Latin America Revolutions

  • The Start of the Haitian Revolution

    The Start of the Haitian Revolution
    The way the Revolution started was because of the inspiration in the United States and France who gained freedom from revolution. They revolted because of the brutal and terrorizing way their white masters treated them. The social classes that participated were the enslaved Africans. Who were lead by the Leaders Toussaint Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
  • The End of the Haitian Revolution

    The End of the Haitian Revolution
    The Haitians fought against the French defeating them and gaining their Independence. The Revolution ending with freeing the enslaved Africans and a new government.
  • The Start of the Mexican Revolution

    The Start of the Mexican Revolution
    The way the Revolution started was Padre Miguel Hidalgo a firm believer of the enlightenment ideals. He took the first step of starting a rebellion against the Spanish. Wanting Independence and the control of their land and lives. The Social classes who participated were the Indians and Mestizos playing the biggest roles. The leaders were Padre Miguel Hidalgo, Padre Jose Maria Morelos and Augustin de Iturbide.
  • The South American Revolution

    The South American Revolution
    Jose de san Martin and Simon Bolivar's wanted to Unite the Spanish colonies into a single country. They created a volunteer army who fought the Spanish. The social classes that participated were the Creoles. The leaders were Simon Bolivar, Jose de san Martin and Bernardo Ohiggins. Who fought together to gain Independence.
  • The End of the Mexican Revolution

    The End of the Mexican Revolution
    Mexico Claims Independence from the Spain, armies defeated the Spanish which leads to there own government.
  • The Start of the Brazilian

    The Start of the Brazilian
    The way the Brazilian Revolution started was by King John wanting to make brazil a country again. The Social classes that participated were the Creoles. The leaders were the Portuguese royal family and the Brazilian people( creoles).
  • The End of the Brazilian Reolution

    The End of the Brazilian Reolution
    The Brazilian Revolution was a success because brazil declared Independence on September 7, 1822. The Revolution ended when 18,000 Brazilians signed a petition. Which they agreed, making this revolution bloodless.
  • The End of the South American Revolution

    The End of the South American Revolution
    The Creoles fought against the Spanish. The Revolution ended when Bolivar's army defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Ayacucho. The Revolution was a success since Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador gained their independence.