Calendario azteca

The History of México

By Mane PG
  • Period: 200 to

    The Prehispanic Age

    Is a period before the conquest and Spanish colonization from 1521
  • Period: 200 to 900

    Preclassic period.

    Communities based on fishing, harvesting, hunting and incipient agriculture. Some villages became ceremonial centers, appears the cult of fertility. Development of Olmec culture. Its main ceremonial centers were La Venta, Tres Zapotes and San Lorenzo, which have a strong influence throughout Mesoamerica. The Mayan lowlands are being populated and basements are built on Monte Albán, 200 BC-90C.
  • Period: 900 to 1500

    Classic time.

    Maximum development of pre-Hispanic civilizations, consolidation of the characteristics of Mesoamerican cultures in art, pottery, writing and the calendar. The deities multiplied. Splendor of Teotihuacán, Monte Albán [Zapoteca], Mitla [Zapoteca], Uxmal, Palenque, Tajín, Cobá, Bonampak, Yaxchilán; Fall the great cities of Cacaxtla and Xochicalco, 900 -1521.
  • 1515

    The arrival of the Spaniards

    The arrival of the Spaniards
    The crew of a Spanish ship are shipwrecked near Jamaica and captured by the Maya in Yucatan; Among them was Geronimo de Aguilar, who later met Cortes and served as interpreter.
  • Apr 22, 1519

    The first Spanish town in Mexico

    The first Spanish town in Mexico
    Cortes founds the first Spanish town called the Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, sinks the ships and begins the exploration of the territory.
  • Nov 8, 1519

    The Spaniards and Moctezuma II

    The Spaniards and Moctezuma II
    Arrival of the Spaniards to Tenochtitlan, Moctezuma II receives them peacefully, lodges them in the palace of Axayácatl and fills them with honors. A few days after his arrival, Moctezuma II was taken prisoner.
  • Jul 1, 1520

    La Noche Triste

    La Noche Triste
    When Cortes learned that Pánfilo de Narvaez had arrived with orders to replace him, he went out to meet him to fight him, leaving Pedro de Alvarado in charge of Tenochtitlan. This allowed a religious festival to take place, which ended in a battle known as the Killing of the Great Temple. The Spaniards are besieged, trying to escape are discovered and attacked, dying large numbers of them; This is known as la noche triste
  • Period: 1521 to

    Postclassic time

    Theocratic societies are militarized; Appearance of metallurgy. Mesoamerica reached its maximum extent. Great development of the Toltecs in Tula. Auge de Mitla [Mixteca] and Monte Albán [Mixteca].
  • Period: 1521 to

    The Colonial Epoch

    For the history of Mexico the period known as the Colony or the Viceroyalty begins in the sixteenth century XVI, when the Spaniards, under Hernán Cortés, conquered the ancient Mexico-Tenochtitlan.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    The fall of tenochtitlan.

    The fall of tenochtitlan.
    Was the battle that marked the fall of the Aztec Empire and birth of what would be the mestizo Mexico of today and that marks the end of the first stage of the union of the European and Mesoamerican world, being the victory of the Allies part of the colonization Spanish of America.
  • May 14, 1524

    The twelve Franciscan friars.

    The twelve Franciscan friars.
    Los doce apóstoles de México, también conocidos como los doce apóstoles de Nueva España, fue un grupo de doce misioneros franciscanos que llegaron al recién fundado virreinato de Nueva España en mayo de 1524 con el objetivo de convertir al cristianismo a la población indígena.
  • Jun 12, 1539

    The first printing press.

    The first printing press.
    For the year 1539, thanks to the efforts of the first bishop of Mexico, Fray Juan de Zumárraga, the first printing press was brought to Mexico, which at that time was New Spain governed by Don Antonio de Mendoza. Be installed in all that is now the American Continent.
  • Sep 21, 1551

    Real and Pontifical University of Mexico.

