
Official Power and Countervailing Powers

  • 1500

    First Nations (pre-french)

    First Nations (pre-french)
    The Algonquian power was given to the best Spokesman. It was decided by the men because it was a patriarchal society. The Iroquoian power was given to the best hunter and it was decided by the women because it is a matriarchal society.
  • Company of 100 Associates

    Company of 100 Associates
    Before the Royal Government was put into place, the king decided to give the Company of 100 Associates power in New France. They were granted a trade monopoly if they populated the colony. They were in charge
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    In 1663, the royal government was established as the power in New France. This Government was inspired by the provincial administrative system in France. This new organization of power gave power to the governor general and the intendant.
  • Great Peace of Montreal

    Great Peace of Montreal
    40 aboriginal nations agreed to consider the king of France their father and allowed the governor general to resolve their disputes and help France.
  • Utrecht Treaty

    Utrecht Treaty
    Because countries are fighting in Europe, leads to war. Therefore, colonies are at war. Leads to the end of the war of Spanish Succession. First major war between colonies that starts decreasing the population.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    Renames the colony, The province of Quebec. Decreases the borders of the St-Lawrence Valley. Civilian government: King appointed a Governor who appointed members to the Executive Council. English Criminal and civil law were applied. No new Bishops would be allowed. No Roman Catholics could hold office (Test Act)
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    New France is given to the King of England except St. Pierre and Miquelon. This treaty was put in place after the 7 years war.
  • America comes to fruition

    America comes to fruition
    The only British colony is left is Canada.
    36 000 loyalists came to Canada and settled in the maritimes or around the great lakes.
    6000 loyalists came to Quebec (West of Montreal or in Eastern Townships).
  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    fearing that the French will join the 13 colonies rebellion.
    Guaranteed French Canadian Loyalty.
    Enlarged the area of Quebec to include the Great Lakes once again.
    Still denied an elected assembly (1% of population in Quebec is English)
    Did allow for an appointed council.
    French civil laws were re-instated.
    Test Oath Act replaced with an Oath of Allegiance
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    Quebec split up: Ottawa River was a boundary between the Canadas. Upper Canada: 20000 people. Entirely English. Protestant, used the township system and English civil laws Lower Canada: 160000 people Mostly french people (10% loyalists and merchants) Kept the Catholic religion, civil laws and now francophones could work in the administration of Lower Canada.
    Representative Government was a big step forward.
  • Representative Government

    Representative Government
    This was an improvement because it made the population more involved. However, this system came with quite a few flaws. Legislative Assembly had the power to make laws, but whenever they tried to do so they were shut down because the Governor and his Council had veto power. Also, since there was a French population and an English one, they had different interests which caused a conflict. English WANTED investment in business and tax property whereas French WANTED tax on goods not property.
  • Political Parties in Upper Canada

    Political Parties in Upper Canada
    Legislative Council: English speaking merchants and landowners, friends of Governor, appointed not elected, veto power.
    Legislative Assembly - voted by citizens (male property owners) government was representative.
    two political parties dominated:
    Family Compact: Wealthy British Tories They had high power because they were rich.
    Reformers: Intellectuals and professionals. Wanted: provincial legislative council, responsible governor for elective legislative assembly.(Got their ideas from L.C.)
  • Political Parties in Lower Canada

    Political Parties in Lower Canada
    British party (Chateau Clique)- Wealthy British and French who supported British rule; true power brokers.
    Parti Canadien (Parti Patriote): Wealthy and poor French, early separatists, intellectuals and professionals, unhappy with power. (Papineau)
  • Immigration

    Immigrant ship brought disease cholera killed 5500. They would stop at Grosses-Îles to check if you were sick (quarantine if sick).
  • 92 resolutions

    92 resolutions
    Louis Joseph Papineau, the leader of the Parti Patriote, wrote a letter containing the demands of the assembly in Lower Canada in 1834. This letter was sent to the British mother country because they were upset with the current state of being.
  • Crops Failed

    Crops Failed
    In 1836, the crops failed and their mother country, the British didn't help them or import food. The Canadians faced starvation.
  • 10 Russell Resolutions

    10 Russell Resolutions
    They reject the request for an elected council. Instead of gaining power, the elected assembly actually lost some power.This really upsets the Patriotes and thus begins the demonstrations that eventually lead to the rebellions. The future rebellions were mainly triggered by these resolutions. Though, this whole situation began due to all the injustices faced that were blamed on the British. Crops Failing, Economic succession...
  • Rebellions of 1837-1838

    Rebellions of 1837-1838
    Due to the rebellions, They continued increase in loyalists coming from America and Irish immigration. Over time the English change from 1% to 10% and then eventually majority of population
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Province of Canada: Canada East and West. East and West had 42 members to its assembly each. Governor had veto power. East and west would pay for Canada’s debts. The Act of Union resulted in: Responsible Government. A Legislative Assembly voted by the people. The Prime Minister forms the Cabinet who would propose laws: had to be approved by government. The Governor and the Legislative council were still appointed but did not intervene even though pressured to do so (rich English merchants)
  • Charlottetown Conference

    Charlottetown Conference
    Leaders of Canada East/West meet with the leaders of three Maritime Provinces (NB,NS,PEI), they left the meetings agreeing to consider a merger.
  • Quebec Conference

    Quebec Conference
    It is the same members as the Charlottetown including Nfld. They agreed on 72 resolutions that would make the merger possible. The assembly was picked by rep by pop as a federal system was put into place. Each colony received 24 seats in the system. A railway was built between the colonies. Newfoundland and PEI ended by withdrawing because they would've had to pay for the railway system which would not benefit them because due to the fact that they are islands, a railway wouldn't be possible
  • London Conference

    London Conference
    Leaders of the 4 colonies meet to make arrangement to release from the British Empire to become a new “self-governing” colony. THE DOMINION OF CANADA! With its capital of Ottawa was created under the British North America Act. The other Prov’s would join between 1870 and 1949. Immigration and agriculture were shared responsibilities between the federal and provincial governments. The federal government could also disallow any provincial law if it felt it was not in Canada's interest.
  • War measures Act

    War measures Act
    The war measures act centralized all powers with the Federal Government. This meant that all charters of rights that applied do not apply and the government can do whatever they want. This was a good thing because the FLQ could be stopped. Though, it was a bad thing because since it can only be put into place for the whole country, the people in other provinces have no rights which can lead to cruelty by the forces.
  • Conscription Crisis

    Conscription Crisis
    The Conscription crisis dates back to 1917. This was when, due to lack of soldiers, citizens were forced into helping GB in war. The French Nationalists were upset because since they were now independent they didn't believe that they should have to fight GB's wars. They don't think they should have to help them because they separated from GB and were not supposed to be affiliated with them.
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    In the 1960s, Jean Lesage was put into power after Duplessis died. He came into power through his slogan Maîtres chez nous. Once in power he had to boost the economy that has not developed due to Duplessis. To improve it, he nationalized electricity, created public hospitals, SOQUEM (developing mining), started Quebec pension plan and just created organizations inside the government for different fields.