Family 029

Prenantl Development and Birth

By roba
  • Prenatal Development and Birth

    The day I was born.
  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development and Birth, Through the School years

  • Biosocial development- The first two years

    My parents say that a good baby that I was on a sleeping schedule from 8 am to 8 pm . They laugh about it all the claiming that I loved my sleep when i was born till about 10 months old. At 10 months old I started to walk and basically get into everything. My mother recalls that once she let me out of my playpin and found me sitting on top of the edge of the couch . She said she would call me her little dare devil that i wasnt afarid of heights as a baby. I was breast feed until i was a year old
  • The birth of my brother Sam.

    The day my younger brother was born. He and I would bump heads till about middle school . My mother claims because we are so close in age.
  • Development Congnitive - The first two years

    I was told i was a busy body , I was always into something . Npw I would have went through all 6 stages of my sensorimotors. At this oint I became a little memicker I waould repeat everything someone would say infornt of me . My vocabulary increasing very much.
  • Psychosocial Development-First two years

    I was always happy as long all the attention was on me . I loved you when you feed me and I loved you when you played with me. My mother says that i was very barty when my brother got feed and when they would play with him . They say I was a attention seeker and loved every oune of it .
  • The birth of my sister Yasmeen

    The day my younger sister Yasmeen was born. I was so exi=cited , my mother told me that i thought they had brought home a baby doll for me to play with.
  • Biosocial development- Play years

    At this point of my life I am a very over active child. My eating habit are o point and i had no ntritional loss. My parents say that i express my coloring styles all over the kitchen cabinets.
  • Congnitive development- Play years

    Living with two younger siblings at this point set me back a bit, even though my vocabulay increased My mother says that i tried to act like babyish at times to try and take all the attention from my younger siblings. I was a very loud voice child my parents claim i was a very young darma queen.
  • Psychosocial development- Play years

    I had tons of self esteem at this point. As confident as I was and Independent I had great people skills. I was told that i should be a talk host beause i would talk a up a storm. I dont remeber being punished much . I do recall hating peas and my mother making me eat peas as a punishment , and let me tell you spankings would of been just fine by me instead.
  • Biosocial development-Shool years

    By now I was entering middle childhood . I was taller then my age by a inche or 2 and was a bit chubby but by now i was a very onfident a little girl and did not let it phase , my grandfather says that i didnt no any different .I would spend my time gathering the neighborhood kids and running around if i was in charge of everyone. So you ould say i was a bit bossy.
  • Congnitive development- School years

    I did good in all my classes , I remeber loving to read and my favorite time of the year was when the book fair would come around and i would buy all my favorite books and book marks.
  • Psychosocial development- School years

    I was very social had many friends and always introduce my younger siblings . I taught my brother and sister all the games that they would learn in school the up coming years after me. My family was a niddle class family who support us with any decisions we made they put their faith in god .
  • Biosocial development-Adolescence

    It was 3 days after my11 th birth day . I remeber being in 5 th grade and our teacher was teaching just the girls in the case about puberty and what to expect. I was in class and I started to get heavy cramping The shool had to call my mother to come and pick me up because i was in so much pain. I had took nap to rest and wole up to a pool of blood. My mother said it was the day i became a young lady I know had gotten my first period.
  • Congnitive development-Adolescence

    It was my first year in highschool, yes I was a freshmen at last. I remeber worrying about my hair , clothes and shoes I had to look my best everyday . To many cutes boys and many pretty girls that were all looking for the same attention I was . It was all about the look that year.
  • Psychosoical development-Adolescence

    It was winter break my seinor year in highschool and I was a very independent young woman . I was doing great in school with honor roll grades and was holding down two part time after school jobs to help out at home. I had my own voice. I felt that I was depended on by my family , which might worrie or terrify other kids my age , but I was able to hold it together and conqur through the hard and not so hard times at the time.
  • Graduation from highshool

    I had graduated highschool !!!!!!
  • Biosocial Development-Emerging Adulthood

    I had graduated highschool and was attend Henry ford community college taking courses that would transfer over to an assiocate degree in science. I was still working but by now i ahd found a full time job at a nursing home working the front desk . I was on the right path of success in my mind .
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood- Adulthood

  • Cognitive Development-Emerging Adulthood

    I was still in school but taking less classes and focusing on making money and working over time. My father had became very ill and I had to step up to the plate and take on a lot of responseabilities.
    I geared my focuse on my family then my schooling and i would have to put school all together on the back burner for a while.
  • Psychosocial Development-Emerging Adulthood

    My plan of finishing school were still on the back burner it was a month a way of my 22nd birthday and I just wanted to have things g back to normal , I missed my friends and my class mates and decided i had to make a change. My brother was 21 now and was able to help out with the family and found a job to help me out. I was able to regain my life back,
  • Biosocial Development-Adulthood

    I was so busy with taking care of my family i had forgot about me and my love life. It was the year I met my husband .I met my husband through his sister on march 22 2008 and from that moment I knew my life was about to change .I was turning 24 in just a few weeks and was ready for a fresh start.
  • Cognitive Development-Adulthood

    It was one year and 1 day since I have met the man of my dreams and on this date I married my best friend a year from when we first met and it was a fairy tale with a bag of more stress and responseabilities.
  • I became a mommy !!

    The day i became a mother, the most amazing feeling in the world. I knew then that my life would change .
  • Psychosocial development-Adulthood

    By nowI am a acomplished women , I finished school and became a nurse , happily married with three beautiful children.
    By now I am 35 years old with more stress and responseability then ever. Mid life crisis, As well as getting my first wrinkle of many yet to come...

    This was a turning point in my life I had turned 40 ,I am at a perfect point in my life after my mid life crisis I realized how lucky I was I have a sucessful job a loving family and healthy as can be .
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood-Epilogue

  • Congnitive Development- Late adult hood

    By now my luck has turned with "being healthly as a dog ' I am diagonsed with type one diabetes , high blood pressure and renal failure my days are limited due to the fact I did not take care of my health I ate bad and smoke like a chimey for many years not thinking it could happen to me. Both my parents had high bllod pressure and diabetes and I being a nurse should know that genetics does not fail .
  • Psychosocial development- Late Adulthood

    I was losing it . dementia had crept up on me at a young age , fighting diabetes and high blood pressure for over ten years took a toll on my body . I am 64 years old but doctors say my insides look like there 80 years old . I t didnt look to good for.,
  • Epilogue

    THE DAY I DIE!!! ROBA NEHME 10 APRIL 1984-10 APRIL 2052