
The Formation of Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe

  • Period: Aug 22, 1485 to Apr 21, 1509

    Reign of Henry VII of England

  • Period: Apr 21, 1509 to Jan 28, 1547

    Reign of Henry VIII of England

  • Mar 1, 1516

    Erasmus Published Greek New Testament

    Erasmus Published Greek New Testament
  • Nov 1, 1516

    Thomas More Published Utopia

    Thomas More Published Utopia
    More- Utopia. It was about an idealized society, that critisized the English social and political structure.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther Posted The Ninety-Five Theses

    Luther Posted The Ninety-Five Theses
    Luther Composes the 95-theses.
  • Period: Jun 28, 1519 to Aug 27, 1556

    Reign of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

  • Jan 1, 1520

    Luther Publishes Three Treatises

    Luther Publishes Three Treatises
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Zwingli breaks from Rome

    Zwingli breaks from Rome
    Huldrych Zwingli was a leader of the Reformation in Switzerland.
  • Oct 4, 1525

    German Peasants' Wars

    German Peasants' Wars
    A failed revolt in the German areas of Central Europe. Caused the death of up to 100,000 of the 300,000 peasants and farmers who fought.
  • May 5, 1527

    Charles V's Imperial troops sacks Rome

    Charles V's Imperial troops sacks Rome
    Marked a victory for Charles against the League of Cognac.
  • Oct 1, 1529

    Colloquy of Marburg

    Colloquy of Marburg
    A meeting at Marburg Castle in Germany that attempted to solve a dispute between Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli. Lasted 4 days.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Henry VIII breaks from Rome

    Henry VIII breaks from Rome
    Establishes himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.
  • Oct 17, 1534

    Affair of the Placards in France

    Affair of the Placards in France
    Anti-Catholic posters appeared overnight in public places in Paris, Blois, Rouen, Tours and Orléans.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Calvin publishes Institutes of the Christian Religion

    Calvin publishes Institutes of the Christian Religion
    John Calvin's work of Protestant theology. Published in Latin in 1536 and in French in 1541.
  • Aug 15, 1543

    Jesuits Established

    Jesuits Established
    Societ of Jesus professed vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience under the leadership of Ignatius of Loyola.
  • Period: Oct 4, 1545 to Oct 4, 1563

    Catholic Council of Trent

  • Period: Dec 13, 1545 to Dec 4, 1563

    Catholic Council of Trent

    An Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church considered to be one of the Church's most important councils
  • Period: Jan 28, 1547 to Jul 6, 1553

    Reign of Edward VI

  • Apr 23, 1547

    Charles V Defeats Protestants at Mühlberg

    Charles V Defeats Protestants at Mühlberg
    A battle at Mühlberg in 1547, during the Protestant Reformation. The Catholic princes led by the Charles V defeated the Protestant princes led by Elector John Frederick I and Landgrave Philip I.
  • Period: Jul 19, 1553 to Nov 17, 1558

    Reign of Mary I of England

    Mary married Philip in July of 1554 and he reigned with her until Nov of 1558.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    A treaty signed in Augsburg between Charles V and the Lutheran princes. It officially made the legal division of Luthern and Catholic.
  • Period: Nov 17, 1558 to

    Reign of Elizabeth I of England

  • Apr 3, 1559

    Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis

    Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis
    An agreement ending the 65-year struggle between France and Spain for the control of Italy,
  • Hamelet

    In 1601, Shakespeare finished one of his most successful plays, Hamelet.It was a tragedy written about Prince Hamelet and his revenge against his uncle.
  • Period: to

    Reign of James I of England

  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    The Thirty Years' War started as a conflict between the Holy Roman Empire and the German States. Eventually it erupted, and most of Europe became involved. It ended with the Peace of Westphalia
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles I

  • On the Law of War and Peace

    On the Law of War and Peace
    Grotius publishes The Laws of War and Peace. It stated that natural law trumps all other types of law inculding divine, scripture, religious authority, or tradition.
  • Galileo forced to recant his support of Heliocentrism

