Revolutions and Unifications Project

  • Start of the french revolution

    The french people of the third estate were unhappy because they had to pay taxes and the first and second class didn’t. Also sparked the idea of the Haitian Revolution.
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    Tousainnt L'ouverture leads slave revolt

    L’ouverture lead the slaves in a revolt against the french who were controlling them. Eventually the Slaves won the revolution and were freed from the french
  • Haiti wins independence

    Haiti won the war and gained independence from the french
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon takes the title of Emperor of France. He held plebiscites for each step to his rise of power
  • bolivar liberates Ecuador

    Ecuador gained independence from spanish royalists
  • Bolivar liberates Venezuela

    Venezuela gained independence from spain
  • Bolivar liberates Colombia

    Colombia gained independence when the spanish viceroy was forced to sign the treaty.
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    father Miguel Hidalgo inspires revolution in Mexico

    Hidalgo wanted a change in power so he rallied his people to revolt against Spain. Mexico has a war against Spain and Mexico eventually wins and gains independence
  • Martin liberates Chile

    San Martin won independence for Chile against the spanish
  • San martin frees Argentina

    San Martin fought and won freedom for Argentina against the spanish
  • san martin and Bolivar liberate Peru

    San martin and Bolivar liberated and freed Peru
  • Mexico gains independence

    O’Donojú signed the Treaty of Córdoba, and this ended Spain’s rule over Mexico and Mexico was now independent
  • Bolivar liberates Bolivia

    Bolivar lead Bolivia against the Spanish
  • Zollverein

    a union that was formed to managed tariff
  • Cavour becomes prime minister

    Cavour’s goal was to drive Austria out of Italy and add Lombardy and Venetia to Sardinia
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    Italy's role in the Crimean war

    Italy wanted a part of northern land that belonged to the Austrians. So Italy fought with Britain and France to defeat the russians. By doing this Italy ended up getting that land
  • Garibaldi's red Shirts capture Sicily

    Garibaldi collected over 1000 men to fight with him to take over sicily. He ended up being successful
  • Emmanuel becomes king of Unified Italy

    Emmanuel was King of Piedmont and then chosen to be the first ever king of Unified Italy
  • Bismarck becomes prime minister

    Bismarck was appointed Prime minister of Prussia
  • Blood and Iron speech

    Blood and iron speech was made by leader Otto Von Bismarck. He fought to get more money for the army.
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    War with Denmark

    Austria and prussia fought together against Denmark. Austria and prussia won the war and took control of Schleswig and Holstein
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    The Austro-Prussian war

    Austria and Prussia fought for who got to control the german states. Prussia won the war and prussia controlled the german states but Bismarck didn’t want to be the ruler
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    Franco-Prussian war

    France declared war on Prussia after Bismarck edited the Ems Dispatch and Napoleon got angry and declared war. Prussia won the war and chose the palace of versailles as the place where they would sign the peace treaty.
  • Guiseppe creates Young Italy

    Young Italy was and idea that there should be a unified Italy, It was created by Guisseppi Mazzini
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    2nd Reich

    Wilhelm I was named emperor of the German states starting the second reich. After WWI ended the 2nd Reich ended