
Revolutions in Latin America

  • Haiti's first step.

    Haiti's first step.
    Haiti Declares it's independence, they were tired of taking the beating and unfairness of the French. So they revolted.
  • Haitin wins.

    Haitin wins.
    Haiti wins it's independence from France after revolting, the mized races wrote a letter to France, and the French freed all slaves in the French Empire
  • Brazilian Army invades Spain & Portugal

    Brazilian Army invades Spain & Portugal
    Armys invadeded Spain and Portugal in 1807,im not sure of the EXACT date. But Brazilian armys invaded their camps
  • Mexico's Kick Off.

    Mexico's Kick Off.
    Father Miguel Hidalgo kicked off Mexico's struggle for independence from Spain on September 16, 1810
  • Venezuela declares independence

    Venezuela declares independence
    Simona Bolivar's native Venezuela declared its independence from Spain in 1811. The battle to win the independence was a struggle
  • Argentina Declares Independence

    Argentina Declares Independence
    On July 9th of 1816, Argentina declared its independence form Spain. They are led by Jose de San Martin
  • Venezuela Wins Independence!

    Venezuela Wins Independence!
    On August 24th 1821, Venezuela Wins it's independence from Spain after a battle they win.They won because of the surprise attack Simon Bolivar lead.
  • Mexico PROCLAIMS its Independence

    Mexico PROCLAIMS its Independence
    Mexico PROCLAIMED it's independence from Spain, Father Hidgaldo started it. But later died. But he still made an impression which later led to the Mexican Revoultion
  • The meetings of Guayaquil

    The meetings of Guayaquil
    On this date, Jose de San Martin met with Simon Bolivar to discuss the future of Latin America. No one knows what actually happened in the meeting
  • Brazil wins independence

    Brazil wins independence
    Brazil wins independence from Portugal. Dom Pedro was their ruler and helped them win.