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My Life

  • Hello World!

    Hello World!
    I was born at University Medical Center, Tucson Az. My parents names are Ezequiel and Dolores. They named me Galilee from the bible, they have strong beliefs in christianity. I only had one older sister named Jerusalem from the bible also.
  • Divorce

    My parents got divorce while my sister and I were so young. It was such a hard time for my sister and I, we took care of eachother. We were told different stories, it messed with our mind a lot. The only love I had at the time was my sisters. I love her so much for that.
  • Reunited

    My sister and I reunited with my mom, it was such a heart warming feeling knowing she cried for us every night just like we did. We found out my mom had two baby girls named Kassandra and Daniela, my sister and I were so excited to have sisters. Not being able to see my mom for six years killed me deep inside, it was really tough getting to be myself in front of her because I really didn't know her. It took years for me to be myself, I love my mom for fighting for half custody.
  • Diagnosed

    I was diagnosed with bi-polar depression, anxiety, and having a eating disorder. I had a difficult time since I was born, my parents divorce hit me the most and having a bad step mother also. I went through bad times, from verbally abuse to being abused. Life just seemed so unfair to me. Thank God now, I am far away from that.
  • Model

    I found something that made me feel alive again, modeling was my escape. I felt pretty, different and mature. It made me feel like I did matter, till this day it has became a part of me. I love modeling, I really don't know where I would end up without it.
  • In Love

    In Love
    I fell in love with makeup, I have a passion for it. Just applying makeup and playing with it makes my heart warm up. I love doing different looks and also halloween looks. I use make up as one of my coping skills.
  • It's A Baby Girl!

    It's A Baby Girl!
    My sister Jerusalem gave birth to an amazing little girl name Jaylin. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, she changed my life just like it did to my sister. I feel like a second mom to her, she loves me just as much as I love her. She is the smartest little girl I know. I love her with all my heart!
  • Passed Away

    Passed Away
    My grandma passed away due to many bad symptoms. I had a horrible years without her here, still till this day I can't let go. My heart is so attached to her, she was like a mother figure. She gave me advice and was always there for me. She picked me up when I was down, told me things will be okay. My last words to her was "I love you Nana, I'll see you again soon!" she squeezed my hand so tight crying to me. I know she is my angel, but having her leaving me hurt me the most.
  • Boyfriend

    A wonderful guy name Eric asked me to be his girlfriend in the cutest way ever. He made me a video telling me all the things he loves about me, with the song Yellow by Coldplay in the backgroud. When the video was almost over it said "Come Outside", I went outside he was standing there with roses and a giant teddy bear of course I said YES!
  • Two Years

    Two Years
    I am proud to say that I am finally happy. Life is too short to be depressed, being happy is the way to live life. I learned that I must be happy in order to feel free, alive and loved. My boyfriend helped me so much with my life, if it weren't for him I seriously don't know where I will be. I am just so happy to say that I am not depressed! YAY!
  • Future

    I plan on being a Emergency Medical Technician/ Firefighter, I want to have a house of my own and a car. I plan on traveling time to time. Maybe have a family of my own and be married, I want to make my parents proud of me. I also want to be a role model for teenagers that are going through rough times and show them that I made it this far in life. That there is still hope and love inside their heart, I want to share my story to people and tell them there is a light in every tunnel, you'll find