Official Power and Countervailing Powers

  • Founding of Québec

    Founding of Québec
    The fur trading companies had political power in New France from 1608-1663.
  • Creation of the Company of One Hundred Associates

    Creation of the Company of One Hundred Associates
    This company had the monopoly of the fur trade in New France but had to control the colony.
  • Royal government

    Royal government
    This new political system was put into place because the fur trading companies didn’t complete their jobs. After the Royal government was put into place, New France was under an absolute monarchy. The King had all the power and controlled everything in the colony. The different roles in the royal government were the king, the minister of marine, the governor general, the intendant, the sovereign council, the bishop, the captain of militia and the population. It was not a democratic system at all
  • Monseigneur Laval, first bishop of Québec

    Monseigneur Laval, first bishop of Québec
    Monseigneur Laval had no actual political power just lots and lots of influence on the decisions made by the political administrators.
  • Great Peace of Montreal

    Great Peace of Montreal
    The signing of the Great Peace of Montreal happened between New France and the 40 First Nations of North America. This happened because the Amerindians influenced the administrators of the colony.
  • Period: to

    War of the Conquest

    The War of Conquest finished with the change of political power in New France. The french colony was now a British colony and was controlled by the British.
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    British Military regime

    During this time, the War in North America finished but the War was still going on in Europe so New France was controlled by the British.
  • Royal Proclamation

     Royal Proclamation
    The goal of this Proclamation was to assimilate the French speaking Canadians and make them British. The members of this new political system were the King, the British government, the governor, the executive council and the population. The King appoints the governor and the Governor appoints the executive council. New France’s names changed to the Province of Québec.
  • Québec Act

     Québec Act
    The goal of the Québec Act was to ensure the loyalty of the French Canadians. In the 13 colonies, there was a lot of talk of independence and they were mad against their mother country. Great Britain was scared that the French Canadians would get influenced by the Americans and think the same thing. In the Québec Act, french civil laws were back, the tithe was brought back, the Test Act was replaced and more to make the French Canadians happy.
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    The goal of this Act was to make both the loyalists and the French Canadians happy. After the independance of the 13 colonies, there were still people in the US wanted to hold ties with their mother country, Great Britain, those people were called loyalists. 6000 of them settled in the Province of Québec. The loyalists didn’t like the fact the there was french civil law,they wanted a legislative assembly and wanted the removal of French Canadians.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    The Parti Patriote wanted more autonomy and more of a democratic system so they wrote the 92 Resolutions to London. Some examples of some of the demands are to vote for the members of the Legislative council, for the Legislative assembly to control budget and the removal of the power of veto of the governor and patronage. London’s response to this in the 10 Resolutions of Russell rejected all of these ideas.
  • Period: to

    Rebellions in Lower Canada

    Papineau was the leader of these rebellions and to spread word, he delivered public speeches that the population boycott products from Great Britain to pressure the government. The rebellions ended with the arrest of more than 850 Patriotes.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    After the report sent back to Great Britain by Lord Durham after the rebellions in Lower Canada stating that both Upper and Lower Canada should be united, that the French need to be assimilated, they need to increase british immigration and the establishment of a responsible government, the Act of Union was created to do so. There was now only one legislative assembly as there were 2 before.
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    In 1867, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia came together to form confederation creating Canada. There were now 2 governments; the federal government and the provincial government.
  • Conscription Crisis

    Conscription Crisis
    When World War 1 started in Europe, there weren’t many volunteers in Canada to join the army. The government therefore put in conscription because of the lack of volunteers which means that there will be a forced military obligation.
  • Women's right to vote

    Women's right to vote
    In 1918, women got the right to vote in federal elections.
  • Maurice Duplessis, Premier

    Maurice Duplessis, Premier
    Maurice Duplessis was the premier of Québec and he didn’t do much for the province. He moved backwards in time. He wanted the old traditional ways just like catholicism and agriculturism .
  • Padlock Act

    Padlock Act
    Maurice Duplessis made this Act so that any police officer can arrest anyone of they are suspicious of being involved with communist propaganda.
  • Women's right to vote

    Women's right to vote
    Women got the right to vote in provincial elections.
  • Conscription Crisis

    Conscription Crisis
    Again when World War 2 broke out, there was a lack of volunteers to join the army. William Mackenzie King, prime minister of Canada at the time, had promised not to enforce conscription. But again because of the lack of volunteers, he had to break his promise and enforce conscription.
  • October Crisis

    October Crisis
    There were 2 parties who were fighting for the independance of Québec. The FLQ (front de libération de Québec) and the PQ (parti québecois). Those 2 parties fought for what they wanted in 2 very different ways. The FLQ used a lot of violence and terrorist attacks. They kidnapped James Cross and Pierre Laporte but had to kill Laporte. PQ did it in a calm way. The FLQ believed that they would only be able to get their message across by using a lot of violence.
  • Referendum on sovereignty-association

    Referendum on sovereignty-association
    This referendum was to an election for the population on whether or not Québec should be independent. 60% said no and 40% said yes.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    The Meech Lake Accord was when the federal government proposed a new constitution that was first accepted by all provinces then rejected by Newfoundland and Manitoba.
  • Referendum 2 on sovereignty

     Referendum 2 on sovereignty
    This referendum was for the same cause as the referendum in 1980, but this time it was way closer. 50.6% said no and 50.4 said yes. So in the end of both referendums, the province of Québec will remain with the rest of Canada.
  • "Paix des Braves" agreement

     "Paix des Braves" agreement
    This was an agreement signed by the Government of Québec and the Grand Council of the Crees. It stated that they will share the revenues derived from mining, hydroelectric development and forestry carried out on the traditional lands of the Cree People.