    Real and Pontifical University of Mexico.
    Apertura de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de México, que tuvo los mismos privilegios de la Universidad de Salamanca, contaba con cinco facultades.
  • Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

    Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
    Nace en San Miguel Nepantla Juana Inés de Asbaje y Ramírez de Santillana, mejor conocida como Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz notable poetisa mexicana y decima musa.
  • The Conspiracy of Querétaro.

    The Conspiracy of Querétaro.
    The conspirators of this city counted on the support of the corregidor Miguel Domínguez and his wife Maria Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez; Were meeting to discuss issues related to their desire for independence. Aldama and Allende went to these meetings, the latter informed the priest Hidalgo of what had happened.
  • El Grito de Dolores.

    El Grito de Dolores.
    El Grito de Dolores is considered the act with which the war of Independence of Mexico began. According to the tradition, it consisted of the call that the priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, in the company of Ignacio Allende, Juan Aldama, made to his parishioners so that they did not know and revolted against the viceroyal authority of the New Spain in the Morning of September 16, 1810, for which one of the bells of the parish of Dolores.
  • Period: to


    The Independence of Mexico was the consequence of a political and social process resolved by means of the arms, that put an end to the Spanish dominion in the territories of New Spain. The war for Mexican independence had its antecedent in the invasion of France to Spain in 1808 and extended from the Cry of Dolores, the 16 of September of 1810, until the entrance of the Trigarante Army to the City of Mexico, the 27 of September 1821.
  • The battle of the Calderón Bridge.

    The battle of the Calderón Bridge.
    The insurgents were defeated, the caudillos were forced to go north to seek support, but in Acatita de Baján, Elizondo ambushed them; Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama and Abasolo are tried and sentenced to death, all except Abasolo. José María Morelos was Hidalgo's successor in the armed struggle. In a first campaign he took almost all the territory of the present state of Guerrero, where he was joined by the brothers Galván, Bravo and Vicente Guerrero.
  • Constitution of Apatzingán.

    Constitution of Apatzingán.
    The Constitution of Apatzingán or formally known as Constitutional Decree for the Freedom of the Mexican America was promulgated 22 of October of 1814, by the Congress of Chilpancingo reunited in the city of Apatzingán because of the persecution of the troops of Felix Maria Calleja.
  • Period: to

    Mexico Independent.

    Mexico Independiente is the name of the period between 1821, after the Consumption of Mexican Independence, until 1854, when the period characterized by the Reform Laws and liberalism begins.
  • The Plan de Iguala

    The Plan de Iguala
    The Plan de Iguala or Plan of Independence of North America, was a political document proclaimed by Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero in which Mexico was declared like sovereign country and independent Its four fundamental principles were: Establish the independence of Mexico.
    Maintain the monarchy headed by Fernando VII or one of the members of the Spanish Crown.
    Establish the Catholic religion as unique.
    Establish the union of all social classes.
  • Consummation of independence

    Consummation of independence
    Independence was consummated with the triumphant entry of the Trigarante Army, led by Iturbide, in Mexico City. The next day the independence act was signed, but Spain would not recognize what O'Donojú signed until 1836.
  • First empire.

    First empire.
    Iturbide is crowned emperor with the name of Agustín I. At the beginning of 1823 Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna launched a republican project to which old insurgent and Bourbonistas fighters join, before such situation Iturbide abdicated.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe

    The Treaty of Guadalupe
    As President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was president, the war against the United States was unleashed, which ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe, by which Mexico recognized the independence of Texas, New Mexico and California.
  • The War of Reformation.

    The War of Reformation.
    Being Benito Juárez like president is given the War of Reformation between liberals and conservatives, also called War of Three Years.
  • Reform laws.

    Reform laws.
    Nationalization of church property; The nature of civil contract is given to marriage; Establishment of the civil registry; Secularization of cemeteries, and freedom of worship.
  • the Battle of Puebla.

    the Battle of Puebla.
    The battle of Puebla was a battle fought on May 5, 1862 in the vicinity of the city of Puebla, between the armies of the Mexican Republic, whose result was an important victory for the Mexicans since with forces considered as inferior they managed to win to one of the most experienced and respected armies of his time.
  • The second empire and Treaty of Miramar.

