
Banushan- Confederation Unit Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Reciprocity Treaty

    • Britain signed the Reciprocity treaty in 1854 with the United States
    • with this treaty people were allowed to trade raw material without having taxes on them
    • transportation made it hard to trade with in the colonies and manufactured goods were available in the United States and British North American colonies but not much from others
  • Charlottetown Conference

    • eight reprsentatives went to the conference from the United province of Canada, including John A. Macdonald and George- Etienne Cartier
    • they argued for the idea of Maritime Union into a British North American Union
    • by the end of the conference a decision had been made for a confederation of the British North American colonies and a second meeting was held in Quebec to work out the details
  • Quebec Conference

    • there were representatives from the United Province of Canada and all of the maritime colonies
    • this time NewFoundland attended the conference, which previously they had not attended in Charlottetown
    • the conference lasted over two weeks with a decision for a new country of Canada to be formed, but with the seventy- two resolutions
  • Cancellation of the Reciprocity Treaty

    • from 1854 to 1865 there was a free trade with the British Colonies and The United States
    • in 1865 The United States ended the treaty
    • this was a reason for the Brtish Colonies to join and make Canada, so that they could trade freely within them selves
  • London Conference

    • when they decided on the name of Canada
    • presented the seventy- two Resolutions the the British Officials
    • New Brunswick was granted a railway to be built that would connect the Atlantic colonies with the the United Province of Canada
  • The British North America Act

    • stated what the provincial and federal governments would be granted, it also explained the way the government would be structured andguaranteed protection
    • the point for this was to create confederation of the British North American colonies
    • a debate went on wether the government should be National or Provincial But many of the provinces like Quebec was worried that if they didn't have their own governement, they would lose their identity of french so they got two levels of government
  • Confederation- The Day Canada Became a Country

    • became Canada through the British North America act
    • the Province of Canada colony joined the colonies of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
    • Province of Canada became provinces of Ontario and Quebec and formed Canada with New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec
  • Red River Rebellion

    • it was a sequence of events that led to a government
    • it was caused by the Metis and many other people in the red river colony who was lead by Louis Reil
    • later the Manitoba act passed and the red river colony was part of confederation
  • Province of Manitoba Created

    • Manitba became a province after a lot of negotiation with something called The List of Rights which included many things like should Manitoba be entered into confederation as a province or territory
    • most of the demands were met which led to a good government, bilingual schools, property rights for aboriginal lands
    • all the agreements were made and Manitoba was made the fifth province of Canada
  • The British Columbia Act

    • the Canadian government really wanted to extend their territory into the Pacific Coast so they askedBritish Columbia to join confederation
    • in return for BC to join confederation had to promise that they would build a raliway connecting BC to Canada and it had to be complete with in ten years
    • an annual payment of $35 000 every year and $0.08 per capita until the population reached 400 000
    • BC to have power of government owned land ( the four provinces)