British North America

  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    Sept.13 1759, Wolfe's army had to climb up cliffs to get to the battle grounds.
  • Royal Proclamation

    1763, King George III was to make a basis of government administration in North American Territories.
  • Quebec Act

    May 1
  • American War of Independence

    1783 the thirteen colonies fought and won for their independence, there was a dispute over taxes, administration and territorial provisions, the war broke out in lexington massachusetts on april 1777
  • War of 1812

    a war between the US and Great Britain. Canada was apart of the war because it was a colony of Britain. They were attacked many times by the Americans.
  • Rebellions

    Upper and Lower Canada, French Canadians constituted the majority in the elected Assembly madeby the constitutional act
  • Lord Durham Report

  • Act of Union

    act of the british parliment. It was passed in July 1840 and proclaimed on feb.10th 1841, it united upper canada and lower canada to one government.
  • Baldwin-Lafontaine Coalition

    1842-1843, robert baldwin and his political partner Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine led the frist responsible ministry in Canada. Some people believe that it was the first real canadian government.
  • Quebec Conference

    the second meeting in 1864 to discuss Canadian Confederation, 16 delegates from the provinced of canada discussed John A Macdonald and stronger provincial rights
  • Confederation

    the union of British north american colonies of new brunswick, nova scotia upper and lower canda