AP Euro

  • Jan 30, 1450

    Jack Cade rebellion- revolt against King Henry vl

    A rebellion against the unfavorable king Henry Vl
  • Apr 30, 1450

    Little Ice age is estimated to have began

  • Apr 30, 1450

    The vatican library is founded in the vatican city

  • Aug 30, 1450

    Guttenburg invents the printing press

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da vinci is born

  • Oct 2, 1452

    KIng Richard lll, of England, is born

  • Jul 7, 1453

    First battle at Castillon- hundred years war

  • Nov 23, 1457

    Ladislau V, king of Hungary and Bohemia dies

  • Apr 4, 1460

    Univerity of Basle in Switzerland is opened

  • Apr 8, 1460

    The man behind the quest of the fountain of youth, Ponce de Leon, is born

  • Jun 28, 1461

    The crowning of Edward lV of England

  • Jun 27, 1462

    The famous King Louis XLL of France is born

  • Mar 8, 1466

    Duke of Milan, Francesco Sforza dies

  • Jun 15, 1467

    Phillip the good of Burgundy dies

  • Feb 3, 1468

    Pope Paul lll is born

  • May 3, 1469

    Machiavelli, author of "The Prince" ,is born

  • Oct 18, 1469

    The marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabella of Castille

  • Apr 30, 1470

    earliest work of Botticelli is created

  • Apr 14, 1471

    Battle of Barnet on Easter Sunday

  • May 21, 1471

    King Henry Vl of England is asasinated

  • Aug 7, 1471

    Pope Paul ll dies and Pope Sixtus lV replaces him

  • Apr 30, 1473

    the first game of golf was said to have been played

  • Mar 6, 1475

    Michelangelo, famous artist in painting and sculpting is born

  • Apr 30, 1475

    The sistine chapel is built under the order of pope Sixtus lV

  • Apr 30, 1475

    The Kremlin Cathedrals are under construction

  • Apr 30, 1502

    Expelled Muslims

    Queen Isabella issued a decree that expelled all professed Muslims from Spain.
  • Apr 30, 1504


    Michelangelo finishes his 18 foot sculpture of David.
  • Period: Apr 30, 1510 to Apr 30, 1511

    School of Athens

    Raphael makes his painting the School of Athens.
  • Apr 30, 1511

    The Praise of Folly

    Erasmus wrote his book The Praise of Folly, where he criticized corruption of power from the clergy.
  • Apr 30, 1513

    The Prince

    Niccolo Machiavelli writes his book The Price where he writes about how a prince should act.
  • Period: Apr 30, 1513 to Apr 1, 1521

    Leo X

    Papacy of Leo X, son of Lorenzo de’ Medici.
  • Apr 30, 1514


    First contact from China and Europe in over 200 years.
  • Apr 30, 1517

    95 Theses

    Martin Luther Posted his 95 Theses regarding the indulgence controversy.
  • Apr 30, 1518


    First slaves sent from Spain to the New World.
  • Apr 30, 1519

    Death of Leonardo da Vinci

  • Apr 30, 1520

    Death of Rafael

  • Apr 30, 1527

    Sack of Rome

    Spanish king Charles I sacks Rome and brings a temporary end to the Italian Wars.
  • Apr 30, 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Parliament passed the act that separated England from the church and made the king, King Henry VIII, the supreme leader of the Church of England.
  • Apr 30, 1536

    Death of Erasmus

  • Apr 30, 1543


    Portuguese traders land in Japan.
  • Period: Apr 30, 1545 to Apr 30, 1563

    Council of Trent

    The catholic church met intermittently to fix the problems brought up from the Protestant Reformation.
  • Apr 30, 1546

    Death of Martin Luther

  • Apr 30, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace between Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and the German princes ending the religious struggle between the two and letting the princes choose Lutheranism or Catholicism in their reign.
  • Apr 30, 1564

