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Personal & Professional Timeline

  • Born- Personal

    I was born on September 12, 1989 at Morristown Hamblen Hospital in Morristown, Tennessee.
  • My brother, Blake was born. -Personal

    My brother, Blake was born. -Personal
    My brother is my best friend. I don't know what I would do if we weren't close like we are today.
  • Oberving my grandmother- Professional

    Oberving my grandmother- Professional
    This is an ongoing event in my life, but it started when I was in kindergarten. I have observed my grandmother, Marjorie Ballinger in her professional career since I was just a child.I continually learn from my grandmother's professionalism, hard work, and faith in God and she will always be one of the biggest reasons I wanted to teach children. All of the wisdom I have gained from her will help me teach Social Studies in a meaningful way.
  • Moved schools- Personal

    Moved schools- Personal
    I moved schools in the fifth grade because my parents got a divorce. I moved from Rush Strong to White Pine. At the time it was tragic, but I made a lot of friends at White Pine and I wouldn't change it.
  • Parents divorced- Personal

    Parents divorced- Personal
    My parents got divorced when I was in the third grade. It was a really difficult time for me, but I had a loving and supportive family to get me through it and make me the person I am today.
  • State Championship- Personal

    State Championship- Personal
    My 12U softball team went to the state championship in La Vergne, Tennessee. We got second place behind Unicoi County. I had never worked so hard for anything until that time.
  • Job shadowed- Professional

    Job shadowed- Professional
    My sophomore year of high school I job shadowed my aunt who was a teacher at White Pine Elementary. At this point in my high school career I was still unsure what I wanted to do with my life. Just spending this day with her and seeing how her children inspired her & how much she loved her job really stuck with me. This event will effect my teaching of social studies in the manner of being passionate in teaching the subject because my aunt is always passionate and believes in what she is teaching
  • Started working at Bass Pro Shops- Personal & professional

    Started working at Bass Pro Shops- Personal & professional
    I love my job. I also believe that this is both a personal and professional event in my life. It's personal in the sense that I have many friends here and it is my real first job, but it is very professional in the sense that I am a customer service representative and I work with so many different kinds of people here. When you have people skills and can have fun while getting a job done students listen more, especially in social studies.
  • Graduated high school

    Graduated high school
    This was a great day for me. I was so happy then, but knew I was going to continue my education as long as I could.
  • Started at Carson- Newman- Professional

    Started at Carson- Newman- Professional
    This is important to me because I had always wanted to attend Carson-Newman. This college has made my professional life what it is and what it will be forever. This will affect my social studies teaching because I have learned so many ways to teach here. I have also greatly increased my knowledge of the discipline in general here.
  • Joined my sorority; Chi Lambda Sigma- Personal

    Joined my sorority; Chi Lambda Sigma- Personal
    This was a huge deal for me. I was never involved in ANYTHING in high school and I decided it was going to be different in college. I wanted to be a part of something and even though I was scared to death I pledged the Callies. It was one of the best decisions I made in college. I made lifelong friendships and gained social skills that I might have never had just coming to school here as a commuter.
  • Met Paul- Personal

    Met Paul- Personal
    I started dating my boyfriend, Paul Day on January 1, 2010. He's my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him.
  • Moved to London- Personal & professional

    Moved to London- Personal & professional
    My sophomore year of college I did the study abroad program where I lived in London. I travelled to 9 different countries; Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, & Belgium.I feel that this is both a personal and professional event. I grew so much as a person in these 4 months. I got to know myself and depend on just me. I also know that the cultural experiences I will be able to bring into social studies will really enrich my classroom.
  • Acceptance into the teacher ed program

    Acceptance into the teacher ed program
    A lot of work went into actually getting to this point in my college career. All of that work developed me professionally in many ways. All of the classes I took, the practicums I had, the methods I learned, the tests I took, and the lessons I learned really had an impact on my professional life. This will effect my teaching of social studies because everything that led up to this acceptance gave me insight in HOW to teach.