    Galileo forced to recant his support of Heliocentrism
    Galileo was forced to live in his house for the rest of his life because of his idea that the earth revolved around the sun and not vice versa. (Italy)
  • French declare war on Spain

    French declare war on Spain
    This is when the French officially Joined the years' war, and helped the Dutch gain their independance from Spain.
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

  • Period: to

    Louis XIV's Reign

    Ruler of France
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    It was the beginning of freedom of religion in France. France and Sweeden gained the most from this settlement. The habsburgs losst the most. However, the settlement permanently settled the regions of religion in the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Fronde revolt in France

    Was a rebellion against Mazarin, the elected cardinal of France. Memebers of rebellion were nobles.
  • Ukranian Cossacks rebel

    Ukranian Cossacks rebel
    The cossacks rebel against the Polish influences and create an independant Ukrainian state with other social groups, including peasants and nobility.
  • Dutch Republic recognized as independant

    Dutch Republic recognized as independant
    Being freed by the French, Spain officially recognizes the Dutch Republic as independant.
  • Charles I Executed

    Charles I Executed
    Charles I was texecuted for high treason in January 1649. He was succeeded by his son, Charles II.
  • Leviathan

    Hobbes wrote this book during the English Civil War. It argued that war would be avoided by a strong centralized government. It is also based off of the biblical creature "Leviathan."
  • England Monarchy restored

    England Monarchy restored
    In 1660, Charles II reinstituted the English Monarchy by English, Scottish, and Irish monarchies. This started the Restoration.
  • Barbados institutes slave code

    Barbados institutes slave code
    The slave code stated that slaves must be treated with as much respect as chattel and other goods. So in court, slaves would be considered as chattel.
  • Period: to

    The War of Devolution

    The first war of Louis XIV. The enemies were Spain, Dutch Republic, England, and Sweden. It was ended by the Treat of Aix-la Chapelle in 16668 with France gaining towns in the Spanish Netherlands .
  • Period: to

    The Dutch War

    The second war of Louis XIV. The enemies wer Duth Republic, Spian , and the Holy Roman Empire. It ended Treaty of Nijmegan in 1678, which that granted France control over the French Comte and several towns in the Spanish Netherlands.
  • The Princess of Clèves

    The Princess of Clèves
    Madame de Lafayette wrote The Princess of Cleves anonymously in 1678. It's unique because it starts this idea in literature that focuses more on the character's motives, and emotions, and interior characterizations.
  • Austrian Habsburgs break Turkish siege of Vienna

    Austrian Habsburgs break Turkish siege of Vienna
    After the Peace of Westphalia, the Habsburgs were only left with Austrian Empire. However, advancements in weapons allowed them to still retake Turkey from the Ottoman Empire.
  • Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes

    Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes
    Louis XIV revoke the edict of Nantes making Protestantism illegeal again in France.
  • William and Mary Crowned

    William and Mary Crowned
    William and Mary were crowned as King and Queen of England, Ireland, and Scottland in 1688
  • Period: to

    War of the Leage of Augsburg

    The final war of Louis XIV. The enemies were the Holy Roman Empire, Sweden, Spain, and England. It ended with the Peace of Rijswijk with Louis returning everything he had conquered or recieved in 1678 except Strasbourg.
  • Two Treatises of Government and Essay Concerning Human Understanding

    Two Treatises of Government and Essay Concerning Human Understanding
    Lcoke published two treatises of gov. One critisized the patriarch system, while the other outlines his idea for a government system. The Essay concerning Human Understanding concerns human nature and understanding.
  • Bank of England Established

    Bank of England Established
    In 1694, Bank of England was established, and is the second oldest bank in the world.
  • A Serious Proposal to the Ladies

    A Serious Proposal to the Ladies
    Astell wrote this book to outline her ideas about women's rights and providing both religious and secular education for them.
  • Historical and Critical Dictionary

    Historical and Critical Dictionary
    Bayle wrote an idex of people, religious beliefs, and philosophies.
  • Turks forced to recognize Austrian rule over Hungary, Transylvania

    Turks forced to recognize Austrian rule over Hungary, Transylvania
    Turks legally are foced to regognize that the Austrian now ruled Hungary and Transylvania.