Official power and Countervailing powers

  • Founding of Quebec

    Founding of Quebec
    In 1608 settlers came and colonized Quebec as a trading post
  • Creation of the company of one hundred Associates

    Creation of the company of one hundred Associates
    The company of one hundred associates was created as a way to make a large profit but for the king it was to help populate his new found colony, this company focused on the fur trade but you've heard this all before
  • The Royal Government

    The Royal Government
    France stopped the deal with the One hundred associates and created a proper government which helped the settlement progress and boosted the economy of New France and France. This new government had an intendant who mainly controlled the economy and what to do with it, a Bishop who was the Popes voice and influence on the colony, and the governor who was the king's official representative and who controlled all military action
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    As the war finally came to a close the Royal Proclamation was put in place as the new laws of the land for the old New France. The colony of new France was renamed Quebec and was reduced to the Saint Lawrence Valley. The laws were also changed
  • Mgr. De Laval, First bishop of Quebec

    Mgr. De Laval, First bishop of Quebec
    The very first bishop of Quebec who could control the tithe for the church and was basically the interpretation of the Pope for New France
  • Great peace of Montreal

    Great peace of Montreal
    Montreal was sick of the Amerindians attacking the town so they made an agreement to stop those fights so the Amerindians cold have land and both could have peace
  • Period: to

    War of the Conquest

    New France and the Thirteen British colonies fought over the land since France and Britain were at war again. British forces were simply too numerous and took Quebec and Trois rivière through force and Montreal after a good old fashion French surrender, ending the War of the colonies but not the war of the countries
  • Period: to

    British military regime

    After the war of the conquest everyone was still pretty unsure of what to do now since the war between the mother countries was still going on so a Military regime was put in place to help rebuild the colonies and control them while the war in Europe progressed. Everyone was pretty calm because nobody wanted to tick off anyone while the war was going on and the results were still up in the air as to what happened next
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Since the British were starting to get a little more aggressive British stepped in to make sure the French stayed on their side called the Quebec Act. this increased the territory to take up the great lakes and upper ohio, brought back french civil laws, let churches take in the tithe, and allowed Catholics in the government
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    This act split up the rest of Quebec's territory into 2 parts, Lower Canada taking up the Saint Lawrence Valley and Northern colony, and lower Canada taking up the area around the great lakes. These 2 new colonies or territories followed different Laws and Land division and a new government for each of them. Lower Canada followed British criminal and civil laws with Township land division. Upper Canada followed French civil and British criminal laws and split the land with seigneuries
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    The 92 resolutions were made so that the countries could be truly democratic, some of the demands were : The election of a Legislative council, control of the budget by the legislative assembly, The removal of the power of veto , a more Francophone government, and the removal of Patronage which allowed the governor to make appointments without the approval of the Assembly
  • Period: to

    The Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada

    The 92 resolutions were almost completely turned down and made worse with the Executive Council able to raise funds without the consent of the Assembly. This made the Patriots revolt and starting numerous battles, many of them were lost
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    This Act changed the political structure and United the Two Canadas into the province of canada. They now had one United Assembly of 42 elected members for each part of Canada making a total of 84, this was an unfair divide of the population as the French population with many more people had the same power of votes as the English who had many less. This also made the 2 Canada's have a shared debt even though Lower Canada previously had none
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    Canada became a federation of Quebec Ontatrio New Brunswick and Nova Scotia where powers were separated between the federal government in Ottawa and the provincial governments in Quebec city or Toronto. Each province had control over themselves but it was up to the Federal Gov't to allow laws
  • Conscription Crisis

    Conscription Crisis
    World War 1 was still going on and being a general pain for everyone so in an effort to end it earlier and help the allies Canada had a vote on whether to force people suitable to go to war to go to war or not. Unfortunately for the pacifists they lost and Conscription forced people back into war against their will
  • Womens right to vote

    Womens right to vote
    Finally some steps to equality came around and women were given the right to vote in federal elections, this was a big step in women slowly gaining more equality and rights
  • Period: to

    Maurice Duplessis as Premier

    Maurice Duplessis was a Nationalist who put Quebec back in history and made it less modern promoting traditional french values over equality education and over all progress. His idea's though made him popular for the Catholic religion winning him the vote
  • Padlock Act

    Padlock Act
    In 1937 Duplessis was still elected and was completely against communist ideas, which is fine I guess, but also thought that the ideas of Unions as a Communistic Propaganda so he made the Padlock to stop all that and make workers lives pretty miserable
  • Womens right to vote part 2

    Womens right to vote part 2
    A little bit after women gained the right to vote federally they gained the right to vote provincially in Quebec so they could have a larger influence on their direct communities, again another step towards equality thanks to Feminism
  • Conscription Crisis pt 2

    Conscription Crisis pt 2
    With World War 2 Thundering about in Europe once again Canada must make the choice if they should all be forced into battle or stay a peaceful country. Luckily for us now but not so much for them at the moment the Conscription came back into play and forced those who were capable of fighting back to war
  • Nationalization of Electricity

    Nationalization of Electricity
    In 1962 Quebec finally had a single company controlling all the power you got to your houses, Hydro Quebec. With this electricity and it distribution grew to go almost everywhere in Quebec
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    The FLQ a Quebec Nationalist party was having some problems with their aggressive methods to get the message that they kept on getting these "political prisoners" so they went and kidnapped English representatives as hostages so they could free their fellow nationalists and run away to Cuba. This didn't go well for anyone with hundreds of people getting arrested, tones of time being wasted, and a jump in popularity for the Nationalist idea
  • Referendum on sovereignty-association

    Referendum on sovereignty-association
    Along with that jump in the nationalist idea with the FLQ the idea for Quebec to become it's own crazy third world country of Francophones. This is where the Referendum on sovereignty came in and luckily for many people and Quebec this did not pass
  • The Meech Lake Accord

    The Meech Lake Accord
    The Meech Lake Accord was a failed agreement that tried to strengthen the power of provincial governments and make Quebec a distinct society, this originally got lots of support but in the long run lost support and failed
  • Referendum on sovereignty

    Referendum on sovereignty
    The French Quebecois haven't had enough and continue to be persistent with the separation of Quebec from Canada, again this failed and so nothing has changed of it but the increasing idea that Quebec Nationalists will bring the end to Quebec
  • Paix des Braves agreement

    Paix des Braves agreement
    This agreement let the aboriginal people continue to live out their lands but still giving up a large majority to the further enhancements of hydroelectricity and access to Quebecs Natural resources, this was beneficial to both in some ways but more for Quebec