Personality Timeline

  • Birth

    I am born in a snowstorm at 10.6 ounces.
  • It's too dangerous to alone, take this:

    It's too dangerous to alone, take this:
    My brother, Connor, is born at 10.5 ounces. At this point, I am of Stage 1 and 2 of Freud's personality stage. I am learning dependency, self-control and obedience through my actions.
  • Happy Birthday! Here's a gift with no receipt.

    Happy Birthday! Here's a gift with no receipt.
    I am diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes about a week after my sixth birthday. In September, I am diagnosed with celiac disease.
  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    I start elementary school at the Shawsheen Elementary school. By second grade I'd determined that I didn't like it at all, but wanted to make the best out of it. I had many friends and an outgoing personality. I fit with Carl Roger's humanism personality theory, where people had to reach for their ideal selves and enhance their life.
  • Period: to

    Elementary into Middle Scchool

    I am an awkward, shy child. I kept my friend group small and close due to a loss of friends going into middle school. I play tennis constantly and look forward to vacations (my favorite was going to London). I fit with B. F. Skinner's association personality theory; learning from experience and positive/negative reinforcements.
  • Au revoir, good friend

    Au revoir, good friend
    This year, I had my first experience with death. My cat, Moo, passed away and I did not take it very well, considering the fact that I had grown up with him. This experience is a good example of Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory, where behaviors and traits were based off of experiences, expectations and reinforcements. Ironically, the next year another cat of mine died, and I did not handle that situation well either. This reinforcement is part of my fear of someone close to me dying.
  • Period: to

    The awkwardest years of my life

    Going into high school was a wild concept to me. I was not ready for whatever was going to happen. I had less friends then, but formed a very tight group of people with similar interests early on. My future was undetermined; I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and where I would end up. Here, I fit with Erik Erikson's fifth stage of his social psychoanalytic theory, Identity versus Identity Confusion. I was finding my identity and purpose, as well as my friends and styles.
  • Started from the bottom and still have no idea how I got here

    Started from the bottom and still have no idea how I got here
    As of now, I am a junior in high school, playing competitive tennis and hoping to play in college. I like photography, writing, reading, and drawing. I am responsible with my studies, work, schoolwork, and am very self-sufficient. I fit well with Alfred Alder's first-born personality type; I can be a bit hostile at times, am very independent, highly anxious and insecure, cautious, and parent-like. I fit well with the ISFJ personality.