    Death of Michelangelo

  • Apr 30, 1572

    Saint Bartholomew’s Massacre

    Massacre of Huguenots in Paris.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Set the official religion of France as Catholicism but let certain areas for Huguenots to worship.
  • Giordano Bruno burned at the stake in Rome

    Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, poet, and astrologer
  • Elizabeth I, Queen of England, dies, and with her the Tudor line. Her successor is James I of the House of Stuart

    After 44 years of rule, Queen Elizabeth I of England dies, and King James VI of Scotland ascends to the throne, uniting England and Scotland under a single power
  • Elizabeth I dies/James I/Great Britain created

    Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty.
  • Mercantilism and the East India Companies bring cash to Europe

    Mercantilism is an economic theory and practice common in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century that promoted governmental regulation
  • William Gilbert (1540-1603) publishes On the Magnet.

  • New star (supernova), fully described by Kepler in De stella nova (1606), hence "Kepler's star."

    astronamist theory of stars
  • Francis Bacon (1561-1626) publishes Two Books of Francis Bacon, of the Proficiencie and Advancementof Learning, Divine and Human.

    Former Lord Chancellor
    Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St. Alban, QC, was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author. He served both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England
  • Foundation of Virginia by the English

  • Foundation of Quebec by the French.

    quebec in the new world in now whats called canad
  • Galileo Constructs a Telescope

    one of the first major advances in astronomy
  • Henry IV, King of France, is murdered. He is succeeded by his son, Louis XIII (d. 1643), during whose reign Cardinal Richelieu ruled France de facto.

    King Henry IV of France, the first monarch of France's Bourbon Dynasty, issued The Edict of Nantes.
  • The Starry Messenger

    Sidereus Nuncius is a short astronomical treatise published in New Latin by Galileo Galilei
  • King James Bible is published

  • Foundation of New York by the Dutch

    Freedom of worship was part of the city's foundation, and the trial for libel in 1735 of ... Sephardic Jews expelled from Dutch Brazil were welcome in New York.
  • Beginning of the Thirty Years' War, which devastates much of the German region

    The Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) was a series of wars principally fought in Central Europe, involving most of the countries of Europe
  • First African slaves in Virginia.

    used as a source of money and of manual labor
  • Francis Bacon publishes his New Organum.

  • Hugo Grotius publishes Law of War and Peace.

  • Beginning of the reign of Charles I of England.

    Charles was the second son of King James VI of Scotland, but after his father inherited the English throne in 1603, he moved to England, where he spent much of the rest of his life
  • Francis Bacon's New Atlantis is published posthumously.

    As a work of narrative fiction, Bacon's novel New Atlantis may be classified as a literary rather than a scientific
  • Puritans Settle in New England forced out by increased Anglicanization of England

    attempting to escape religious persecution, fled England for the Netherlands. They remained there until 1620, but, fearing that they were losing their cultural identity, they decided to settle in Delaware in the New World
  • Trial of Galileo

    affair which came into conflict over the catholic church
  • Foundation of Harvard College.

    the most prestigous university around
  • René Descartes (1596-1650) publishes his Discourse on Method.

    René Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and writer who spent most of his life in the Dutch Republic
  • Death of Galileo.

  • Birth of Isaac Newton (1642-1727).

    one of th greatest physicist of all time
  • Louis XIV Takes Throne of France

    known as Louis the Great or the Sun King, was a monarch of the House of Bourbon
  • Beginning of civil war in England

    a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians ("Roundheads") and Royalists
  • Descartes publishes Principles of Philosophy

    It set forth the principles of nature—the Laws of Physics--as Descartes viewed ... This was published in 1647,
  • Peace of Westphalia ends 30 Years War

    The Peace of Westphalia was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster.
  • Charles I of England beheaded by Cromwell and the "Rump" Parliament

    Charles I was monarch of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649
  • end of english civil war

    all the fighting was over in england after the people got what thry wanted
  • Charles I is executed by Cromwell’s Parliament in England

    Cromwell is thought to have suffered from malaria and from ... Although not entirely without ability, Richard had no power base in either Parliament or the Army ... so George Monck, the English governor
  • Publication of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

  • Hobbes and Locke describe new ways to think about government

    Hobbes began Leviathan by describing the “state of nature” where all ... The only way out of this situation, Hobbes said, was for individuals to create some ... A new age with fresh ideas was emerging
  • Foundation of the Accademia del Cimento in Florence, whose meetings last until 1667.

