, in post-war Europe (Bonn Fundamental Law). It is extensive6
    , integrative
    (fruit of a broad consensus), rigid (complicated procedure to change the basic principles) and
  • Coup of State

    After the erosion of the UCD, Spanish democracy
    overcame the coup of February 23, 1981 and ended with the
    governments of the socialist era (1982-1996) and the triumph of the Popular Party, whose
    governments last from 1996 to 2004.
  • 4 Legislatures

    In October 1982, the PSOE, with the slogan "for change",
    got an absolute majority. The PSOE would govern during 4 legislatures. The
    absolute majority was renewed in the 1986 and 1989 elections, but not in
    1993 when the PSOE had to seek the support of other parties in order to
  • The PP win the elections

    José María Aznar, leader of the PP, won the 1996 elections by a
    narrow margin, developing a centrist and dialogue policy to obtain
    the support of the nationalist minorities (CiU and PNV) and the unions. The
    government support came from the former UCD (Mayor Oreja) or from politicians
    young people (Rodrigo Rato), who distanced the PP from the old image of Francoism,
    represented by Fraga.