The British

  • Royal Proclamation is signed. It protected the Natives.

  • The Quebec Act was signed to reorganize the way the British territories were governed.

  • Fighting broke between the colonists and the British.

  • The British finally surrendered to the Americans.

  • Constitutional Act was made to recognize the differences between the two population in Quebec, and split Quebec into two colonies. These became Upper and Lower Canada.

  • A threat to the two colonies of Upper and Lower Canada during the War of 1812.

  • Violence broke out between the supporters of Papineau and the government.

  • The rebels in Upper Canada planned and uprising when the regular British troops were sent to Montreal, to put down the rebellion in Lower Canada.

  • After the rebellions in both Upper and Lower Canada, the British government realized it had to make some changes in the governments of the colonies.

  • Act of Union was signed and joined Upper Canada and Lower Canada into one colony called the United Province of Canada.