  • Formation of Prussia as a Kingdom

    The Kingdom of Prussia was now so large and so dominant in the new Germany .... The Hanseatic League was officially formed in northern Europe
  • Restoration of the English Monarchy.

    The Restoration of the English monarchy began when the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the Interregnum
  • English Restoration

  • Foundation of the Royal Society of London

  • Louis XIV (1643-1715) begins governing France

  • Charles II (d. 1685) crowned king of England.

  • Robert Boyle (1625-1692) publishes The Skeptical Chymist.

  • First issue of Philosophical Transactions published by Henry Oldenburg, secretary of the Royal Society.

    Spanning the years 1665-6, even its publication history is extraordinary, ... Thus, although publication of the first few issues commenced in the heart of Old London ... the printer to Henry Oldenburg, the very first Secretary of the Royal Society
  • Robert Hooke (1635-1703) publishes Micrographia

    Robert Hooke (1635-1703) was, by all accounts, a remarkably ... Minute Bodies made by Magnifying Glasses, first published in 1665. ... Only two editions of Hooke's Micrographia were printed in his lifetime
  • the devastating Fire of London

  • Foundation of the Académie Royale des Sciences by Louis XIV.

  • London Plague.

    the Great Plague (1665–66) was the last major epidemic of the bubonic plague to occur in the Kingdom of England
  • First issue of Journal des Sçavans published by the French Academy.

    Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences – KNAW ... Rejected by the schools, French Cartesianism spread quickly to all classes of the learned, ... The first published scientific journal was the Journal des Sçavans
  • Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) publishes Horologium Oscillatorium.

  • Peter the Great in Russia

    One of Russias greatest statesmen, Peter the Great the Tsar and first Emperor of Russia
  • Repeal of the Edict of Nantes.

    King Henry IV of France, the first monarch of France's Bourbon Dynasty, issued The Edict of Nantes.
  • Repeal of the Edict of Nantes in France

  • James II ascends the throne of England.

    gets overthroned and elects William and queen Mary
  • Isaac Newton publishes his Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

    explains the theory of gravity and how it affects everything
  • Universal law of Gravitation by Newton

  • Glorious Revolution in England.

  • revolution in England kicks out James II and brings in William and mary

  • Beginning of the rule of William and Mary in England.

    after james II gets kicked the previous year William steps up
  • Publication of Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke (1632-1704)

    An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke concerns the foundation of human knowledge and understanding. He describes the mind at birth as a blank slate
  • Founding of the Bank of England

    te first true bank of society
  • Death of William III of Orange, King of England and stadholder of the Netherlands. Beginning of the reign of Queen Anne in England.

    William III & II was a sovereign Prince of Orange of the House of Orange-Nassau by birth. From 1672 he governed as Stadtholder William III of Orange over Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Gelderland,
  • Isaac Newton publishes his Opticks

  • War of Spanish Succession and the Peace of Utrecht

    The Treaty of Utrecht, which established the Peace of Utrecht, is a series of individual peace treaties, rather than a single document, signed by the belligerents in the War of the Spanish Succession, in the Dutch city of Utrecht in March and April 1713
  • Pragmatic Sanction

    The Pragmatic Sanction was an edict issued by Charles VI on 19 April 1713, to ensure that the Habsburg hereditary possessions could be inherited by a daughter.
  • Louis XIV dies

    one louis XIV dies there is the search for new king
  • The Breaking of the financial ‘Bubbles’

