32022 isabel ii

Reing of Isabella II

  • Carlist War

    Carlist War
    Isabella II's reign was marked by the Carlist Wars, a series of civil wars fought between supporters of Isabella II and supporters of the Carlist pretenders to the Spanish throne.
  • Juan Alvarez Mendizabal

    Juan Alvarez Mendizabal
    Juan Álvarez Mendizábal was a Spanish politician born on February 25, 1790, in Chiclana de la Frontera, Spain, and died on November 3, 1853, in Madrid, Spain. He was a prominent figure during the early 19th century in Spain, known for his liberal and reformist policies.
  • Mendizabal's disentailment

    Mendizabal's disentailment
    The Mendizabal's Disentailment, also known as the Ecclesiastical Confiscations of Mendizábal, refers to a series of decrees and laws enacted in Spain in 1836 under the government of Prime Minister Juan Álvarez Mendizábal
  • Constitution of 1837

    Constitution of 1837
    Isabella II promulgated the Constitution of 1837, which established a constitutional monarchy in Spain. This constitution aimed to provide a framework for governance and protect certain civil liberties.
  • Ramón María Narváez

    Ramón María Narváez
    Ramón María Narváez was a Spanish general and politician who played a significant role in the politics of 19th-century Spain. Born on August 5, 1800, in Loja, Granada, Narváez joined the military at a young age and rose through the ranks during the Peninsular War and the subsequent Spanish Civil Wars.
  • Moyano law

    Moyano law
    The Moyano Law, also known as the General Disentailment Law of 1855, was enacted in Spain on May 1, 1855. Named after its author, Prime Minister Juan Bravo Murillo, it was part of a series of liberal reforms aimed at secularizing and redistributing the wealth of the Catholic Church in Spain
  • Madoz disentailment

    Madoz disentailment
    The Madoz Law, officially titled "Ley de Desamortización General de Bienes de Manos Muertas y Temporalidades Eclesiásticas", was a major piece of legislation enacted during the reign of Queen Isabella II of Spain. It aimed to secularize and modernize land ownership in Spain by confiscating and selling off properties held by the Catholic Church, religious orders, and municipalities
  • Leopoldo O'Donnell

    Leopoldo O'Donnell
    Leopoldo O'Donnell, born Leopoldo O'Donnell Jorris, was a Spanish general and statesman who played a significant role in 19th-century Spanish politics. He was born on January 12, 1809, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, and died on November 5, 1867, in Biarritz, France.
  • Liberal Reforms

    Liberal Reforms
    Isabella II's reign saw the implementation of liberal reforms, including changes to the legal and administrative systems, as well as efforts to modernize the economy and infrastructure.
  • Revolution of 1868 (Glorious Revolution)

    Revolution of 1868 (Glorious Revolution)
    Widespread discontent with Isabella II's rule led to the Revolution of 1868, also known as the Glorious Revolution. This event resulted in Isabella II's abdication and the establishment of the First Spanish Republic.
  • Exile

    Following her abdication, Isabella II went into exile in France. She spent much of her remaining life there, with occasional attempts to regain the throne. However, she never returned to power in Spain.