Time line Angie Manrique

  • 2020 BCE

    My last journey

    My last journey
    This trip was one of the best experiences because it was with great friends and an incredible place, that made it a great trip. When we arrived it was great weather which did not help that much and we were able to do all the activities we had planned such as going to the waterfall and having a good time with friends in the pool.
  • 2019 BCE

    One day on television

     One day on television
    On this day it was one of the most special since I met my favorite singer and many more artists and not only that I can be on the sets of great productions. When I had a trip to meet my favorite singer, it was the best feeling because I wanted to meet him in person and I got to know the great person he was, after that we went to meet the rest of the artists, which made it a great day.
  • 2018 BCE

    New school (High school)

    New school (High school)
    That year there were many changes especially because I changed schools in one which was totally different from the one I was in, but despite that I made great friends and met many people. When he had hallowen our course he prepared a dance in which we won the award for our costumes and having a great dance.
  • 2017 BCE

    A beach day

    A  beach day
    This day we were excited because not only did we go on a trip but we were also going to be on the beach. When we had started the trip we left the suitcases at the hotel and went to the beach since my brother was very excited because he had never been and that is how it was for most of the trip if we were not at sea, we were getting to know the city or in the pool.
  • 2017 BCE

    Last day at my school past

     Last day at my school past
    This day was very special because it was my last day at that school. Although it was very sad to leave him since I left many friends, they said goodbye to me, the caul made me feel very loved. When I had to leave it was very sad because we would no longer spend the same time that we shared before, but despite that there were friendships for life.
  • 2016 BCE

    My uncle's wedding

    My uncle's wedding
    This day was very important since my uncle was getting married so he was very happy about it because after many years he found the woman who was going to spend the rest of his life, I had done the preparation of his wedding together with my family So we were worried if something would go wrong but luckily everything went very well and I was happy because there was happiness around us.
  • 2015 BCE

    My first book

    My first book
    In 2015 my school did an activity in which each of us had to write a book. I was excited because it never occurred to me to create a book and even more so at such a young age, I was very excited but worried because I did not know what I was going to write and we only had 1 month for that, so every day I arrived I had to write for what minus one sheet. When the day came I was very happy because I had achieved it; That day was very nice because each of us exhibited our books.
  • 2013 BCE

    My first pet (Amany)

    My first pet (Amany)
    Amany was our first pet he was a Siberian wolf, we loved him because he was very cute, I was very happy because he had never had a pet and as beautiful as he was. He was very restless, he loved going out to the park and running and being very tender with people
  • 2009 BCE


    When I was in elementary school I loved cheerleading so my parents decided that I would join a team; I was very happy to join a team, so I was did in competitions, in which we were champions in the tournaments we participated in.
  • 2005 BCE

    Born my brother

    Born my brother
    When my brother was born I was 4 years old, so I was very excited to have a brother. I was very excited because I already had someone to share my toys with because before he arrived I had no one to share them with and now I could share with someone else.
  • 2001 BCE


    I was the first daughter my parents had, so they were very excited about my arrival and likewise my grandparents were anxious about my birth.