    He holds him accountable for fueling economic bubbles
  • Austrian Succession, French and Indian War and 7 Years War

    a revival of the grand design, saw France ... The final conflict was the Seven Year's War or French and Indian War.
  • The Encyclopedia is published by Diderot

    the first actual encyclopedia advances in printing press allow for this
  • Catherine the Great rules Russia

    Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great, was the most renowned and the longest-ruling female leader of Russia,
  • Peace of Paris ends 7 Years War

  • Steam Engine first used in England

    a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. Using boiling water to produce mechanical motion
  • 1st Partition of Poland

    The First Partition of Poland or First Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth took place in 1772 as the first of three partitions that ended the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • The American Revolution

  • Declaration of Independence

    one of the greatest moments in history due to the source of freedom
  • Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith explains capitalism

  • The French Revolution

    as a period of radical social and political upheaval in France from 1789 to 1799 that profoundly affected French and modern history, marking the decline of powerful monarchies and churches and the rise of democracy and nationalism. Popular resentment of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and aristocracy grew amidst an economic crisis following two expensive wars and years of bad harvests, motivating demands for change
  • Third Estate voted itself a national assembly

  • Declaration of Pillnitz and the Coalitions

    The initial coalition formed with the Declaration of Pillnitz on August 27, 1791, when Prussia and Austria signed a pact to attack France if any harm should befall
  • The Terror

  • Napoleon Takes Power

  • The Rise of Germanic Nationalism

    thw unsettling to causes of pride and set to ww1
  • Rise of Nationalism

    Major cause in the fall of Napoleon’s empire.
  • Napoleon and Catholic Church

    Napoleon makes peace with the Catholic church.
  • Treaty of Amiens

    Peace between French Republic and Great Britain.
  • Great Britain and France

    Break treaty and renew war.
  • The Third of May

    Painting of revolts in Spain and execution of the Spaniards by the French troops.
  • Coronation of Napoleon

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Equality of citizens and freedom. Many enlightened rights.
  • Continental System

    Napoleon stopped all trade with Great Britain in attempt to weaken it. Failed.
  • Napoleon tries to invade Russia

    Napoleon and his Grand Army go to Russia and return defeated and with great losses.
  • Luddites

    Group of skilled craft people who attacked and destroyed machines.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    After his defeat, Napoleon was exiled to rule in the small island of Elba.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Rulers and nobles gathered together to arrange a peace of the Napoleonic wars.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Saint Helena

    After he is defeated at Waterloo, he is exiled to Saint Helena for good.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    After he returned to France and rallied up new forces he was defeated at Waterloo in a bloody battle.
  • James Watt Dies

    Creator of steam engine.
  • Death of Napoleon

  • British Prevention

    The British tried to stop continental countries from getting its techniques and restricted artisans from leaving the country.
  • Train

    A railroad line opened from Liverpool to Manchester.
  • Slavery Abolition Act

  • Factory Act

    Kids were taken away from working in factories and replaced by women.
  • Report on the Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain

    Chadwick, secretary of the Poor Law Commission, reports his findings on the terrible working conditions of the factories.
  • Population Growth

    Notable population growth increased due to a lower death rate.
  • The Great Famine

    Ireland was the only nation to decline in population because of starvation due to the potato famine.
  • The Great Exhibition

    Great Britain held the world’s first industrial fair and was held in the Crystal Palace.
  • Period: to


  • Austria-Hungary declares war upon Serbia

  • Beggining of WW1

    Austria is the first to attack the Serbian state across the River Drina
  • Battle of the Frotiers

    The german tactics of the 'schlieffen plan' and the plan for the french was mashed together for the first time in this war.
  • Rasputian assassinated

    rasputian is killed due to his involvment and pupeteering in politics
  • Guillermo is born

  • Period: to
