Chinese immigrant cover picture

My life as a Chinese American

  • My Birth/ Shanghi, China

    My Birth/ Shanghi, China
    Life as a child was not hard. My family ws pretty wealthy compared to the poor farmers. My mother very good care of us. My father was a very greedy man. All he wanted was more money. His main priorities was money and job. He barley took time to spend with our family. My mother on the other hand loved us. She took care of us when we needed her.
  • Journey to Angel Island

    Journey to Angel Island
    I decided that I wanted to move to America. I wanted to start a new life and get away from all my troubles. I was 18 years old then. I couldn't stand to stay in China anymore. I wanted to have an adventure. It was quite the adventure though. The boat ride was really rough. The water was so rough. Waves swept people of the deck. Alot of poeple fell over board. It was terrible. I spent most of my time bellow the deck.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act
    Opon my arrival to Angel Island I heard people talking abot the Chinese Exclusion Act. Of course I didn't know what it was. I remember my father saying something about it. He said it would be hard to get in to America. Only few get in. My father gave me money to bribe my way in . I was not going to use it unless it was necessary. I knew it would be unfair to the rest of the immigrants coming to make a new life. I wasn't going to be like my father.
  • Arriving at Angel Island

    Arriving at Angel Island
    Once again I noticed the mas crowds of the immigrants trying to become a citizen. I finnaly realized that this was going ot be harder than I thought. I had to use the moey my father gave me to bribe the man at the door. I pushed through the crowd getting evil glares and rude remarks. I made my way to the doors and handed the man the money. He let me through. Once I walked through the doors I had to begin the long process of becoming a citizen. Life in America was okay so far.
  • San Francisco earthquake

    San Francisco earthquake
    After becoming a citizen I decided to move to San Francisco. I lived in a very nice apartment complex. A year after my arrival a mass earthquake struck the city. The earthquake was massive. No one was excepting it. Many people died or lost all off their belongings. Poverty struck me hard. I lived on the streets for a while till I could pull myself back up again.
  • I was kicked out of San Francisco

    I was kicked out of San Francisco
    Due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, I got fired from my job and pushed out of town. I ended up being pushed all the way out west. Their I became a train track worker. I spent long hours working hard with other immigrants like me. I made many friends. Working all day payed off. I gained money and through one of my friends met a girl and married her. We had 3 children. I tried my best to spend as much time with them as possible. Living in America is hard, but it is where I belong.