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Human Developmental Timeline - Cole McNeil

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    Sensorimotor Stage

    I would not have object permanance, the realization that things continue to exist even when they are out of sight. Evidence that babies develop a small sense of logic.
  • Raised my head to 45 degrees (2 months)

  • Easy Tempermented Child

    Had predictable sleep schedule, and reacted the same way to different situations such as hunger.
  • Roll over (2.8 months)

  • Sit with support (4 months)

  • Sit without support (5.5 months)

  • Pull myself to a standing position (7.6 months)

  • Walk holding on to furniture (9.2 months)

  • Creep (10 months)

  • Stand alone (11.5 months)

  • Walk (12.1 months)

  • Period: to

    Preconventional Morality

    Focuses on my personal interests. Rules are obeyed simply because doing so avoids punishment.
  • Trust v. Mistrust

    As an infant, I would trust my parents that if a new crises were to arise, I could trust them to be there in support. Failing to acquire the virtue of hope will lead to the development of fear.
  • Period: to

    Preoperational Stage

    Not able to grasp the concept of conservation. The idea that something can retain a characteristic while something else changes. I would be very egocentric during this stage, not able to see things from other points of view.
  • Started Pre-School

    A sense of secure attachment to my parents when they would drop me off, and I would be visually upset, but when they return I was happy again.
    A sense of insecure attachment later on when I became more used to the pre-school, I was more eager to explore my suroundings rather than worry about my parents being there.
  • Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt

    My parents allowing me to put on my own clothes, lead to the virtue of will. Since this increased my indepenence at a young age, I became more confident in my ability to do things on my own.
  • Initiative v. Guilt

    When I would overstep the initiatives my parents would give me such as being allowed to make up my own games and plan activities with others, I would be punished. These punishments would include a sense of guilt that I was being a nuisance, therefore I formed self control and conscience. This stage allows children to lead to the virtue of purpose.
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational Stage

    Not able to think abstractly, I would use my fingers when counting in math.
  • Industry v. Inferiority

    I began to develop a sense of pride in my accomplishments such as athletisim achievements. Allowing me to to have success in the stage teaching children about the virtue of competence.
  • Period: to

    Conventional Morality

    Things are done because there are rules that must be obeyed. I would not steal because there is a law against it.
  • Period: to

    Formal Operational Stage

    Able to think abstractly and more comprehensively. Use of symbols and variables when figuring out complex problems. Using systematic or logical reasoning abilities.
  • First Menarche in Girls my age.

  • Period: to


    Body Growth, Body hair development, Acne, Breasts (girls), deeper voices (boys)
    Menarche and Spermarche
  • First Spermarche in Boys my age.

  • Ego Identity v. Role Confusion

    This stage shows me as a child to learn the roles I will occupy as an adult. During this stage, the body image of adolescents like me will change, and I will have to adapt and grow into the changes. Leading to the virtue of fidelity or the acceptance of others.
  • Period: to

    Postconventional Morality

    I would do things out of respect of others, I would explain that stealing is wrong because it violates another person's right to property
  • Period: to


    Fluid inteligence decreases with old age, longer reaction times etc.
    Crystallized intelligence increases with age, comes with better vocabulary and wisdom.
    Demensia becomes more popular, causing memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning.
    Alhziemer's is a a progressive disease due to brain deterioration. Caused by degeneration of the brain.
    Decline in sensory abilities such as smell, sight and identifying spoken words correctly.
  • Intimacy v. Isolation

    Successful completion of this of this stage can lead to comfortable relationships and a sense of commitment. Avoiding intimacy will cause the opposite leading to isolation. Success in this stage allows people to lead to the virtue of love.
  • Average Age of having a child (26 years)

  • Average Age women get married (27 years)

  • Average Age men get married (29 years)

  • Midlife Transition

    Discontentment and Boredom with the lifestyle they had been living for a long time.
  • Period: to

    Middle Adulthood

    Decline in vision and hearing, as well as immune system functioning.
  • Menopause begins in Women born when I was.

  • Generativity v. Stagnation

    During this age, we establish our careers, and begin our families. We give back to society through raising our children, being productive at work and being involved in our community. Success in this stage leads to the virtue of care.
  • Ego Integrity v. Despaiir

    We begin to slow down our productivity and explore life as an elderly person. We either see our accomplishments as successful or unproductive leading to hoplessness. Success in this stage will lead to wisdom, enabling a person to look back on their life with a sense of closure and completeness and accept death without fear.
  • Death