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Sonny Walls

  • Born

    My birth impacted the life of many people, especially my parents. With two children, they would have to become more COST EFFICIANT and reliant on a STABLE INCOME. With my parents not married, it was hard for them to keep up with bills, thus we moved to a cheaper part of town.
  • Moved to the CO

    Moved to the CO
    Moving to Colorado was my OPPORTUNITY COST. I wanted to stay in my old house, my old school, with my old friends that I had grown up with, I did not look at the LONG RUN effects, rather the SHORT RUN. Moving to Colorado was the best choice for my family and me. I eventually got a better education, moved to a better community and became friends with the best group of people I could possibly ask for.
  • Started Playing Volleyball

    Started Playing Volleyball
    Playing volleyball meant that my parents would have to pay large amounts of money to the clubs I wanted to play for. This also meant that for every dollar they spent on me, they would have to try to equal the cost for my sister, or RATION out money between the two of us. Money became more SCARCE as I played volleyball, but my parents made sure that I could do what I loved. It was nice to equal everything out, but it was hard for my parents to spend such large amounts of money on two children.
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    Starting highschool was a bigger deal than any other school year because the stakes were higher and the grades I worked for actually mattered. My parents raised the INSENTIVES and rewarded me for each A or B I had gotten in a class. When raising the insentives to 20$ for an A and 10$ for a B, it was easier to want to do better in school, but also easier to reason to myself that if I don't get a good grade I would only be loosing 20$ at the most.
  • Aubrey moves out

    Aubrey moves out
    My sister graduated from Chatfield Senior High and moved in to her own house. Although it was hard to live away from my sister for the first time, my sister had weighed the COST ANALYSIS and found that in the LONG RUN it would be beneficial for her to become her own person. Aubrey was exemplifying the LAW OF SELF INTEREST, in the fact that she was making choices for her best self-interest.
  • Stopped PLaying Volleyball

    Stopped PLaying Volleyball
    Giving up Volleyball was a tough decision. I had learned how to be a team player and be a leader, yet I knew I had more IMPLICIT COSTS that I could have thought of. I could have been skiing or acting. I also thought of all the money my parents had put into the sport, yet it was already a SUNKEN COST. I could not get the money back and had already spent it well on materials I needed to pursue Volleyball. I finally came to the conclusion to pursue theatre instead of volleyball.
  • Got My First Job

    Got My First Job
    I started working at Jumpstreet for my very first job. I had to get a job to become more FINANCIALLY STABLE and pay for my car. Working has taught me how to differ between WANTS AND NEEDS when it comes to money. It was easy for me to get a job at Jumpstreet because there was a DEMAND for a young teen willing to work 40 hours for minimum wage. I get payed that much because, despite what my parents say, I am not a SCARCE OR RARE find, especially in a company that churns out dozens of young adults.
  • Choosing a College

    Choosing a College
    Trying to find a college that would fit my NEEDS and not my WANTS was hard. I had COMPARED many collges that I thought could be good matches and found University of Northen Colorado and Metro Denver. Wanting to be a teacher, they are both good ALTERNATIVES. It seemed as if UNC had a better package deal with on campus living where Metro was RELATIVELY cheap to UNC but did not offer housing, Metro became my OPPORTUNITY COST. I aspire to be a Bear one day and fulfill my dreams of being a teacher.
  • My First Nephew

    My First Nephew
    My first nephew was born and changed the life of my older sister dramatically. With my sister being only 20 years old, my whole family had weighed the EXPLICIT COSTS and IMPLICIT COSTS of having a baby. My whole family decided that the EXPLICIT COSTS would be paying for all the child's needs for 18 years and then college. The IMPLICIT COSTS would be putting off nursing school until Jaxon was old enough for day care. But, Jax was a SUNKEN COST and no matter what, these costs were inevitable.
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    Going into senior year, I felt as if I was so close to finishing high school, yet so far away. Although senioritis was heavily washing over, the administration put in a lot of POSITIVE INSENTIVES for the seniors who are willing to stay involved in the school and not give up just yet. Senior Ball, Powder Puff, Man Poms, Mr. Charger, graduation at Red Rocks were just some of the things that were included to change our behavior when dealing with senioritis.