My Timeline of Events

  • Getting My First Pet

    Getting My First Pet
    When I was 6 years old, my parents bought a a pair of baby duck, one male and one female. I would spend a lots of time with them and take care of them with love. I think owning a pet is a pretty important event in my life because it keep me company and it also responsibilities. They died in about 3 months but they bring me great joy and taught me some life lessons that helped alot after that. I blamed myself for not being responsibe and I never got another pet after that.
  • Start Taking Violin Lessons

    Start Taking Violin Lessons
    I started playing the violin when I was six years old. It was the first time I for me to study music. This is difinitely one of the most important event in my life because it provided me a interest in musics and rhythems. I also believe that learning an instrument offers many benefits. For example, playing an instrument can exercise both halves of the brain by using both hands and this can helps to sharpen memory. Also, it taught me to be patient and focus on a certain task.
  • Completed 4th in the Regional Swimming Competition

    Completed 4th in the Regional Swimming Competition
    I won a swimming competition when I was 9 years old in Beijing. Although I did not complete in the top 3, but I still gained alots of self confidence in myself. During the race, I looked back at my fellow competitors behind me. This cost me the lose my first positon and fall behind to fourth. This event is very important to me because it further developed myself to be focus when working on a task and being more competitive. I felt very bad afterward but I was accepted in the regional team after.
  • Moving to Canada

    Moving to Canada
    I moved to Canada on October 4, 2007 with my mom and dad. This is probably the most infuential event for me in my life. I have to adjust to the new lifestyle and change my old worriless ways. I also need to survive in the country by learning the language and culture first. I set goals for myself and tried to achive them to further imporve my language and learning skills. Basically, I believe that coming to Canada forced me to focus on my problems and think about my future in the present.
  • First Day of School in Canada

    First Day of School in Canada
    My first day of school in Canada gave me many memories that helped me to become the person I am today. I came to Canada on October, 2007. After a week, I was forced to go the the Ellengale Public School. When I got there, I didn't have any friends and no one helped me at all. At that time, I only know the 26 alphabets and nothing else. Therefore, going to this school taught me to rely only on meself and resolve any issues on my own.It also taught me to be independent and strong without any help.
  • First Surgery in Canada

    First Surgery in Canada
    I had appendicitis in Grade 7 when I was 12 years old. I had food fallen in to my appendix which made it swollen and filled with pus. Although it's removal doesn't affect my health now, but it influenced me and gave me the desire to become a doctor. I found out that being a doctor/surgeon is a noble job since they can save lives and relieve the pain of others.
  • First Honour Award

    First Honour Award
    Getting my first honour award in Canada is really a pretty big achievement for me. I never thought that I can overcome my language problem in Grade 8 and it give alots of confidence afterward. I also give me a sense of achivement because it proved that I have reached the goal I set when I first came to Canada.
  • Volunteering at the Library

    Volunteering at the Library
    I volunteered at our school library last year with my friend every Tuesday. I have already received 21 hours from this opportunity. Volunteering at the library provided me with the occasion to gain research proficiency and other library related skills, such as alphabetizing or finding books with the Dewey Decimal System. I also believed that working at the library helped me to become more responsible and more accurate on my work. For me, the experience there is really beneficial.
  • Start Playing the Clarinet

    Start Playing the Clarinet
    I starting playing the clarinet last year in my music class. I really enjoy playing it because I just love music and it is just a great instrument that sounds amazing! I'm still taking music this year and now I can switch between violin and clarinet to play on my free time. There are a lots of benefits for learnig two instrument. I believe that playing the clarinet teaches discipline. It also relieves stress and give me a sense of achievement for being able to play beautiful pieces of music.
  • Finally Joining the Enhanced Program

    Finally Joining the Enhanced Program
    Joining the enhance program is a great honour for me and it also proved my abilities in math and logic. But, I wasn't in the program until Grade 10, when I have finished all my ESL courses. In Grade 8, I did the test but I didn't do well in the English part. Therefore, I wasn't accepted at first. But, my math teacher and I convinced my counselor that I have the ability so I got another chance to prove myself with my Grade 9 marks. I did well and I was finally aceepted last year.