What Scares Me

  • Wild Mushrooms

    I was afraid of wild mushrooms growing in my backyard when I was 3 because I assumed they were poisonous.
  • My Cat, MJ

    I was afraid of my cat scratching me when I was 5.
  • Accidentally Destroying the School's Plumbing

    In third grade, when I was 8, I accidentally dropped a Ring Pop into the toilet. I flushed it and later I was afraid it would clog the pipe further down the line and would get me expelled and force my parents to pay a large fine for repairs.
  • Being Left Alone With My Thoughts

    From when I was about 9, I had a fear of being left alone with my thoughts because they were upsetting to me. I have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and as a result of it I am constantly bombarded with intrusive disturbing thoughts, so I was afraid of them and being left alone with them.
  • Now

    I like to think I'm not afraid of anything anymore, but I currently have fears of the open ocean (walking on long boardwalks with no rail), because if I fell in I couldn't keep myself afloat for long.