Development of Christian Through The Ages

  • Christian Schumacher Was Born

    Christian Schumacher Was Born
    I was born prematurely on this date.
  • Baby Schu

    Baby Schu
    When I was a newborn, my parents always told me I seldom cried and loved eating cold green beans as a snack (I know, its gross). My parents always made me eat different foods when I was a baby, which is probably why I love eating bizarre foods, such as jellyfish, frog legs and creepy looking seafood stew!
  • Period: to

    I Learn To Talk!

    By six months I said my first word which was "mama", by 12 months old I could put two simple words together and by 18 months I could speak in sentences. This shows language development.
  • Period: to

    My Toddler Years (has two example in this!)

    During these years I started working on my balancing skills. I was at the end of Infancy Stage, and nearing the beginning of my early childhood Stage. When I was one my parents always brought me everywhere with them, to their work or on vacations, I learned trust and that my parents are reliable caregivers. I was toilet trained by two years old which shows my progression of Autonomy skills which led to a sense of greater Independence.
  • Me as a lil' tot

    Me as a lil' tot
    Me with my great grandma!
  • Preschool!

    During this stage of my development I was using Preconventional Moral Reasoning. I only viewed good behavior as a means to get more Yugioh or Pokemon cards. I specifically remember being taught to always share my toys by my parents even when other children did not share. This made me feel good which is accurate to the Preconventional Moral Reasoning.
  • Ouch!

    While working on my walking skills I ended up falling and hitting my head on the edge of a coffee table, the result of this is a scar on my forehead (which has faded over time)
  • Bike Time!

    Bike Time!
    When I was 4 Years old I started riding a bike with training wheels by 5 I was riding without them! This is an example of motor skills and physical development.
  • Exploration

    I have fond memories of my parents taking me hiking and exploring the woods around my house. One memory I have was that I used to like wandering far into the woods, the further I went the cooler stuff I found, it made me feel like I had a purpose. If I went to far I and didnt come back my parents would get mad at me which made me feel guilty. This is a prime example of The Initiative vs Guilt conflict.
  • Preoperational Stage

    When I was around 5 years of age my dad got a Christmas tree, not the real kind though, the boxed kind! The tree came in a massive box (or at least what seemed massive to me). I took up my markers and crayons and drew what looked like; how I imagined, the inside of a spaceship, I then proceeded to lay in the box for 3 hours everyday pretending I was an astronaut. This is an example of the Preoperational Stage because there is lots of fantasy play usually.
  • Moved to Colorado

    Moved to Colorado
    When I was in seventh grade I moved from Lake Zurich to Colorado, I had a very hard time adjusting at first, all of the kids where different and there were different social norms, I ended up adjusting to it after about a year. This was a major social development for me.
  • My First Job

    When I was 14 years old I got my first job. My parents always told me and taught me to try as hard as I can and be the best I can, so that is what I did. I got promoted from an Intern to an I.T. Assistant, which gave me a raise also. I credit my parental influences that made me work so hard, they taught me how to be a hard and good worker.
  • Moving Back To Illinois

    After my Sophomore year of high school I moved back to Illinois, My biggest struggle with moving back was re-adjusting back to the social norms of LZ and getting along with other students when we were worlds apart in personality and experiences. I realized that I was more open minded then a lot of my peers and could relate and respect views and lifestyles different then my own. This is an example of Cognitive and Social Development
  • Morals!

    When I got to my later teenage years I started to develop my morals, I went from following rules just because they are rules to actively questioning the morality of them. I started finally accepting that other people have opposite opinions of me, especially during election time as most of my friends have different view points on world politics. I learned how to debate different points of view and to accept other peoples views and morals. This is an example of Postconventional Moral Reasoning.