Major Events of My Life

  • Enrolling NISM

    Enrolling NISM
    My time here in NISM has influenced my mindset, the way I behave, my personality and etc. The people around me and the environment which surrounds me is what has shaped me to become who I am. Here in NISM, everything is diverse and multicultural and it gives me the opportunity to learn about the culture from students who come from all over the world.
  • The Year I Discovered Korean Dramas.

    The Year I Discovered Korean Dramas.
    There's something about Korean dramas that inspire me. In K-Dramas, the atmosphere and tension often remain throughout the storyline. The actors convey the plot very well with their use of facial expression, the tone of voice, body language. The plot is constantly heavy (which I prefer) and the creativity given through the storyline is just outstanding. It inspires me to write these small story ideas and my head flows with creativity by simply watching dramas!
  • Myanmar Shelter

    Myanmar Shelter
    During the summer, I went over to the Myanmar Shelter to become a temporary teacher there. Because I aspire to become a teacher when I'm older, this gave me the opportunity to feel how it would be like to become a teacher and it was a little tiring. This event taught me to be more patient and a little more understanding. It also taught me how to spot weaknesses and strengths in people in terms of learning knowledge.

    Eight!Teen is a girl group I created with a group of friends for the end of the year assembly. We had performed a dance for the assembly and it was such a memorable experience. Practicing the dance with my friends and cooperating with them, communicating and taking leadership. It was a fun experience but also learning opportunity in teamwork. I found out after that that I really enjoy dancing and soon it became a hobby of mine.
  • End of the Year Assembly

    End of the Year Assembly
    During this event, I took the opportunity to take leadership within my group to prepare the necessities of the play such as scripts or preparing presentations. This really helped me shape who I am as it helped me determine my strengths and weaknesses in leadership such as, My strength was making sure everyone was in place but my weakness was forgetting that I could've asked for help instead of doing all the work myself.