    The second empire and Treaty of Miramar.
    Second Empire; Maximilian of Habsburg was appointed emperor of Mexico, signed the Treaty of Miramar with Napoleón III in which he committed to pay the expenses of intervention, an exorbitant amount, and in which was dictated the policy that had to follow his government.
  • Period: to

    The Porfiriato

    Was a period of the history of Mexico during which the power in Mexico was under the control of the Oaxacan military Porfirio Diaz during 30 of the 34 years that run between 28 of November of 1876 and 25 of May of 1911.
    The period had two political events: the first, when on November 28, 1876 Diaz began his first presidential term after beating the Lerdistas and Iglesistas; The second, on May 25, 1911, when the caudillo leaves the power and goes into exile to France.
  • Interview Diaz-Creelman.

    Interview Diaz-Creelman.
    Diaz declared that his legitimate successor should emerge from the organization of Mexicans into real political parties, from a free and open electoral struggle. These words of Diaz provoked the creation of opposition parties.
  • The Plan of San Luis Potosí.

    The Plan of San Luis Potosí.
    Francisco I. Madero formulated a revolutionary plan, the Plan of San Luis Potosí that is synthesized in "Effective Suffrage, Not Reelection".
  • Overthrow of President Diaz.

    Overthrow of President Diaz.
    Diaz imprisoned Madero, who then had a growing popular support in the city of San Luis Potosi, a few days before the elections. Overcoming strong political pressure, Díaz, was declared President for another period. Madero, when he was outraged and found no other way of claiming Mexican democracy, summoned a general insurrection on November 20, 1910 by means of the Plan of San Luis, thus initiating the Mexican Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution.

    The Mexican Revolution was an armed conflict that began in Mexico on November 20, 1910. Today it is often referred to as the most important political and social event of the twentieth century in Mexico.
  • The Plan de Ayala.

    The Plan de Ayala.
    Emiliano Zapata promulgated the Plan de Ayala where he addresses the agrarian problem, with his motto "Tierra y Libertad", Madero rises to the presidency.
  • Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.

    Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
    The new Constitution was decreed and Venustiano Carranza was elected constitutional president, is the fundamental norm or charter, established to govern the country legally, which sets the limits and defines the relations between the powers of the federation: legislative, executive and judicial power , Between the three differentiated levels of government - federal, state and municipal, and citizens.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Mexico.

    After the Independence and Mexican Revolution ended, the country went through many changes, which would give a turn to the lives of Mexicans. That was when a new stage began in the history of our country and that would bring new ways of thinking.
  • The Cristera war

    The Cristera war
    Plutarco Elías Calles, president, began the Cristero rebellion, when the archbishop of Mexico declared that the clergy did not recognize him and would combat articles 30, 50, 27 and 130 of the Constitution; Was consigned to the procurator of justice.
  • Formation of the PNR (Partido Nacional Revolucionario)

    Formation of the PNR (Partido Nacional Revolucionario)
    Revolutionary National Party is the name that was founded the present Institutional Revolutionary Party of Mexico, that governed the country from its foundation in 1929 until 2000 and again in 2012.
  • The oil expropriation.

    The oil expropriation.
    The oil expropriation in Mexico was an act of nationalization of the oil industry carried out in 1938 as a result of the execution of the Expropriation Act of 1936 and of Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution to companies that exploited these resources, Through the decree announced on March 18, 1938, by President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río.
  • The Plaza of the Three Cultures.

    The Plaza of the Three Cultures.
    The 1968 student movement was a social movement in which, in addition to students from the UNAM, IPN, and various universities, teachers, intellectuals, housewives, workers and professionals participated in Mexico City and were repressed on October 2 Of 1968 by the government of Mexico in the "slaughter in the Place of the Three Cultures of Tlatelolco" and finally dissolved in December of that year. The person responsible for the massacre was Gustavo Díaz Ordaz.