Project 1

By Tiana_R
  • 6th Birthday

    6th Birthday
    6th birthday my mom showed up late but with a big present as an apology which even I knew at that age the present was cool yeah but it wasn't what I wanted. I think its when I realized you can't change people to be the way you want them to be. Not to blame people for the way that they are to just accept it.
  • Art Contest

    Art Contest
    Discovered passion before I even knew what it was. Experimenting with arts & crafts was just facinating to me simple things just like mixing paints or fresh new supplies. I loved all the different things that could be considered art.
  • First Soccer Team

    First Soccer Team
    2nd grade I signed up for soccer my first sport. It was the first thing I had loved since artistic subjects and I didnt think anything would ever compare to it. I had to stop because I had breathing problems but I still want to play so I'm trying to get control over it. I love just watching games and really enjoy the world cup it's such an amazing thing.
  • Dance Part I

    Dance Part I
    Fourth grade year the school had these after school programs. I always picked board games but I went with something else I picked dance (hiphop) just to try it out. I started the class thinking I made a mistake but it was almost an instant love i've loved it ever since with such an intense passion.
  • Dance Part II

    Dance Part II
    7th grade year I was able to do the school dance team. It had been a while since I did a dance class but I remembered I liked it so I picked it to continue my interest. It made the passion grow more and I still enjoy doing it now.
  • New Symphonies

    New Symphonies
    Through out 8th grade year I started getting into new music. I was discovering all different types of music and learning more about albums and the artists. I was learning more about the industry and all the work that gets put into the music. I've also learned how to make beats and edit sound.
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower

    The Perks of Being a Wallflower
    I read the book "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". It was like everything was okay and made sense. It was something I related to so well. It helped me know that everyone has different problems and stories we know nothing about and going through different things all the time.I watch the movie when I feel lonely or read my favorite qoutes from it.
  • Delores

    I met a new friend 'Delores' over tumblr through a common interest which was kpop. Shes the nicest person and shes very important to me and means a lot. I look at her as a big sister and I hope to meet her in real life someday, she lives in Australia.
  • Longboarding

    My friend i've know since childhood came down from Phoenix and decided to teach me something they enjoyed in return for me teaching them how to use chop sticks. I learned how to longboard and it was terrifying but really fun. I want to continue to do it and learn more about it and the history, how to make them, and different tricks.
  • This Isn't Goodbye

    This Isn't Goodbye
    Toby died. He was my best friend and it was a big impact but no one seems to care and act as if its insignificant. I realizing sometimes you just need to get over things that somethings just don't change. You can't focus on them especially in the real world when people expect you to get over it soon too.