The experiences of a German officer

By spepin
  • The day I joined the Heer of the third reich.

    The day I joined the Heer of the third reich.
    Today I make my parents proud by becoming a true Germaniasoldatin, fighting once again for the glory of ur nation. My war record from the great war affords me the rank of 1st sargent. The new Fuhrer has promised glory to us and our race, a 1000 year reich even. Althouh this seems a bit overzealous, with the threat of war looming, I must defend my country. I am sent to a barracks filled with young recruits. They seem to be fighting for the Fuhrer rather than Germany. Its all the same in the end.
  • Period: to

    My war expirences

    This account of my expiences during the second world war is beng left behind for my family to read. It details my actual war expirences, as well as after I was captured by the Amreicans.
  • My part in case white

    My part in case white
    Today was my first actual combat epirence since the great war. There were no trenches, no horrable gasses, it was a dream compaired to the nightmares of the trenches. And even still it was hell. Blood everywhere and death from new machines, automatic weapons and panzers now dominate the field. I almost feel sorry for the Poles.The battle of kutno has just begun, but it will be over soon. We truely are superior soldiers. The soldiers in my squad have taken prisoners.
  • command is shipping me around quite a bit.

    command is shipping me around quite a bit.
    Yesterday we broke the final French lines of defence its been less than a year of combat and already I've killed people in places farther from home than I'd ever been even in the great war. Part of me is pained to see this thousand year culture fall. And then the rational part rememebers that they declaired war, not us. My squad will drink fine French wine tonight. I wonder where we're headed next.
  • Cristmas in Paris is wonderful, the picture is of a heer band playing carols in the street.

    Cristmas in Paris is wonderful, the picture is of a heer band playing carols in the street.
    While occupation duty is not exactly the life I had in mind for my self in the heer, I am learning to enjoy this duty of safeguarding the French populatin from its own follied resistance. The women are beautiful, and the accomodations excelent. I am told I will be here for 6 more months at the most, then it's back off to the front. But what a great half year it will be. Still, the pictures I see in signal magasine are different from the life of the Parisians. They seem uneasy, even afraid.
  • Headed to morocco, picture is of their wall

    Headed to morocco, picture is of their wall
    Occupation duty is now over. Theyre sending me to some African place called Morocco. Most of the men are apalled at going to a place they think backward and lacking in the true aryan race. I don't much care, not having blonde hair or blue eyes and being an Austrian man the whole master race thing was never benificial to me. I am about to go for the frist time to a new continant to fight the Brits. I pray they are as easy as the poles and the French to topple.
  • Life in africa

    Casablanca is not Paris. And for that matter I was only able to see it for a few nights. We were sent out to fight the Amrecian forces that have now joined this war. We used to be sure about our victory here. So many of my men have died and been replaced because of this new enemy, and their new tactics. The remainder of my squad has been reassigned to Casablanca once again. Im sure Rommel will be more than able to remove Montgomery without our aid. Less sure than before, but sure none the less.
  • Captured!

    I am told the battle for Casablanca lasted only 3 days. I was knocked unconcious in the frist few hours of the battle, I woke up on a truck. I've heard te stories of the Russian prison camps from the eastern front, and am prepaired for the brutal salvedriving backbreaking work of allied prison camps. Even our own, surely vastly superior camps are a horrifying thought. I have failed my counrty. I'm sorry.
  • from a crowded mes to Ar Kansas

    from a crowded mes to Ar Kansas
    I was sent to a British POW camp for holding for a few months. Life there was admittedly not as bad as I thought. There was no slave labor, and we were always kept fed and clothed. They are sending me to a place an British soldier called Ar Kansas. Its in America. Their propagand has made us all out to be racist monsters. It would be a lie to sat I could not see where they are coming from. Some of my men are starting to fit that discription. Most of us seem to be like most of them. Strange.
  • Arkansas, Chafee pow camp

    Arkansas, Chafee pow camp
    It is good here. We are looked after, even diciplined by our own officers. work is hard, but we are paid. The food is... everything is better than it was at home. There is more food and better housing in this forigin prison camp than there was under our new reich. I am beginning to question who is really fighting for Germany, the Fuhrer, with his rationing and fear, or these Amreicans, with thier fair treatment. There are even black guards here. And jews. Some find this apalling. I do not.
  • the war is not going well for us

    the war is not going well for us
    More and more of our soldiers are sent here. The news they bring I would not beleive had it not come from my countrymen. The Amreicans and British have taken most of Europe, and are planning on attacking the Fatherland its self soon. They told me of something horrable. Some of these men had come from camps of their own, that they ran. I had heard the stories but refused to beleive them. They are killing everyone. I am a German, not a nazi. I now see the difference I could not see before.
  • The end is near

    The end is near
    The third reich has ben invaded. Germany is on the path to... something better than before. This is not like in the great war, our leaders were still sane and moral then. This is different. Maybe the propaganda or living with my enemies for over a year has affected me. Though the governmnet is on the path to destruction, the people it seems, are on the path to a better life, more food, more say i their lives, much less fear. The Americans I have met seem to be decent people. Others feel the same
  • Finally, the end. This is a newspaper they gave me.

    Finally, the end. This is a newspaper they gave me.
    They tell me the war is over. I can go home. My home was bombed to rubble, and the accounts of Japanese atrocities eclipse the horrors of the the former nazis. I tried with a group of my fellow NCO's to sign up to fight them for Amreica. They denied us, but only just. I feel I should return home, but I will return to arkansas someday. I met a girl here, and have made several hundred dollars. But first I should see what became of my town. I have survived.