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Ashleigh Garrard

By ashtgar
  • Infancy - Birth

    The day I was born.
  • Infancy - Attachment

    Infancy - Attachment
    I was a securely attached infant according to Bowlby's theory of attachments. I believe this helped me throughout my life by giving me a strong foundation of trust and security to carry into both friendships and romantic relationships.
  • Infancy - Behavior

    My mother says she would classify me as an easy child because I have very bubbly and did not cry much except in the first month or so after I was born because I was colicky.
  • Infancy - Socioemotional

    My maternal grandfather passed away before I was one after a short battle with colon cancer. I believe this effected my socioemotional development because it interfered with my mothers ability to care for me like she would have liked to because of her own grieving. My primary care giver, being my mother, abruptly switched to my father while she cared for herself, mother, and siblings.
  • Infancy - Language

    My mother told me that I spoke my first word consistently around 10 months old and it was "no."
  • Infancy - Physical Development

    I began walking around 9-10 months of age mostly steadying myself on furniture, but taking several steps on my own. My parents encouraged my fine motor development by letting me play with a shape matching box at an early age.
  • Infancy - Memory

    The first memory I am able to recall is having my last bottle as an infant. My mother was shocked when I recalled it because she had never told me. I was in grandmothers kitchen floor.
  • Infancy - Sensoriomotor Stage

    During this substage of Piaget's theory of development, I was beginning to act on my own and understand the basics of the world around me. I do not remember much from this part of my life, but my parents always said that this is when you could really see that I was becoming my own person. My personality had started to show.
  • Early Childhood - Health

    When I was about four years old, I began having allergy and breathing problems. This is very common in my family. My grandmother has asthma. This is around the time I began using allergy medicines.
  • Early Childhood - Preoperational Stage

    During this substage of Piaget's theory of development I was beginning to develop symbolic thought. I have always loved drawing and writing. My mother taught me how to write my name at about four years old. She also loved to draw and paint with me.
  • Early Childhood - Stress

    During my early childhood I remember being afraid to sleep alone, so I always had my stuffed bear to sleep with in order to cope with the stress of this.
  • Early Childhood - Emotion

    My mother would help me through emotions in early childhood. If I was frustrated because a toy would not work, for example my mom would help me fix it. Then we would discuss why I became angry and what the proper reaction for the situation should be. She taught me to remain calm and ask for help instead of getting angry and frustrated.
  • Early Childhood

    Early Childhood
    The birth of my brother Cole
  • Middle Childhood - Vocabulary

    My parents helped me a lot with homework during middle childhood. I always had a study partner for vocabulary tests in school. We also read books before bed, so I had a lot of exposure to different and new vocabulary.
  • Middle Childhood - Emotion

    By this time I had grown out of temper tantrums and reacting drastically in most cases. My mom said by the time I started kindergarten, she was not afraid to take me to the grocery store anymore because she was confident that I could behave. I was showing my ability to suppress and conceal negative emotions and express them in an appropriate setting.
  • Middle Childhood - Senses

    I got my first pair of glasses around age 9.
  • Middle Childhood - Memory

    A memory strategy I recall using during middle childhood would be repetition and memorization. We always had timed math quizzes to take home. We did these so much that eventually you would remember the answers without even having to figure the problem.
  • Late Childhood - Intelligence

    I have always loved to draw. During my late childhood I became very invested in it. My parents let me take an art class and I loved it. I even learned how to make pottery. This was me using creative and practical intelligence. Sternberg advised this as levels, but I believe you need analytical, creative, and practical intelligence all working together to truly reason intelligently.
  • Late Childhood - Concrete Operational

    During Piaget's concrete operational stage of thought I began to reason logically. I believe a good example of this would be that I was able to easily tell right from wrong. I saw another child get in trouble at school for talking in class during lecture. I was able to see myself in their shoes and know that I should not speak out of turn, or I knew that I would risk also getting in trouble.
  • Late Childhood - Senses

    I believe I began to realize that my senses had began to decline around age 11 or so. Hearing was the first sense I noticed declining. I attributed it to headphones at the time, but I now know that this is somewhat normal, though the excessive headphone use definitely didn't help.
  • Late Childhood - Memory

    I remember in my late childhood on several occasions staring into the mirror and thinking, wow I am really a person with my own thoughts and experiences. This was my way of expressing my own theory of mind and metacognition.
  • Adolescents - Physical Performance

    Peak physical performance is usually reached at this age. I played softball in high school as a freshman and sophomore, so age 14-16, and was very active.
  • Adolescents - Formal Operational

    The formal operational stage of Piaget's developmental theory would have been during my late middle school years onward. An example of me showing formal operational thought at this age also fits with the time frame that I was first taught about the scientific method. The scientific method is kind of like this definition, by using hypothetical thought you are able to systematically reduce to the best answer. This would be like solving math problems or using the scientific method in science class.
  • Adolescents - Senses

    I started noticing a decline in my sense of smell around this age. I noticed that sometimes I couldn't smell certain foods as strongly as I had before. It used to really bother me when my mother would fry things in the house because the smell would stay for days, but as I got older I realized and I had not noticed it as much as I used to.
  • Adolescents - Stress

    During adolescents I coped with stress mainly by removing myself from the situation entirely. I was very isolated and chose to read a lot. It always helped being able to put myself in a calm situation if I was every feeling overwhelmed.
  • Adolescents - Emotion

    Adolescents is a very hard time emotionally. I am thankful that my parents where very involved and always tried to talk through my feelings with me. Obviously they had already experienced what I was feeling and were able to help me work through it.
  • Adolescents

    Began College at Gadsden State Community College
  • Adolescents

    I gave birth to my daughter Maya Michelle Porter at the age of 17 about one month from my 18th birthday.
  • Adolescents

    Graduated from Glencoe High School
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Transferred to The University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Emerging Adulthood - Vocabulary

    My friends use a lot of slang just to be funny. Something several of them say often is "yeet" which is basically like saying cool.
  • Emerging Adulthood - Health

    Cancer has always been very prevalent in my family. My grandfather is the only one to have died from it though. Several women in my family have had ovarian cancer and skin cancers. I can better prevent this since I know that I am at risk, by using sun screen and avoiding carcinogens and also seeing my doctor regularly.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    For my Big Five test results I scored in the 90th percentile in open mindedness showing that I enjoy seeing things in new ways. I scored in the 83rd percentile for consciouniousness because I am organized, and can be relied upon. On extraversion I scored in the 13th percentile showing that I like to be alone. I scored in the 51st percentile for agreeableness so I am in between on this one. I scored in the 85th percentile for negative emotions because I tend to be anxious and worry.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    I took the IQ test, or the Binet test, we were told about in lecture and received a 114 in the 84th percentile, which is a moderately high score and shows crystalized intelligence.