My Pop Culture Playlist Timeline

By leocxz
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    My Life up until Junior year

  • Elementary years in AIS

    When I was in American International School, I had no idea God existed. I did not think of how our world came to be, who created it, why i'm here, or where I will end up. The 4 ultimate questions have not yet been introduced to me at this time.
  • First exposure to Video Games

    I was exposed to video games when i was in lower elementary. After my first experience of video games, it consumed me. I loved video games and it changed my worldview. I played many horror games and questioned God at the time.
  • Created Facebook Account

    During fifth grade, I made my Facebook account and started to look at the world around me. It allowed me to engage in culture and see what popular culture was.
  • Entered ICS

    When I first joined ICS, I was introduced to God. Knowing God for the first time made me think about my life, such as the four ultimate questions.
  • First engagement to music

    In fifth grade, I started to listen to my own music. I listened to Green Day and really enjoyed it. This made me choose the blue pill and live life in comfortable ignorance.
  • First R Rated movie

    My first R rated movie was Ted. After watching Ted, it quickly became one of my favorite movies. It reminded me of my group of friends and all the stupid things we do. This was a starting point to my identity as a cultural glutton. I accepted a lot of films, even when it is against Christian rules.
  • First Smartphone

    Before getting a smartphone, i only used social media on the computer. After getting a smartphone, my involvement in social media increased. I was began to engage in culture more than before.
  • First encounter with airsoft

    In 9th grade, I played my first airsoft game. I enjoyed airsoft a lot and did not care if i was hurting others. As a cultural glutton, i accepted shooting other people and did not reject it like a cultural anorexic would. I enjoyed doing things that are fun, and did so regardless of the rules of Christianity.
  • Death of Grandfather

    When my grandfather died, I heavily questioned God and my worldview. At that point, I chose to abandon God and follow my own rules. I became nihilistic and atheist, changing my view on the world.
  • Took Faith and Popular Culture class

    Taking this class really opened my eyes towards the world. I have always viewed the world negatively and doubted God. After learning the different worldviews, I understood the different ways people viewed the world. I have also realized that I live in comfortable ignorance by rejecting God after the events in my life. The 4 ultimate questions have hit me hard in my life, as my answers are constantly changing.