Personal Timeline

  • Being Born

    Being Born
    Born January 13th 2003 at Olathe Medical Center
  • Growing Up

    Growing Up
    I grew up in Overland Park Kansas and I have lived heresy whole life. I have 3 siblings, Alyssa is the oldest at 22, Aaron is 19, Amber is 18 and I am currently 16.
  • Boating & Summer Time

    Boating & Summer Time
    While I was growing up we would go tubing at Pomona Lake in Vassar Kansas, It was really fun and we all enjoyed it a lot.
  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    I went to Timber Creek Elementary School, I wasn't a big fan of this school. I-didn't get along with the students and everyone there thought they were better than everyone else.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I went to Aubrey Bend mIddle School, I enjoyed the teachers there and was a big building stone for my academic career and build me up as a person.
  • Sports I involved In

    Sports I involved In
    I am currently play hockey for the Kansas City Stars High-school Team. I enjoy it and looking forward to playing it in college.
  • Student Pilot

    Student Pilot
    I am currently a student pilot and I have completed my solo flight and am now learning XC Planning Learning to become and safe and experienced aviator. I fly out of Kansas Executive Airport.
  • Highschool

    I currently go to Blue-valley Southwest High-school and I am a junior. "this is the best time of your life"
  • My Plans

    My Plans
    My plans after high-school are maybe joining the Air Force or doing a 4 year program at a college. I have to get a 4 Year Bachelors Degree to be a First Officer for a Airliner.
  • Future

    Once do get my degree then I want to move onto a company and fly for them or become a cargo Pilot and fly all over the world. there are so many options for me to take and to pursue my career.
  • AirForce

    If I choose not to go to college my next option would be going to the military and gain my hours there and becoming a pilot thru them. both of my parents were in the airforce I think its only fair if I would do the same and serve for the country the same as they did.
  • What Does My TimeLine Tell You About Yourself?

    The time line tells that I am an outgoing person and strive to be the best at the things that I do ETC.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I think if I could change one or two things on my timeline then things would be dramatically different, when we sold our boat it was a shock and I have missed it ever sence and just things like that can get to you sometimes.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    I think my future is pretty set for now because I love to fly and I have a true passion for it. I think something about it might change and make a difference in my life.