Aubree's Technological Record

  • Pencil

    I used a pencil when I started Kindergarten. We used pencils to write.
  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead Projectors
    In Kindergarten, we used overhead projectors to go through worksheets with the teacher.
  • Textbooks

    I started using textbooks in second grade, when I could read smoothly.
  • Computers in School

    Computers in School
    In fifth grade is when I remember getting to go to computer lab and use the computers. We would type and play games on them.

    We got a dvd player in our home. I loved when my family got a dvd player and we could watch movies on discs instead of VHS tapes.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    In ninth grade, my parents gave me my first cell phone. I could only have 200 texts a month. It was a bright pink motorola razr.
  • Ipod

    For Christmas, I received my first music device, the Ipod Nano. Santa brought it to me, and I was so happy to learn and start downloading music.
  • Graphing Calculator

    Graphing Calculator
    I purchased my own graphing calculator in 2009 to use in my highschool math class, this is when I started to understand the technology of a graphing calculator.
  • Ipod Touch

    Ipod Touch
    I got my first Ipod Touch for music, apps, and more.
  • Laptop

    The summer before I attended my first year of college is when I started to use laptops. I purchased a HP Laptop with my own money, it was my favorite color, and I cherished it.
  • Smart Phone

    Smart Phone
    My first smart phone was only a year and a half ago. It was difficult to understand this big step for me in technology with the new smart phone.
  • Windows 8

    Windows 8
    I first started using Windows 8 this year. It is a big advance for me. Also, it is still very confusing to me. I have a hard time using it.